Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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To understand a little bit more about how Religion is a kindergarten to Spirituality, it becomes essential to study the Religions of the world.

From records available, one of the oldest Religions is Sanatana Dharma, a faith which went on to become Hinduism much later. This faith is said to have emerged about 5,000 years ago. Another prehistoric Religion is believed to be Jainism, but its origins are confusing as it was organized much later, around the 7th Century BC.

Around the Middle East, Judaism is said to have started over 3,000 years ago and this Religion branched into Christianity and Islam, all these being monotheistic - Religions that believe in one God.  Another Religion that is over 3000 years old is Zoroastrianism. This also was started in the region around the Middle East and was yet another monotheistic Religion.

In the area around China, the Religions that are known are Taoism and Confucianism. These emerged about 2500 years ago and spread to other parts of the Far East including Korea and Japan. While there are many other small Religions across the world, notable amongst them are Buddhism and Sikhism that have spread their influence globally.

What are the major Religions of the world today?

It is said that 3 major Religions are responsible for more than half the earth’s population today. They are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism.


Christianity is the world’s most populous Religion. Though it is broken up into hundreds of denominations, most of the followers, Americans, Canadians, and Europeans, directly or indirectly, believe in Jesus Christ from whom Christianity derived its origin and name.  Christians are expected to know and obey God’s commandments. They trust in their God, Jesus, putting him above everything else. They believe in and follow the Bible, the scripture of Christianity. The general practices include baptism, confirmation, and communion. Most Christians go to church every week, mostly on Sundays. They celebrate Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Many Christians revere the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the triple manifestation of God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They respect the church as a mediator between man and God, though some reject this concept.

Christians believe that Jesus died to atone for the sins of humanity. His sacrificial death opened up the gates of paradise which had been shut by Adam and Eve’s transgression. This is the original sin committed by man and is peculiar to Christianity which believes that we are all born sinners.

Christianity believes in the concept of heaven and hell and the day of judgement after death. Most Christians accept the existence of devils, angels, and spirits. Christianity lays emphasis on humanitarian values and Christians are encouraged to donate one-tenth of their earning as tithe. In their enthusiasm to spread their Religion, Christian missionaries have established schools, colleges, hospitals and orphanages throughout the world through which they have spread the message of Christianity. 

While Christianity is a great Religion and helps Christians build faith and live with hope, the question that remains unanswered is how would we ultimately go to God as the body dies and is buried on earth. Then who will go to heaven or hell?


One amongst the most popular Religions of the world, it is the fastest-growing Religion, mostly followed in Africa, the middle east, large areas of Asia and Europe. Islam is derived from the word salaam, often interpreted as peace. Many people also believe that it comes from the word Submission or surrender, meaning, surrendering to one God.

The message of Islam was revealed through the prophet Mohammed nearly 1500 years ago through the angel, Gabriel and preserved in the Holy Quran. The followers of Islam are called Muslims – those who submit themselves to the Will of God.

While Mohammed is considered to be the founder of Islam, its roots date back to earlier prophets like Abraham,

Moses, and Jesus. Muslims refer to God Almighty as Allah. They strictly avoid drinking alcohol and eating pork. They also believe in angels and the final day of judgement.

Muslims are expected to pray 5 times every day facing Mecca. They must fast and follow several restrictions during the month of Ramzan. Every Muslim must make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime at least. Muslims have a religious duty known as Jihad, meaning struggle. The actual meaning is to struggle to resist sin like temptation, doubt, disbelieve and despair. But some Muslims think that Jihad is a struggle to make the world adopt Islam. Those who fight in this Jihad are said to get treasures not only in this world but paradise in the next.

Muslims give very great importance to the Quran, the book of Divine guidance. While Islam is a very passionate Religion and Muslims follow its teachings to go to paradise or Jannat after death, the question that still remains unanswered is who will enjoy the paradise if our body is dead and buried under the soil, right here on earth? Who will go and enjoy paradise? 


Hinduism is said to be the world’s oldest Religion, and while it is full of rituals, superstitions, and dogmas today, it started off as the Hindu faith or the Sanatana Dharma about 5000 years ago. Today’s Hinduism advocates 4 goals of life – Dharma – righteous duty, Artha – wealth, Kama – desire and Moksha – Liberation. Hinduism believes in thousands of God and unlike the Bible or the Quran that are the only scriptures of Christianity and Islam respectively, Hinduism has several scriptures including the Vedas, the Bhagwat Gita, the Ramayana, the Puranas, and the Upanishads.

While the Hindu faith started off with one God, formless and nameless, whom they referred to as Brahman, the faith transformed into a Religion that has a multiplicity of Gods and deities. What hasn’t changed between the ancient Hindu faith and modern-day Hinduism is the Ultimate Goal of Life, Moksha or Liberation. Today’s Hinduism celebrates several festivals like Diwali, Ganesha, Durga pooja, Ram Navami, Janmashtami, and Maha Shivaratri. Each festival is celebrated in devout fervor of the God that is believed in. The Religion has lost its original sanctity, which was based on the teachings of the Upanishads, the essence of the Vedas, texts that were received by the Rishis, the Hindu saints and sages 5000 years ago.

The essential message of the original Hindu faith is that we are not the ego, mind, and body, but the Atman, the Divine Spirit. This has got completely diluted in the complicated rituals and dogmas prescribed in modern-day Hinduism.

While the Ultimate Goal of Hinduism is still Moksha or Liberation, one can get easily confused by the contradictory beliefs of the original Hindu faith and modern-day Hinduism.

What are the other Religions in the world?

Apart from the main Religions listed above, there are many other Religions that are popular in the world today. Let us glance at what these Religions advocate. They may be different as they span from East to West, but there is one thing they do not fail the test. They all believe in a God whom we have to face when we end our life. 


Founded by a Hindu Prince Siddhartha Gautama in the 5th century BC, who became Buddha or the Enlightened One, Buddhism is an evolution of Hinduism and was intended to eliminate all the myth, the rituals, the dogmas, and superstitions. It focused on non-violence and the attainment of Nirvana through belief in the 4 noble Truths and following a middle path known as the 8-Fold Path. While Buddhism spread not only in Asia but around the world, it is divided and subdivided today, and it has lost the original message that was preached by the Buddha, whose essential teachings were truly enlightening.  This is one Religion that clearly does not define the role of God in life. But since it believes in Karma and Divine justice, it obviously accepts the role of a Divine Power without specific mention to God and more focus on how we should live.


Another Religion that originated from the original Hindu faith, with a positive blend of Islamic and Sufi influences, Sikhism is based on the teachings of Guru Nanak during the 5th century in Northern India. Its place of worship is called the Gurudwara. Sikhs are often identified by the turban they wear. 


One of the most ancient Religions of the Jewish people of the world, it seems to have originated over 3000 years ago as outlined in the book of Genesis. Abraham is regarded as the founder of not just Judaism, but what later went on to become Christianity and Islam. The most popular prophet after Abraham was Moses, known for the parting of the Red Sea and the 10 commandments. The followers of Judaism are known as Jews. The Jews consider YHWH – Yahweh as their God, but over the centuries, after Judaism split into Christianity and then into Islam, Judaism ceased to be one of the main Religions of the world. The principal belief of this ancient Religion is that God exists. He recreated the Universe and controls it. He is Spiritual and not physical.


In and around China, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam, people believe in the teachings of Confucius, a philosopher who lived around the 5th century BC.  This went on to become the Chinese traditional Religion as it blended with Buddhism and other local beliefs. Its followers do not particularly believe in a God but follow a lot of rituals including the worship of ancestors.    


Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism is said to have lived around the time of Confucius. The Taoists believe in the universe being energy or “Tao” (pronounced as Dow). They focus on health and vitality and on the Chi – the prana or breath. Taoism is also famous for its Ying Yang concept – the universal law of opposites. Just as in other Religions, Lao Tzu became popularly venerated as a God, but due to the communist influence, most of the Chinese Religion’s heritage was destroyed. 


Another ancient Religion of India dating back to the prehistoric age got formally instituted only in the 7th century  BC when excessive rituals of Hinduism became intolerable. Jains believe that this whole world is created by life and Soul. They give importance to non-violence. Like Buddhism, Mahavira, the most popular revered Jain  Saint, advocated that the world is full of suffering and we  must overcome desire and transcend the eternal cycle of death and rebirth and escape from misery. They called this Nirvana or Moksha. The Jains strongly believe in Karma. Due to their belief that focused on non-violence and renunciation, Jainism called for great sacrifice and selfdenial or Tapasya to attain the Ultimate Objective and it continues to be popular mostly in India. 

The Bahá'í Faith

One of the world’s youngest Religions, the Bahá'í Faith or Bahaism, believes that God revealed Himself through a series of Divine messages to  Bahá'u'lláh. The key belief is to have a unified world. It began in Persia or Iran and spread across many parts. It believes that God is beyond human comprehension.


It is one of the oldest monotheistic Religions of the world.

It believes in one uncreated Creator whom the Zoroastrians worship as Ahura Mazda. The Religion is said to have originated between the 10th century BC and the 6th century BC. It is accepted by the world that it had considerable influence on the western Religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as they have concepts of one God, a day of Judgement and heaven and hell.


The word Shinto is derived from 2 Japanese words – Shin and Tao which means the way of the Gods. It has no founder and no scripture. It is an amalgamation of many local and regional traditions of Japan. It believes that action is more important than words. Its focus is on Kami or Spirit and its goal is for its people to understand this Divine power of nature. It is known as the most popular Religion in Japan. Prayers are done both at home and public places. Shintoism coexisted with Buddhism and has close ties with the beliefs of Hinduism.

New religions keep evolving every day

As we reach the end in our study of the Religions of the world, what do we realize? We realize that where ever there is civilization and existence of man, a religion also exists. Some people who are new to the study of theology wonder, how Religions evolved in continents like America and Australia. These were discovered barely a few centuries ago and since there was no inhabitation, there was no religion. Countries, that wanted to conquer the world, including Britain, Spain, and Portugal, not only conquered lands but also planted their Religion to grow and spread their Religion.

If one looks into the civilizations of pre-historic times, there was no organized Religion. The tribal people followed certain rituals, beliefs, and practices which eventually became a Religion or became associated with some other Religion. For instance, in ancient Irish Celtic culture, popularly known as Paganism, a popular folklore called for keeping a small needle in front of young newborn children so that fairies would stay away thinking it was an iron rod. Such superstitions existed in ancient civilizations and people blindly believed in them. People feared God as they feared the perils of nature and they prayed to various types of Gods depending on their superstitious beliefs.

As the world evolved, Religions got more organized, and followers chose to stick to one of the practical, popular Religions.

What do all Religions believe in?

If we look at religions, it is interesting to see how each Religion has got divided and subdivided into so many factions. They believe in one God, but they are not able to have consistency in their belief. Why? Because there is no simple truth that everyone can agree on. The truth is one, it's simple, it is to do with Spirituality, something beyond Religion. Unfortunately, the world gets easily carried away by a saint and very soon a new Religion is born.

Every now and then, somewhere on earth, a new Religion is born and so is a new God. God is not something that man can define or create. God defined is God denied. Religion, unfortunately, defines God as a person, a name who has form. God is beyond name and form. God is a Power, a Power beyond human comprehension. While each Religion helps us build our faith in God, unfortunately, it is not able to give us the Truth about God. Instead, Religions without realizing it, confuse us by calling their Saint their savior or their Prophet as God, thereby leading us on a wrong path in our search for the true meaning of God.

If we go further into studying Religions, none of them are wrong or bad. It is just that they give us a limited perspective. God is a Power, of course, He can do anything. He can perform any miracle. But is God someone who is made of bone and skin? This is a question that Religion ignores to answer. God is a Power that is within.

All Religions directly or indirectly talk about this. The Bible says the kingdom of God is within you. The Quran says where ever you go, I am. Hinduism says Aham Brahmasmi or Shivoham. What do all these terms mean? They mean that God is with us, within us. It also means the same thing that God is a Power, a Power that is everywhere, a Power that makes our heart beat, a Power that makes this entire universe continue existing. It’s not that Religions refuse to accept this Truth. They do. But somewhere due to mythology, we get caught in some superstitions, rituals, and dogmas and we lose sight of the Truth.

Thus, we need to evolve Spiritually. We need Spirituality, not another Religion, but an advanced study of God, of the Spirit that is within and of the Power of the Creator. We need to go beyond Religion and realize the Truth through Spirituality. 

While there are so many religions in the world, it is not surprising that over 10 to 15% of the people in the world today do not believe in God or they are not sure if God exists.

Some people are Atheist and some people Agnostic

The Atheist refuses to believe that there is a God. The main reason for atheism seems to be Religion. Some of these Atheists are confused with the concept of God and refuse to believe that somebody with skin and bone could be the creator of this universe. They get misled by the thousands of Gods that dozens of religions have created and they probably cannot digest the very concept of God.

There may also be a possibility that Atheists have not been correctly influenced by their family, teachers, and friends.

What would be the other reason for them to disbelieve in God, the Creator of this universe? Why would somebody with basic common sense refuse to accept that there is somebody who has created this universe? How could all this come about without a Creator, a Creator who we call God?

There are some people who are Agnostics. They are not sure whether God exists. That is perfectly okay. These agnostics can go on a quest and realize the Truth. It does not mean that agnostics do not believe in God. It probably means that agnostics do not believe in Religion. They are unable to accept the concept of God as per religion and they need to go on a Spiritual quest to find out the Truth.

Religions don’t have the answer

With all due respect to all the Religions of the world, all these Religions talk of a personal God, a God that their followers believe in. It may be so that the ones who started the Religion, the ones who were responsible for it, may not have believed in a personal God themselves like the Buddha, Guru Nanak amongst others. However, today the followers of these Religions consider the one who originated the Religion to be their God.

All these Religions do justice in making us believe in God, helping us grow our faith, our hope, and our trust. But none of them directly help us realize the Truth about self and God. There might have been some ancient Religions that had some Concepts to help us realize God, but today these concepts are set aside. Instead, Religions have created their own rituals, dogmas, and superstitions that take us away from the Truth about God.

Today, it is said that the world has thousands of Religions, but none of them can help us realize God. They all help us build a foundation about God and then put us into a spin and we are lost in our Religion.

Therefore, if we truly want to realize God, we need to graduate from Religion, the kindergarten and go to Spirituality which is the university that will help us discover God.



Religions are so many and Gods even more,

Not one or two, there are over a crore!

But if you stop and think of it,

That there is more than one God, it is nothing but a myth!