SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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SAT – The Truth


Sat or Satya means the Truth. The ancient sages differentiated it from Mithya or illusion. Satya is the reality. It is the fact. It is eternal and it never changes. Unfortunately, we human beings do not realize the Truth. Thus we live a life of illusion.

What is Mithya? It is something that appears to be, but it is not. A gold ring appears to be a gold ring, but in reality, it is only gold. If you remove the gold, there is no ring. But we human beings don't see Sat, the Truth the intrinsic gold. We only see the ring. We are enamoured by objects and forms. We don't see the real essence that lies beyond appearances.

How can we see the Truth? The Truth must be realized. It is only when we go within and open our 'real eyes' that the Truth will appear. Most of us do not realize the Truth about life and thus, do not experience Peace and Bliss.

Our ultimate goal is to realize the Truth, to discriminate Satya from Mithya, because it is the Truth that will liberate us from all suffering and unite us with the Divine. Our own ignorance hides the Truth from us, ignorance that is caused by a cosmic illusion known as Maya. Maya has two powers it conceals the Truth and projects the myth. What is the Truth? Let's begin the journey to discover it.