SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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While most of us consider our ultimate goal to be success, achievement, pleasure, and happiness, this is a paradox, because although we are successful, we are not happy. We are never satisfied and because we compare our success with others, we become miserable. What is the reason?

Because we have not realized Sat, the Truth, we live in this Leela of the Lord, the cosmic drama, enveloped in Maya, the cosmic illusion and we think that everything that is projected in this movie on earth is real. We think a dream is only a dream but our life is real and thus we suffer. We try to scale the peak of achievement when in reality, it is a myth. We try to find God. Then, one day, we die and due to our ignorance, we are reborn.

Our ultimate goal is to overcome this ignorance, to realize we are the Divine Soul. That everything unfolding on this earth is Maya, an illusion. We cannot achieve happiness, but we can be happy all the time if we realize the Truth. We can live moment by moment as the Divine Soul in Bliss.

What then is our ultimate goal? It is to realize all this Truth and to go from Asat to Sat, from myth to Truth, from darkness to light and to be liberated from being reborn. Our ultimate goal is to realize we are the Soul and to unite with God, not to be the ego, which creates Karma and is reborn again and again only to suffer.

mind, when in reality we are the Divine Soul.


SAT – The Truth


  • We human beings live and die in ignorance without realizing the Truth and thus we suffer.
  • We think we are the gross physical body, the subtle mind, when in reality we are the DivineSoul.
  • Because we live as the Ego, we become the ME along with the Mind and create Karma only to be reborn again and again.
  • This world is full of suffering and our ultimate goal is to be liberated from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.
  • As long as we live without realizing the Truth, we are enveloped by Maya, the cosmic illusion.
  • We think everything in this world is real and we are prisoners of our desires and greed.
  • Our ignorance makes us think God is somewhere up in the skies and we spend our life searching for God.
  • We don't realize the Truth that God lives within and our very Soul is a manifestation of the Divine.
  • Death is certain, but only the body dies. It is not the end, but a bend for the one who was alive.
  • At death, one of two things happens - if we are ignorant and live as the Mind and Ego, ME, we will be reborn as per our Karma.
  • If we are enlightened with the Truth that we are the Divine Soul, then we transcend Karma and we are liberated.
  • Our ultimate goal is to realize we are the Soul and to be united with the Divine at death.