SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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We all have heard of what people call the Truth. We even use the term 'Consciousness' as we face life and we yearn for Bliss and Joy. Little do we know the magic that happens when we put these 3 together! The Joy one experiences when they become conscious of the Truth is an ecstasy unknown to man. When the light of Consciousness falls upon the Truth, we experience a Bliss called SatChitAnanda. Why can't the world live with this Divine Bliss?

As long as we human beings live in ignorance, and don't realize the Truth of who we are and why we are here, we will not experience Sat, or the Truth. As long as we human beings give over control of our life to our mind, we will never experience Consciousness, that state of being the observer or the witness. As long as we don't experience Chit of Sat, the Consciousness of Truth, we will never experience SatChitAnanda. Consciousness of the Truth is not just Bliss, it is Ananda, a Joy beyond words. It is our ultimate goal, not just to live as the Soul, conscious of the Truth, but also to be liberated and be united with God. Therefore, SatChitAnanda is the ultimate goal of our life.

We human beings are not blessed to see what lies beyond, but we are gifted with the possibility of SatChitAnanda. Let us spend every moment, with the light of Consciousness shining on the Truth we have realized, so that we experience this Joy, this Peace, this Bliss of SatChitAnanda.





  • When we experience Consciousness of the Truth, we experience Divine Bliss.
  • It all starts with the realization of the Truth and overcoming our ignorance.
  • This leads to eternal Joy and everlasting Peace.
  • This is our ultimate goal, to live as the Divine Soul.
  • The only way to SatChitAnanda is to transcend the body, the mind and the ego.
  • It is all about living like a Yogi, in Yoga or in union with the Divine.
  • It is joyously accepting what happens in life, knowing it is just a drama.
  • It is living without fear, worry, stress or anxiety, with the Divine presence within.
  • It is a state of seamless and uninterrupted Happiness that knows no sorrow.
  • It is a state that transcends triple suffering, the pain of the body, misery of the mind, and agony of the ego.
  • It is a state of Bliss that goes beyond pleasure from achievement and Peace from fulfilment.
  • It is ultimate Bliss that comes from the Enlightenment of the Truth.
  • One who reaches the state of SatChitAnanda, tames the monkey mind into a monk.
  • He experiences Divine Peace, Joy, and Bliss, living as the Divine and experiences the Divine all around.