SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Who is a Yogi? A Yogi is one who lives in Yoga, in 'Yuj', in Divine union. What is Yoga all about? When we realize the Truth that we are nothing but a manifestation of the Divine, then we have to continue living life, till we are liberated from this body at death. Until we are liberated, we have to continue living. There can be no freedom from action.

However, we can live in the world and either be consumed by it, as we are attached to our possessions and the people that form a part of our life or we can be detached from all these worldly connections and be connected with the Divine. If we live in Yoga, or in Divine union, we can live as a Yogi. Even though we perform actions, we live as an instrument of the Divine, transcending the ego, and surrendering all our actions to the Divine. Nothing is ours. We act on behalf of the Divine, as per Divine instruction as life unfolds. Such Yoga is possible, only if we are in a state of Chit, or Consciousness. Then only we will enjoy SatChitAnanda. Therefore, only a true Yogi can enjoy being in SatChitAnanda. The rest of us live and die as Bhogis, prisoners of worldly desires and passions, enjoying momentary pleasures but never getting a glimpse of the nectar of true Happiness, Ananda, that is born from a state of SatChitAnanda. A true Yogi has a glow on his face. Although he does not possess all the material riches, he is the wealthiest man in the world as he possesses the treasure of SatChitAnanda, living in Bliss, being ever-conscious of the Truth.