SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Why is the whole world running after success? Somebody wants to be a millionaire, while somebody else wants to be the president of their country. What is the reason we chase success? It is because we believe that success is happiness. We were taught this myth when we were young kids in school. We were told winning is not the main thing, it is the only thing. We were motivated to come first in class and rewarded with gifts if we were selected in the school cricket team. It was a dream to become the school captain!

As we grow up, the chase for success never stops. We keep dreaming of success till we die. Have you ever thought why? The reason is because we believe that Success is Happiness. But is this true?

If Success = Happiness, then all the successful people in the world should be glad. But turn around and see, you will find many of them are sad. Some of the most successful people in this world have ended their life with suicide. Although they had all the success, name and fame, money, and pleasure that comes with success, they were not happy. They had no Peace of mind. They did not realize that success is not Happiness. Unfortunately, they believed the myth, and lived and died with it. Some of them regret the way they lived, as they come closer to the end of their life and wish they had pursued different things. But now it is too late! Their glass of life is empty, although it is full of success, and they continue to remain thirsty for happiness.