SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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SatChitAnanda is all about realizing the Truth and then living with the Consciousness of such a realization. Many people in this world may boast of the knowledge of the Truth. Knowledge has no meaning. It is as weak as a little twig that breaks into pieces under the force of the mind and the ego. Unless the knowledge is strengthened with realization, one cannot attain SatChitAnanda.

When we are Enlightened with the Truth, our journey starts. We need to become conscious of it, every moment that we live. Unless we live life moment by moment, in Consciousness of the Truth, we will be like a yoyo, swinging up and down, in Joy and sorrow. SatChitAnanda is becoming ever conscious of the Truth, every moment of life. It is becoming conscious that we are a manifestation of the Divine, that everything is a cosmic illusion. Then, our Consciousness is effortless. Once our life is filled with Sat and Chit Consciousness of the Truth, then we are liberated while alive and we win every onslaught of the mind.

Our challenge is to live with the realization every moment that we are alive. We must be conscious of the Truth. The Truth must shine in our Consciousness. When Sat appears in Chit, in every breath, we automatically experience Ananda. That is the secret of SatChitAnanda experienced by those who live life conscious of the Truth all the time.