SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Isn't it time to wake up from our slumber - our deep sleep, not the sleep that we experience when we lose our physical Consciousness? This sleep is a deep sleep that we experience throughout our life. While we wake up every morning to regain Consciousness, we never become conscious about life and continue sleeping throughout the journey. It's time to wake up. It's time to get out of the dream and to live the Truth. It's time to live with Consciousness.

Of what use is it to exist, to be trapped in the merry-go- round of life, just going round in circles, till we die, only to be born again? We must wake up to the realization of the Truth. Unfortunately, we don't even realize that we are sleeping through life.

Most people are not even conscious of Consciousness. They don't even know that there is a state of 'being', living as the witness or observer. There is a state beyond the state of thinking. Very few people become conscious of this state of realization of the Truth. Those who don't, are enveloped by dark ignorance. They never wake up to the reality of life. Isn't it time for us to become conscious of the Truth and to transcend all misery and suffering? Shouldn't we become aware that we can live a life of eternal Peace and everlasting Joy? It's time to wake up from that deep sleep of ignorance to the dawn of reality.