SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What makes the clouds drift in the sky? What makes the birds fly? What gives us the energy to wake up, to walk, and to talk? We are very familiar with the power in our mobile phones and laptops. It either comes from a battery or a source of electricity connected by a wire. But where does the power in you and me come from?

It is said that every day our heart creates enough energy to drive a truck for about 32 kilometres. While we are not sure how accurate this is, from where did the power come for us to breathe, for blood to flow to the millions of nerves, arteries, veins, and capillaries? Have you ever stopped to wonder, 'Where did this power come from?'

Science just labels everything as energy. They define the source of power from wind energy, thermal energy, hydro energy, and even solar energy. We use fossil fuel that evolves from plants which are energized by the sun and we believe that it appeared millions of years ago. Man is not capable of defining all this, but for sure, man is capable of understanding that there is a Power that surrounds all of us, all the time, be it from the forces of nature like the wind, the water, or the sun. When will we discover the Truth that there is a Power, both inside and outside us, a Power beyond our comprehension? We live and die with this Power within, but we don't discover what is the Power beneath our skin.