SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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ANANDA – Bliss


Who doesn't want to be happy? But is everybody in this world truly happy? Throughout life, we pass through the merry-go-round of Joy and sorrow. There is no one who is born on earth and who doesn't suffer. It seems like a little child knows very well that this life is full of dukha or suffering as the Buddha said. That is why every newborn comes into this world crying instead of giggling and laughing.

Is there a way to escape suffering, misery, and sorrow? Is there a way to eternal Peace and everlasting Joy? The good news is there is. It is called Ananda, a Bliss that knows no pain, no suffering. Ananda is that Joy one experiences when they become conscious of the Truth. When they experience Chit of Sat, then they reach that state of SatChitAnanda. But how can one attain this state of Ananda? It is the dream of every living individual to be happy.

Let us understand what happiness truly is, and why people chase success for happiness, and despite that, do not find fulfilment. What is the art of being happy all the time? How can one attain this state of Bliss, eternal Peace, and everlasting Joy? Let's begin our journey to Ananda. Let's understand how we can transcend all misery and sorrow and live with love, Joy, Peace, and Bliss. Remember, that we cannot attain this Ananda without Sat Chit Consciousness of the Truth.