SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Most people think that everlasting Happiness is a fairy tale. In reality, it does not exist. Happiness has an expiry date and soon Joy turns sour. Sorrow rules over the body, mind, and ego, although intermittently. But the one who becomes conscious of the Truth, he experiences a state of eternal Peace and everlasting Joy. He remains in Blissful ecstasy all the time. Yes, this is possible.

Ananda is that Divine state of seamless Bliss. One who has attained that state of Consciousness and is ever conscious of the Truth, overcomes the myth that leads to misery and steals our Happiness. We experience Joy, but we also experience sorrow. This is because we shuttle from yesterday to tomorrow. The one who becomes conscious lives life moment by moment, conscious of the Divine presence, in Joy. Ananda is experiencing everything as a manifestation of the Divine. It is observing the Cosmic drama, enjoying every moment of the show as it unfolds. Even a tragedy does not create tears for the one who has realized the Truth and who is conscious of it. Death is not the end, but just a bend and so, one's happiness remains undeterred even at such a sad moment. The Truth liberates us from misery. Otherwise, we cannot be happy all the time. When we become truly conscious of our Divine self, then life becomes a journey that unfolds moment by moment, with Peace, Joy, Bliss, love, compassion, courage, confidence, faith, and enthusiasm. This is Ananda.