SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Haven't you seen people go crazy after a Louis Vuitton bag, a Rolex watch or a Ferrari? These are pleasures that the whole world craves for. Unfortunately, they don't realize that these pleasures give them happiness, but it is only momentary. The Joy from things soon fades away and though we think that our dream has been fulfilled, we burst with another desire as this one didn't quench our thirst.

No doubt man is happy with little pleasures. As children, it is toys that make us happy. But as we grow up, the difference between the men and the boys is nothing more than the cost of their toys. We human beings think that when our need is fulfilled, we will be happy. But we go from need to need, and it becomes greed. Every pleasure is a peak, but soon we descend into a valley of gloom. We become bored with our possessions or are jealous of others. Though we were happy, the moment of happiness dissolves. For us human beings, enough is never enough. We want more and more. Every want, every desire, when fulfilled, gives us Joy, but the pleasure is momentary.

Look back at your life and you will recall all the pleasures that came but soon passed by, leaving you seeking and craving for more. Pleasure is not happiness. It can be purchased with money and success, but it cannot create Ananda, that state of everlasting Joy. Isn't it a paradox that though we know it, we are still seeking pleasure?