SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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CHIT – Consciousness


What is real Consciousness? We human beings are aware of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. We know how we become unconscious when we fall asleep. We have  heard of and  spoken about the term 'Consciousness' throughout life but we have not understood the true meaning of it. Real Consciousness is entirely different. It is becoming aware, awakened to Sat or Truth, and living a life of Ananda or Bliss.

Chit or Consciousness is a rare gift experienced by those who go in quest for the true meaning of life. They overcome the myth and realize the Truth. They become enlightened. They overcome the dark ignorance that envelops them throughout life. They transcend the mind and ego and attain a state of eternal Peace and everlasting Joy.

Let’s start our journey of Chit, of becoming conscious of who we are and why we are here. Let’s become conscious of our true identity, that we are the Divine Soul. Then, let’s live as the witness, the observer, as we enjoy this cosmic drama unfold on planet earth day after day. Let’s discover a way to overcome all misery and suffering, as we live as the Divine Soul and achieve our ultimate goal to be liberated and to be united with the Divine. Let's become conscious of Chit, our very own Consciousness.