SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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As long as we live without realizing the Truth, we don't understand the true meaning of life and we keep on seeking happiness and remain unhappy. One who becomes conscious of the Truth, attains that state of Ananda. He does not possess exotic diamonds or expensive cars. He may not be amongst the world's richest people or be covered on television by BBC and CNN. Still, he is the richest man in the world, because he is the happiest man in the world! He has attained that state of being that knows no sorrow. He has reached a level of realization that creates a euphoria of Joy, an ecstasy of Bliss, an ocean of Peace and tranquillity.

Happiness is a state of being. You don't need something to become happy. You need to learn to be happy. Happiness is an attitude. Despite the circumstances, one who is conscious of the Truth, lives with a positive attitude, responding joyously to whatever happens. He learns to live in acceptance and surrender, realizing that everything is unfolding as per Karma. Thus, he celebrates even so- called 'bad luck' as he realizes it is the redemption of his own past actions and good times will soon return. Further, because he knows that everything is like a dream, and in the end, nothing will matter, he remains in a state of Peace and Joy. Have you seen such people who always have a smile on their face? They seem to be living with Divine grace. They have left the race to be an ace. They live a life of Bliss and Joy, conscious of the Divine Truth.