SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Isn't this universe astoundingly beautiful? Beautiful birds in the sky, amazing fish in the turquoise waters, tigers, lions, elephants in the jungles, majestic trees with intricate leaves and delicious fruits, and the plants that bear the most gorgeous flowers. Isn't everything around us so beautiful? What about the beauty in a human being? Don't we get taken aback by the stunning looks of a person? While we enjoy all the beauty around us, have we stopped to wonder, 'How did all this beauty come about?'

We see a bud bloom into a flower, then it withers away and dies. The beautiful life partner that we lived with, one day departs. Suddenly, the amazing beauty that was there all along, disappears. Do we human beings stop to investigate, 'Why did the beauty go away and where?'

Those who realize the Truth, realize that all the beauty around us appears from the Divine. The Truth is Divinity is the beauty that appears on earth. When Divinity leaves, the beauty disappears. That is why a beautiful butterfly that was so full of life, as it fluttered and flapped its wings in glory, suddenly drops and dies. This is because the Divinity departed. When will we realize this Truth that beauty is Divinity? We human beings are so enamoured by the beauty of creation that we get lost in it and do not discover the Divinity that lies within the beauty.