SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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How do we experience Consciousness in our life? When we become thoughtless, in that moment, we can experience nothingness. The senses of our body are still, and our mind is switched off. It is then that we experience Consciousness. We can become aware of the reality around us. We become conscious of the cosmic drama and realize that life itself is nothing more than a dream that is unfolding. We become conscious of our mind, our senses, and our life. We become conscious of our thoughtless state.

Just as we become conscious, somebody steals our Consciousness. Who is the thief? It is our own mind. As we try to remain conscious of the Truth, the mind, like a monkey, jumps from thought to thought. It is this monkey mind that destroys the state of Divine Consciousness. It does not let us introspect and contemplate on Sat or the Truth, because it does not want us to be conscious. Together, the Mind and the Ego, along with the body, rob our state of Consciousness and bring us back into the world of objects, making it seem real. Our thoughts destroy our Chit, or our Consciousness and along with it, rob us of Sat, the Truth that is. This constant war, between our thoughts and our Consciousness, is only experienced by those who are aware of Consciousness. To the rest of the world, this is the way normal life unfolds. We live with thoughts, feelings, and actions. Then we sleep, only to wake up to another day. We are Blissfully ignorant about Consciousness.