SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is it like to live as a Divine Soul in Ananda? It is like living as a joyous wave, dancing on the surface of the ocean as it splashes on the shore with Ananda. A Divine Soul doesn't look at the past, which is gone, nor at the future not yet born. The Divine Soul lives moment by moment, conscious of the Truth in an ecstasy of Bliss. He laughs at everything that happens, as he witnesses this drama called life, realizing that he is the Divine Soul, not the body, the mind, and the ego. He lives with the Consciousness of non- duality, feeling oneness with all living beings, and a realization that the Soul in them is the same Soul that keeps him alive. It is the Power of the Divine in one and all.

Living as a Divine Soul in SatChitAnanda is a rare experience and is therefore beyond human comprehension. It can't be defined in words or described to one who is ignorant of the Truth. It can only be experienced by a realized Soul who becomes conscious of the Divine and is then blessed to be transported to a life of eternal Joy and everlasting Peace.

The Blissful Soul is unaffected by a pandemic or a disaster, a depression or a tsunami. He even transcends physical pain and suffering of the body, as he is conscious of his realization every moment that he lives. He doesn't fear death and the beyond, for he is conscious of the Divine all the time – in every moment that unfolds. He surrenders his life joyously in Divine acceptance.