SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What are you seeking in life Joy, Peace, and Bliss? These are our Divine birthrights, but we lose them as we lose Consciousness of the Truth. If we want to be Blissful and Peaceful, we must let the Divine magic of Consciousness unfold. We must be conscious of the Truth or we will live with the myth and suffer.

Many of us know Sat, the Truth, but we are unaware of Chit, Consciousness. We are taught about the conscious mind and the subconscious, and we don't even understand the meaning of Consciousness as the mind confuses us. Consciousness is everything. Without Consciousness, there would be no mind, just as the body ceases to live when Consciousness departs at death. Consciousness is everything, but we are not conscious of this.

To truly live, we must be conscious all the time. It is not something that can happen in a flash, but moment by moment, we can become more conscious as we embrace the Truth and witness the myth unfold. Consciousness has the Divine magic of eternal Peace and everlasting Joy. Without it, we will continue to be miserable as the body, mind, and ego, which we are not. We may read this Truth a hundred times, but without the light of Consciousness, we will not realize it. If we grow in our Consciousness, we will experience Divinity within and Divinity all around us as we live in Ananda, a Joy unknown to common man.



  • If there is no Sat, then there can be no Chit.
  • The Truth must be known before it can be realized.
  • Consciousness is that Divine state that makes us an observer of the Cosmic drama unfolding on earth.
  • Chit is that state of awareness that we are the Divine Soul. It awakens us to experience the Divine all around us just as it transcends the mind and the ego.
  • Thoughts constantly attack us, and we remain slaves to the ME, the Mind and the Ego. When we evolve to that state of Consciousness, we transcend the mind.
  • We tame the monkey mind into a monk and we live in Divine Peace.
  • When the ego pops its head up, we are conscious that it is an illusion born out of ignorance.
  • Consciousness helps us to bust the myth, just as it makes us live with the Truth.
  • Maya, the Cosmic illusion will continue to project the myth and unless we have achieved that state of Consciousness, we will be fooled by Maya.
  • We will continue to see the bangle, the chain, and the ring when in reality, they don't exist. There is gold in everything. Consciousness will make us see beyond and help us realize the Truth.
  • To be in Chit, Consciousness all the time needs discipline.
  • A rare minority is blessed to live in Chit, conscious of their true Divine self. They are the ones who overcome all misery and are enlightened and live in Ananda.