SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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SAT The Truth

01 What is the Truth?

02 The Truth vs the Myth

03 We are Not the Body

04 We are Not the Mind

05 We are Not the Ego

06 We are the Divine Soul

07 Life on Earth is a Cosmic Drama

08 Everybody who lives, Suffers

09 We can Escape from Misery

10 Death is Certain

11 Everything is like a Dream

12 We Don't Know Who, Where, What God is, but God is

13 Where are Heaven and Hell?

14 The Law of Karma

15 Do Apples Grow on Mango trees?

16 The constant cycle of Rebirth

17 What is the Purpose of Life on earth?

18 We can be Liberated from Rebirth

19 Everything is a Manifestation of the Divine

20 Beauty is Divinity

21 The Power that Surrounds us

22 The Mind Causes our Ignorance

23 Success is Not Happiness

24 You can't Achieve Happiness

25 Happiness is in the 'Now'

26 Death is Not the End

27 Maya creates Rebirth

28 We are Effects... The Cause is the Divine

29 God lives Within

30 Our Ultimate Goal is Liberation

CHIT Consciousness

01 Chit is Consciousness

02 The 3 States of Consciousness

03 Chaturyam, the 4th State

04 The Story of the Station Master

05 We are Slaves of our Senses

06 We are Puppets of the Monkey Mind

07 We are Prisoners of the Ego

08 The ME Robs our Consciousness

09 The Story of the Buddha

10 Becoming conscious of our Consciousness

11 Witnessing the Cosmic Drama

12 Everything is Maya, an Illusion

13 Our Thoughts Steal our Consciousness

14 Gently Bringing Back the Mind

15 Switching from Thought to Consciousness

16 Stop! Become Aware

17 Be Awakened! Don't Sleep

18 Become the Witness, the Observer

19 Discipline, Discipline, Discipline

20 Become Aware of your Consciousness

21 The Constant War Within

22 The Reward of Enlightenment

23 First Sat, then Chit

24 Living in Samadhi

25 The Magic of Silence

26 Chit can Bust the Myth

27 The Power of Discrimination

28 From 'Human Doings' to 'Human Beings'

29 Being conscious in the 'Now'

30 Let the Divine Magic of Consciousness Unfold

ANANDA – Bliss

01 What is Real Happiness?

02 Pleasure – Momentary Happiness

03 Success and Happiness

04 The 3 peaks of Happiness

05 Happiness is in the 'Now'

06 Peace is the Foundation of Happiness

07 Happiness is Not a Product

08 Happiness is Not a Place

09 Happiness is Not a Person

10 What causes Unhappiness?

11 Why do we Crave?

12 Can we be Happy all the Time?

13 Happiness is a State of Being

14 Learning the Art of Happiness

15 Ananda Bliss


Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss

01 How can we Experience SatChitAnanda?

02 Overcoming the Myth

03 Transcending the Mind

04 Living as the Observer all the Time

05 Winning the War against ME 06 Making the Monkey a Monk 07 Living as a Yogi

08 Living with Realization

09 Transcending Karma

10 Enjoying the Divinity in Beauty

11 Living with the Divine Presence

12 Experiencing Bliss all the time

13 Living in Divine Peace

14 Living as a Blissful Soul

15 SatChitAnanda Truth, Consciousness, Bliss