SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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How does this world function? Every day the sun rises, and the drama starts. People wake up and go to work and perform their actions. But who is the one operating this world? The earth rotates precisely once in 24 hours. It also revolves around the sun once in 364 ¼ days. Is there a God sitting somewhere up in heaven in charge of all these operations? God has created certain universal laws by which the universe is governed.

There is the Law of Gravity and while we cannot prove it, we infer that it exists because anything that is thrown up is pulled back towards earth. We infer that there is a force and we believe in the Law of Gravity.

Just like there is the Law of Gravity, there are several other universal laws that ensure the smooth functioning of the world that we live in. There is the Law of Cycles that causes all the seasons that unfold on earth, just as there is the Law of Opposites that balances life on earth. There are many such laws, and one such law is known as the Law of Action and Reaction, popularly known as the Law of Karma. This universal law states, 'What you give is what you get.' 'What you do will come back to you.' It is the Law of the Boomerang and works exactly in such a way, that what goes around, comes around. This universal law is based on the principle, 'As you sow, so shall you reap'. What is this Law of Karma?