SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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This world is like a Cosmic Drama. Isn't it true that we are like actors, we come, and we go? The fact is that we will all die. Nobody can escape death. But isn't it true that only the body dies? At death, we see it lying in front of us. The one who was alive departs, goes somewhere! Life is like a drama and we come to earth, do our part and leave.

Who created the universe? Who controls it through universal laws? Isn't it true that a Power exists, a Power we call God - God, who is the creator of everything? But is God a statue or a saint? Isn't it true that God is a power beyond human comprehension? The Truth is that as per our Karma, we will be reborn in a new body. But just like the Law of Gravity, sometimes the Truth cannot be proved. It has to be inferred. Just because we cannot see air, it does not deny the Truth that air is everywhere.

Although there are several Truths, the ultimate Truth is that we are ignorant of the Truth. We live without realizing the Truth and without experiencing Bliss that knows no sorrow. Unless we discriminate the Truth from the Myth, we will never discover it. Who are we and why we are here, is a mystery that continues to baffle us because we don't find the answers, the Truth. We have an intellect. The intellect is different from the mind. Just as we can discriminate this, we must discriminate Sat from Asat – the Truth from the myth.