Self Liberation from Fear, Worry, & Anger by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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The Final Way to be rid of Worry

Increase your worries

You will learn a very unique way to vanquish worry in this chapter. This chapter will ask you to worry about the world. You might wonder how this will cure you of worrying. Let us explore how this is possible.

The Greatest Way to be Liberated from Worry

The greatest way to be liberated from worry is by increasing your worries. Increase your worries to such an extent that you now worry about the whole world. In the face of the worries of the whole world, your personal worries will seem miniscule. While bothering about all humanity and its problems, you will cease to worry about your small problems. Start creating miracles in other peoples' lives and your life will be full of miracles. In doing good for others lies your good. On doing good for others, the law of creation starts manifesting in your life.

The Law of Creation

The world is divided into two kinds of people.There are those who are the masters of life. And then there are others whom life is a master of. The first kind are those who are successful, who create and shape the events in their lives. The second kind are those who are unsuccessful and whose destinies are shaped by others. Ask yourself where do you fit in? Or do you belong to the third category. These are those who are indifferent. They are not complete failures, but neither are they totally successful.They are not extremely unhappy, but something or the other troubles them. They are constantly worried over something. You decide which category you belong to. Once you understand the power of the Law of Creation, you can't help being in the first category.

The law of creation is as old as humanity itself. The law of creation has been operating tirelessly from time immemorial. The law is constantly creating something, whether man understands it or not. The law operates on every facet of life. Once you understand the law, you can control it. Otherwise it is controlling you. There are three steps to master this law.

First Step : Understand the Law

The law simply states that every thought turns into reality. The moment you let powerful universal thoughts through your mind, the law starts working for you. All that has been divinely created starts to overflow in your life love, riches, right goals, knowledge, wisdom. Through this law man can find happiness and thereby he starts sharing his happiness with others. He wants to help people. Only one who is content can help others. He starts worrying about the world and his minor worries vanish.

The moment you hear that all you need is to pass positive thoughts through your mind and you will start attracting those things as per the law of creation, you begin to doubt it. You think it can't be that easy.That is why you need to work on understanding this law. The best part of this law is that it works whether you believe it or not. Hence there is no harm in experimenting.

The law operates because the mind is interconnected to the river of consciousness. Your thoughts keep pouring into this river. Whatever you think, the river turns it into reality. The power of the river is unlimited. All that is needed is for your thoughts to be continuous. The law works because you are complete and perfect and are connected to Consciousness (God). You do not have all the results you seek in your life because you do not continuously think on those lines. Whatever you think and believe, you will create and act accordingly.

Second Step : Happy Thoughts

Having understood the law, you need to maintain a stream of happy thoughts. Repeat happy thoughts whenever you can. Repeat the thought: “God obeys man only when man obeys God. Man needs God for his energy and God needs man for his expression.”

Whenever you are sick, instead of thinking negatively, repeat to yourself, “I am sick today because my thoughts are disconnected from the thoughts of the divine. Otherwise I am very healthy. Henceforth, I will let only divine thoughts pass through my body and mind.”

Third Step : Surrendering

In the third step, surrender all your thoughts and aspirations to the law of creation “The divine thinks rightly through me. These thoughts will manifest as per the law.” Thus you can get on with your day to day work and leave the rest to the law. Whenever you doubt the law, remind yourself, “I am happy because everything is in the hands of the divine. I am convinced and content that the divine will take care of it.”
Further you can even declare: “I am releasing my thoughts into the universe. The universe does not have problems (state your problem). I am no longer affected by this problem. I salute to the universal power which now guides me in every way. I surrender completely to its force.”

The three steps mentioned above are proven. The more you elevate yourself through this, the more you start to worry about the world. This is the greatest way to be rid of worry.

You consider only your near and dear ones to be your family. Understand that the whole world is your family. Whatever you do to help the world will benefit you and give you immense happiness. To make yourself happy, elevate yourself through this law and make others happy.

How can you benefit from the three steps of Understanding, Happy Thoughts and Surrendering ?

The three steps mentioned in the above chapter are not just for curing worry. It is the same for all the miseries of life. The steps are the same for attaining the Final Truth too. Read the appendix pages at the end of the book which tell you about Tej Gyan Foundation, about Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji and how Tej Gyan Foundation can through these three steps in the Maha Aasmani Retreat help you in your spiritual growth.