SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Every child born on planet earth is taught this story that just like there is earth, there are heaven and hell. We are tutored not to sin because if we do, all our bad deeds will eventually take us to hell, and we will be made to suffer for our sins. Our religion motivates us to live a life of morality and virtues so that we can be rewarded by our Lord when we go to heaven.

Most of us believe that after our life is over on earth, for all that we do, good and bad, there will be a day of judgement. The good will be rewarded in heaven, just as the bad will be punished in hell. Unfortunately, we have misunderstood this concept and have literally believed heaven and hell to exist as two physical locations.

When will we human beings wake up to the Truth that heaven and hell don't exist somewhere far away from earth? There is no doubt that we will be rewarded and punished for our deeds, but everything that happens, unfolds only on earth. The moment we die, the body is cremated or buried, and it returns to dust when the Divine Soul departs. Then how can we go to heaven or hell? Who will be rewarded or punished if the body itself has disintegrated into dust? There is no doubt that we cannot escape from our actions. But to believe in the fairy tale of heaven and hell is to live and die with the illusion. What is the real Truth? How will we be rewarded or punished for our actions? Continue reading and you will realize Sat, the Truth.