SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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After knowing so much about Consciousness, how can we practically become conscious and live? The answer is simple. By being conscious in the 'now' and of the 'now'. Consciousness is about the present moment. We cannot be conscious in yesterday or in tomorrow. Yes, we can be conscious of the past or the future, but only in the now. Unfortunately, this Consciousness, inadvertently, slips into thoughts and we become lost in regrets of the past or fears of the future. We must firmly remain conscious in the 'now'. We must eliminate all thoughts of what is over and what is yet to come as we live moment by moment, conscious in the 'now'.

We must become aware that life is nothing but this moment. We must become conscious that the treasure of being alive is just this breath. If we live life moment by moment, conscious, awake, and aware as a witness, as an observer of the drama of life that unfolds, we can experience a Blissful ecstasy. But if we let the monkey mind jump to the past and the future, we can never be conscious and the Truth will swing from one myth to another, as we become overpowered by thought. To be conscious, we must be in the present moment. That's all there is. We must live life in the 'now', just as we do while watching a movie in the theatre. We observe the scenes changing in front of us and we become conscious of the fact that in the end, we will see 'The End' being projected on the screen.