SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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While there is no doubt that God exists, we don't know who, where, and what God is. You, me, and this beautiful world –are a proof of the existence of a Creator we call God as all this is created by the Creator. Unfortunately, we have been taught some mythological stories and we believe that God is an old man with a long beard, somewhere up in the clouds or sitting on a lotus, floating in the ocean, or a magician that lives in outer space on a distant planet who can perform miracles.

We don't realize the Truth that God is not a statue or a saint. God is a Power that none of us can paint, a Power beyond comprehension. God is not made of bone and skin. God is the life force that lives within. Because of our ignorance, we don't realize the omnipresence of God. Everything in this world is nothing but a manifestation of the Divine. God is omnipotent all-powerful. Nothing is impossible for God. While God exists, we human beings have not been given the sense perception to perceive God. Just like I cannot see you with my ears, I need eyes to see you, so also we cannot see God. We need to realize God. For this, we must go in quest of the Divine, then we will 'Realize' God when we open our 'Real Eyes'.

The journey of God-realization starts with the journey of self-realization. The moment we realize the Truth of who we are, we will realize God's presence in the temple of our heart.