SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The mind is like a monkey. When we are trying to be conscious, it will jump to a thought and then to another. If we want to be conscious of the Truth, we must learn the art of gently bringing the mind back. We should not be surprised when the monkey mind jumps. It will always do so, as it steals our Consciousness. It will take us into a world of illusion, of dreams, of thoughts. It will take us away from reality, as it will make us sink into this world and we will suffer, as the body, mind, and ego. It will jump to a past that is gone and stop us from being conscious. Then it will jump to a future not yet born and make us fear and be anxious. The job of the mind is to make us live with the myth so that we remain oblivious of the Consciousness that we are capable of realizing.

Unless we live with Chit or Consciousness, we will remain as puppets of the mind and it will make us dance through the drama called life, without being aware of the Truth and thus depriving us of Peace, Joy, and Bliss.

The mind doesn't stop its monkey business, not only when we are awake. Even when we sleep, it dreams and stops us from enjoying a deep, sound sleep. Unless we realize that our mind is our biggest enemy, it will destroy our Consciousness. Our biggest challenge is to become conscious of our monkey mind and gently bring it back every time it jumps.