SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Most of us do not realize that our life has a greater meaning than just having fun till life is done. Somehow, we have got into believing that life is about success, achievement, name, fame, pleasure, and happiness, and if we have evolved, then we think it is about being compassionate and kind and serving others. While all this is good, this is not our purpose on earth. Our ultimate goal is to escape from the cycle of death and rebirth and to become one with the Divine. This means we should be liberated from rebirth. To unite with God after death, one has to escape from the ignorance that we are the mind and the ego that is born again and again. One has to realize the Truth that we are the Divine Soul. This is our ultimate goal.

To realize we are the Soul, man must go on a quest in search of answers. Man must introspect on the question, 'Who am I and why am I here?' These questions need deep study and introspection before there can be any realization of the Truth. The Truth is the Truth. Nobody can change it. But it is camouflaged with the myth of this world. We have to use our intellect and discriminate to achieve meaning in life. Otherwise, we will be amongst those who come and go on the earth plane again and again, without realizing who we truly are and without achieving the ultimate purpose of being liberated from rebirth and being united with the Divine. Unfortunately, very few people are passionate to go on a quest for realizing life's true purpose.