SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is the Truth about rebirth? Is it just a fairy tale? Let us realize the Truth. If people were born and people die, and it was game over, then life on earth will come to an end. It is the constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth that makes this drama of life happen every day, generation after generation.

The body dies. We see it disintegrate as it returns to dust. Then it is cremated or buried. But what happens to the one who was alive in the dead body that lies in front of us? We know that these are just the mortal remains. We pronounce, 'Peter died, Peter passed away, he moved on, expired or departed.' Although the body lies in front of us, we know beyond doubt that this is not the one who was alive. We don't really know the Truth, but we say, 'Let us pray for the departed Soul.' In reality, the Soul is the Power of the Divine that creates life. When it leaves, there is no breath.

Only the body dies. The one who was driving this body is the ME, the Mind and the Ego. It is subtle in nature just like air, and cannot be seen. It is this ME, along with its Karma, its past actions, is reborn in a new body to be rewarded or punished as per the universal law. The Truth is that we do not go to a distant heaven or hell. Both heaven and hell are experienced right here on earth, as we are reborn based on our Karma that is governed by the universal law of Karma. Everybody who comes to earth, enjoys pleasure but cannot escape from suffering. Such is life on earth.