Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality!! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Religions of the World



If one looks into the civilizations of pre-historic times, the pre-historic man had no organized Religion. The tribal people followed certain rituals, beliefs, and practices which eventually became a Religion or became associated with some other Religion.

From records available, one of the oldest Religions is Sanatana Dharma which emerged about 5,000 years ago. This is a faith which went on to become Hinduism much later and became diluted with myths, rituals, dogmas, and superstitions.

It is said that 3 major Religions are being followed by half the earth’s population today. They are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism.

If we go further into studying Religions, none of them are wrong or bad. It is just that they give us a limited perspective.

With all due respect to all the Religions of the world, all these Religions talk of a personal God, a God that their followers believe in.

Today, it is said that the world has thousands of Religions, but none of those can help us realize God. They all help us build a foundation about God and then put us into a spin and we are lost in our Religion.

Therefore, if we truly want to realize God, we need to graduate from Religion, the kindergarten and go to Spirituality which is the university that will help us discover God.