Seven Secrets to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Heart's Desires by Isis - HTML preview

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 Many Law of Attraction teachers dearly want you to be successful at creating with Law of Attraction. They WANT you to believe in it as deeply as they do. They are all amazing, well-­­meaning and incredible folks, many of them have taught me much over the years.

 But, there is a flaw to what many people teach. It’s really just that they don’t understand this one aspect of energy. Because I can see energy flow as crystal clear as I can see you in the physical form, I can see these flaws.

 Much of what I teach is founded in hard results. These are the things that no Law of Attraction trainer, teacher, coach or guru will ever teach you about manifesting your desires.

 They just don’t know what they don’t know. This is why I’ve become a teacher of teachers, a coach of coaches, a healer to healers.

 Most Law of Attraction Teachers will tell you to “keep it simple!” Think about what you want, get invested in it, instead of thinking about what you don’t want.

 How simple is that? Sign me right up!

 So you start to think positive and at first you begin to see a few really minor things shifting in your life, so you get excited. Then, you begin realizing you seem blocked on the really big things. The things you really need changed. They still seem to keep tripping you up.

 Your LOA teacher keeps telling you “focus on your affirmations”, “don’t focus on the negative”, “Don’t go towards fear”, “stay away from negative everything.”

 It all sounds really simple… until cold-­­hard reality hits you. When you are shaking from a deep-­­seated fear that grips you, or you find yourself so stressed out, you don’t know what to do. Or, like I’ve had happen to me, you find yourself gripped by a total panic attack that takes you’re your mind, body and spirit and you shut down.

 Then, you begin realize how many thoughts your brain processes every hour, most of them appearing to be negative…how many symbols and cues your mind uses unconsciously to create your reality… it all seems too much to try to get a handle on.

 How on earth can you combat all that? It all feels so overwhelming.

 You begin to doubt and worry. Then you shake your head and say to yourself, “this is all just a load of baloney, it’s impossible.” and you give up. Those doubts, fears, worries, these are the greatest delight crushing life-­­stallers of all.

It’s not always as simple on the outset as the extroverted, passionate, positive LOA (Law of Attraction) and success coaches make it out to be… and yet… life is often deceptively simpler than our minds perceive it.

 Humans love to make things complicated. We love to make things hard on ourselves. We get rewarded for “trying”, for “struggling”, for “working hard” and “putting up a good fight”.

 So much so, we don’t even realize how hard we are making it on ourselves. I know I have done this.


 While we really like the idea of visualizing safely from the comfort of our bed late at night, or fantasizing while reading a book about this dream life we really want for ourselves…taking the inspired action to take us there… that allows our dreams to manifest on our behalf, is really, really scary.

 In fact, it’s often the scariest thing we’ve ever had to do. When it comes to taking massive inspired action, we run headlong into our deepest fears.

 We have to learn to let go of what’s not working in our lives, even when we have constructed so much of our identity of what our life is supposed to be and feel so dependent upon it. Often what we secretly believe is working for us is causing our biggest blockages.

  • We have to claim responsibility and be accountable for cleaning up what we bring into the world around us.
  • We have to open up, become more vulnerable, or take more risks.
  • We don’t want to risk being rejected, looking foolish, or deeply criticized.
  • We don’t want to rock the boat, for fear it might tip over and upset our delicately balanced life.
  • We don’t want to stretch because it feels scary to do so, and yet, we want to stretch more than anything to show ourselves what we can do.
  • We fear failure, but we fear success and the fear of being judged and coming up short, far more.
  • We just want all the goodies without all that we believe we have to change in order to get it.
  • We end up clamming up, shutting down, closing ourselves off to the abundant flow of life because it feels too risky, too overwhelming, too fearful.

 So, here’s the thing… YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You can Co-­­ CREATE in DELIBERATE PARTNERSHIP. You don’t have to do this alone.


 Practicing deliberate creation through using DELIGHT to spontaneously fulfill your desires may require you to take a few bold, brave steps. Even baby steps on your part may be all that is required. It’s all relative, you know.

 However, trying to go it alone makes this process a lot harder than it has to be.

 Giving up the things that have felt like security to you may indeed be what’s holding you back from the life you really, truly want for yourself. This may include the way you talk, addictive patterns, addictive, or abusive co-­­dependent relationships, the job that’s draining you of your joy, friends or family members that are sucking you dry.

 These things may all be adding to your life-­­negating spiraling vortex that feels out of control. You cannot expect everything to be different if you continue to make the same choices day in and day out. If you want something different, you must first reflect some key differences to the Universe. That begins by learning that you have a Power to Choose. The Power of Choice is another Invisible Power of yours that you can exercise consciously at any time.

 It’s far easier to exercise these new approaches to life in partnership with others who are walking with you. People who have your back. People who can tell you objectively when you aren’t upleveling but you are going into a downwards spirals, when someone can build in partnership with you something you need and be for you a reassuring presence and a continual unlimited well-­­spring of love, light and joy that you can step into and refresh yourself with until you have learned to stabilize and uplevel your own field into a vortex of unstoppable momentum.

 Yes, certainly along with feeling new vibrational feelings, thinking positively and being aware of things that delight you, you will have to learn to take action to reflect to the Universe that you are ready to partner with it, to co-­­create from a positive, conscious, deliberate space of empowerment, rather than surrender to it as if you were its slave.

 Yes, the Universe will ask as your partner, that you take some scary, risky actions. You may have to be willing to learn how to say “no” to things that no longer serve you, even if it hurts someone else in the process.

 This is about trusting that what’s most optimal for you, will ultimately be most optimal for all those around you.


 The Universe needs a little proof that you are ready to join up. You may have to do something you’ve never done before. And you may very well “suck” at it. You may very well have to apologize to a family member. You may have to stand up for yourself or on behalf of those who have no voice or capacity to do so. You may have to resonate and role model the change you want to see in your family, in your business, in your life, or in your world.

 You may have to speak up, speak out, and speak out loud. You may very well have to be seen to be heard by those who can become your co-­­creator partners that the Universe has set up for you.

 Remember, you only ever have to do 10% of the heavy lifting. The Universe is always handling 90% of the process on your behalf, if you will but step up, partner with it and allow it to do what it does best.

 Don’t let your fears hold you in a pattern that is debilitating you and keep you from the life of your dreams. Don’t allow the illusion of fear to crush you. Fear is an illusion. Get to the heart of it, the center of it, and you’ll discover that fear is nothing more than a mirage that is hiding your greatest treasures and your greatest assets.

 Yes, it’s mind-­­numbingly scary to give your first public talk. I know.

 Yes, it’s frightening to tell your life-­­partner goodbye for good.

I know it’s no fun to show up at the gym because you feel so humiliated because of how you believe look in front of everyone else.

 Here’s the thing you might not yet realize – when you do this in partnership with the Divine, suddenly you feel more empowered, more inspired, more in control of your life than ever before.

 This is why I created The Sacred Living Center. To create a community of vibrant DeLight Makers, Deliberate Co-­­ Creators and partners who want to co-­­create a better world for themselves, their families and for one another.

Even if you check these resources out and find they don’t resonate with you, no worries, just be sure you get on board with someone who can partner with you. You don’t have to go it alone!


 This is the part that makes it all worthwhile.

Overcoming these internal challenges with a partner gives you something so much more than all that you might have to let go of in order to gain something deeper, more vibrant, more abundant!

 We have to first give something to the Universe in order to receive! Stepping up to the plate and realizing all those critics around you are nothing more than the reflection of the inner critic inside you… until you learn to recognize the hidden language of the Universe inside those critics (including the one inside). Once you learn to celebrate and honor the inner critic, you’ll be applauded, lauded and celebrated! Now, imagine having someone already practicing a life of effortlessness for you, on your behalf, would that empower you to embrace those inner (and outer) critics far more easily?

 Doing the things we didn’t know we could do… Dear one… that’s the great experiment of life that makes this so much fun and exciting!

 Don’t shortchange yourself on all that you can do for yourself and others.

 If you want to jump into the game of life and begin creating the life of your dreams, you have to stretch yourself, you’ve got to get yourself a coach and some partners in order to manifest it and co-­­create new realities. A community really can make all the difference in the world!

 Do something different! Play bigger. Be unique. Change it up a notch at a time until you find what really, truly resonates with you, tickles your soul and delights your heart to no end.

 And once you find what tickles your spirit, what makes your heart sing, keep on doing it… because THAT’S what will tickle the Universe into laughing and singing right alongside you.

 Know that there will be risks and you will face fears. Fears are not something to fight, but something to embrace. Fears are our little children that need our love, nurturing and kindness, not our angry face, but our face of unconditional loving acceptance. It’s not about conquering fear, but embracing it and merging fear into the heart of love.

 You will learn to move forward while you embrace all these aspects of yourself.

Remember: We didn’t sign up for the “safe” ride when we chose to play on planet earth for this roller-coaster! We signed up for the adventure of a lifetime!

 We knew what it would be like.

DELIGHT is what you came here for. Adventure. Endless Experiments. Laughter. Tears.

 You wanted the WHOLE ENCHILADA, DEAR. J Well, you got it.

 What are you going to do with it now?

 You have everything you need to create life on your terms.

 Time to gear up and DeLight in life, big time, my Enlightened, DeLightFULL friends! There’s no getting around it.

 Things don’t shift while you’re practicing wishful thinking at home on the couch.


 You’ve learned a lot in this little book about Your Invisible Powers and the Law of DELIGHT. I’ve already given you a ton of good material to begin your own co-­­creative experiments with.

 But there’s one more thing I need to tell you.

No teacher will warn you of this, because they believe by bringing it into your field, they are creating your reality and setting your expectations. They are so afraid of bringing anything “negative” up, that they don’t understand the ultimate non-­­duality of it all.

 There’s duality, then there’s a higher vibrational experience of non-­­duality. There are two sides to every coin. As you discharge your negative vortex, there will be flux. That’s natural. It’s the way the field, how the matrix of the Universe handles imbalances and restores the matrix to a point of optimal flow.

 As you begin discharging your negative vortex, and begin up-­­ leveling a more positive vortex around you, there will be risk.

 Yes, there will likely be a detoxification period of time where things will appear to slow down to a screeching halt, and may even get worse for you, before they get better. In all my years, I’ve never heard a single LOA teacher mention this. And yet, every single person I’ve ever encountered who is learning to apply all this in their lives – every single one, experiences this.

 Whenever you grow, expand, shape-­­shift, elevate or change, you shed a skin. You shed some layers to become a more deliberate co-­­creator in partnership. Just like a snake. Just like we shed hair, trees shed needles or leaves, and animals shed fur.

 We must shed that which no longer serves us, and in the process of shedding, there will be energetic hiccups along the way.

 This is to be expected. Energetic hiccups are a part of the purging, clearing and spontaneous transformation process. The more you resist the hiccups, the longer the hiccups will take for you. There is, however a way to make even the hiccups more effortless on your behalf.

 It’s called Divine Light Awakenings. This is where you are given the gift of a vortex of love and light that surrounds you with life-­­giving energy from Source itself so you can support and honor yourself through the hiccups as you go through the process of playing with the Universe while you downcycle the negative vortex and learn how to stabilize and magnify your own positive vortex.

 Divine Light Awakenings give you all that you need while you go through this energetic reassembly process to begin bringing more and more into your field. This is often referred to as elevation, opening, receiving, or enlightenment.

 In fact, the less you do to yourself during that time, the more you begin practicing the art of allowing and co-­­creating with the Universe through a DeLight Maker, the easier and less disruptive it will be for you.

 So, keep this understanding close to you. There is some facet of you that may be addicted to negative energy. This facet of you will present to you risks, fears, crises, emergencies. You may or may not choose to conquer them like a warrior.

 In fact it’s easier if you learn to go straight into the heart of each one to move through them. It’s much like diving directly into the wave to avoid the undertow. It seems counterintuitive, until you’ve learned how to swim in the ocean currents of life.

 Fear might stay with you, every step of the way, because this is how your tiny inner self is used to communicating with the world around you.

 Instead of resisting the fear, dive straight into it.

On the surface, this whole idea of attracting what you want and using DeLight to manifest your desires, spontaneously, may sound silly. It may sound hokey. It may sound utterly ridiculous to you (it did to me at one point in time, I guarantee you!). I once believed the only way to accomplish anything in life was through hard work, blood sweat and tears. I now have proven to myself that is completely counter to my DeLightFULL Nature! If you are willing to give it a little experiment, you may discover this really is the magic button to all your prayers, longings, hopes and dreams.

 You don’t have do any of the heavy lifting. You allow the energy of the Infinite Universe to Operate Life on Your Behalf on a Grander Scale.

 This is a unique approach to partnering with the Universe in such a way that your life experiment becomes magnified so you can make an even greater impact on the world around you. That’s all it is. Nothing more, nothing less.