Seven Secrets to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Heart's Desires by Isis - HTML preview

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 Here’s what will most likely happen to you (if you haven’t yet experienced this…)

You get really excited about some of the secrets I’ve revealed to you in this book. You’ve likely already had some experience with Law of Attraction to getting what you want. You’ll likely use some other visualization or manifestation technique to make things happen for you…

 You may add this idea of DeLight as the secret sauce to your techniques you’ve already lined up as your arsenal… and now you are certain you’ll be able to look forward to “happy” results!

 But… nothing happens!

Or worse, the opposite happens to you…

 You don’t get what you thought you wanted, and maybe you even lose out on something bigger

  • You don’t get the job
  • You don’t get the girl (or guy)
  • You don’t lose the weight
  • You don’t get the dream house (or dream car)

 Dear one… it’s ok! That’s all just material stuff-­­n-­­things… the hiccups.

This is how things go, sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. The Universe is sentient. Just like you. As a sentient partner in this wild ride we call life, The Universe may have something better in store for you. Bigger. More powerful. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get what you thought you wanted.

 Remember, This is all about HEART DESIRES… The Universe knows the desires of your heart, intimately so. As any good life partner would. It knows you, at times even better than you know yourself.

 Don’t let these minor disappointments or “hiccups” get you down.

You see, there’s a magical little gift we’ve given ourselves. Its call the “buffer of time”. LOA enthusiasts understand this buffer. Which basically means not all our thoughts manifest instantly, because not every thought is in alignment with our Heart’s True Desires.

 Remember, The Law of DeLight states exactly what the Law of Attraction will bring to you. “DeLight Yourself in Life/Lord/Universe and you will be given the Desires of Your HEART.”

 As we talked about in the very beginning, most of us don’t know what it is our hearts truly desire most. This is why we are given the gracious gift of the “time buffer”.

 So, as you’re learning to elevate yourself into a state of DELIGHT, you realize you don’t have to focus on every thought or feeling you encounter.

 Also as we spoke about earlier, you’ve realized that as the vortex of negative energy you may have been creating for some time dismantles itself, you are still in the timeline of what it was drawing to you on your behalf. These little hiccups may reverberate through your field for years. Just accept them as they come, like little bumps in the roller coaster or life that gives our life little twists and unexpected turns. Until you learn the mechanics of Quantum Time Living, you’ll live out those old vibes for a while.

 These things that don’t manifest on your behalf… also consider that it may have a more optimal outcome waiting for you. Don’t fight what doesn’t manifest. If at first you don’t succeed, do something different and see if you get the same result. If you do, it may be a sign there’s something hidden you cannot perceive and it may be the Universe (or a guide/angel on behalf of the Universe) watching out for your interests.

 Now, if it’s been awhile and you are certain you’ve been grooving and moving to a DeLightFULL state of life, it may be you are flowing in a mixed vortex of negative and positive flow that’s still creating from a mixed bucket.

 Once a Vortex of DeLight has really taken hold in your life, you’ll find that an unstoppable momentum has been unleashed and you’re just along for the ride. If you put a kink in the sails because “things are moving too fast”, you may just end up sabotaging your own boat ride, dear one. Your heart knows the direction towards which it wants to go. Let go, trust in the optimal outcome and fly.

 Over time, as with any experiment in skill, you’ll find it becomes more and more effortless to focus on optimal outcomes that reveal your heart’s desires and manifest a desirable reality on your behalf.


 Someone once said to me that success is simply what follows a series of accidents. Bob Ross, that happy painter who once had a PBS show said there were no such thing as mistakes or failures, just happy accidents. There are all kinds of ways to look at what’s not appearing to go your way.

 If it has not worked itself out for the Optimal Outcome of all, well, that just means it’s not done yet. And neither, dear one, are you.

 Sometimes the roadmap ends up a bit longer than we anticipate. We cannot plan for every detour, every bump in the road or every bridge that collapses. These things just happen. They are part of the Matrix of Reality reforming itself for a more optimal, balanced outcome.

 There may be something bigger, brighter, more wondrous down the path less traveled and you’ve just been invited to forge your own path, instead.

 When the Universe co-­­creates on our behalf, it’s out of a loving desire for an optimal outcome for all. Very often what we believe are things “going wrong”, or “failure” is in reality, the Universe operating perfectly to deliver what our hearts are asking for in a way that is most DeLightFULL and Optimal for ALL. Hindsight can be 20/20.

 I remember being stuck in a tiny, dark room, tied up and believing that was the end of my life. I remember hoping-­­ and-­­powerfully-­­praying-­­against-­­reality that I would see my beloved children again. Years later, I realize that this time spent in slavery was perhaps the most enlightening time of my life. Yes, the most harrowing, most traumatic, and most evil. But without having experienced that antithesis, I would not be able to understand fully the Power of DeLight, Love and Intentional Co-­­Creation that I’ve been given.

 I remember thinking when I moved twelve hundred miles away from a support network of friends to start my life over again, after divorce that my life as I knew it was over. And yet, inevitably I was able to double my income four times in four years, reclaim a part of my brain that was believed permanently damaged, and be a better mother for my children.

 When I look back and realized the health crisis that led to my being jobless and the eventual financial devastation that took away our house, our cars and much of the life we had built together, I now realize it was in order for me to discover how to make room for my real life purpose and prepare me to learn how to manifest life on my own terms, of freedom, liberation and being here for my loved ones.

 Remember when you were fired from a joy you hated, or a loved one left you? Can you see how blessed you became as the Universe guided you to a more optimal way of life later down the road?

 When things or people no longer serve us or the purpose for the reason they entered our lives no longer exists, these things dissipate in order for us to make room for our heart’s desires. As we become more and more clear on our desires, our life must shift and change in order to make room for them.

 The Universe has a great deal of intelligence and an unlimited wellspring of ability, if we allow it to partner with us and operate throughout our lives to produce optimal outcomes.

 We cannot always see the larger view from our current level of awareness. However, as we ascend and elevate, we can begin to see a new view and realize how things unfold from a different perspective.

 Don’t go running away, cursing those that told you or try to teach you. Don’t operate from a fear-­­based paradigm that says people are out to scam you. It may only be that the larger view is still taking shape for you. If you want to see another perspective of the landscape around you, what do you need to do?

  • Keep walking
  • Keep climbing to a higher place
  • Keep checking in and feel within if this is making sense.
  • Head the direction that you desire to go

 Everything I’ve taught you in this little book is based in the energetic, quantum dynamics of how the Universe Operates. It really does operate in this incredible manner. As a partner, however, you have to allow your partner to do what it does best, while you do what you do best. Keep in touch with your partner, ensuring you are both on the same page, and when you are not, all you have to do is step back into flow and allow your partner to flow all around you and through you.

 If you’ve ever danced with a truly brilliant dance partner, you’ll know exactly how that feels. This means you’ve got to keep dancing in partnership with your Universal Partner, even in the face of “negative evidence” that you aren’t co-­­ creating together. It’s not over until it’s over, and even when its over in one perspective, the reality is things are still going on behind the scenes. You CAN have whatever it is your heart desires, most… and you will, if you trust your heart, trust your spirit, and trust the Universe to all cooperatively operate on your behalf.

 This is where faith plays a key role in life. Developing DEEP Faith in the benevolent nature of the Universe. Trust that a way will always, always be made to allow things to happen. The Universe always chooses the path of least resistance for optimal flow, even when it appears to you to be the path of most resistance for you.

 Remember, as long as you focus on what delights you the most, the path of effortlessness will be made clear for you. Remember that the most effortless acts of deliberate creation are the most DeLightFULL for all. Once you learn to effortlessly create, you’ll just want to keep going and going and going.

 Soon, over time, you’ll start to receive evidence that you are on the path that’s most optimal for you and attracting your heart’s desires. This will make it easier to perceive the challenges as opportunities and any perceived problems as gifts and treasures for you to unwrap.


  • It’s a challenge to remember that The Universe has your best interests at heart and delivers you perfection every single time. In the face of negative reinforcement we experience in our media, our news, our TV shows and struggles that’s a difficult thing to believe. However, even when you are unable to perceive it as a gift of perfection, it is helpful to remember that you have a most powerful, Divine, Perfect Partner always operating on our behalf, if we let it.
  • Yes, things will go wrong (at least from one perspective it will appear to be going horribly wrong), until you discover that it is actually turning out for the best. Something you don’t want is happening, and its happening in front of you. Slipping into the old vibration of forcing, trying, struggling or beating yourself up about the problems or what’s going wrong is easy to do. When you slip into your old vibrational patterns of fear and resistance, don’t criticize yourself. Accept it, let go and move on.
  • Remember when things appear to be going horribly wrong or everything appears to be falling apart, it very is in reality… that things are coming together in utter perfection. Sometimes things have to be taken apart to be rebuilt in better ways for more optimal outcomes for all.
  • The Universe is answering many requests all at once. It’s always operating along the path of least resistance for the Optimal Outcome of All. If it isn’t optimal yet, that means it isn’t over, yet.
  • Don’t give up! At these times is most important to dig deeper into your FAITH and BELIEVE while Delighting yourself even more deeply than before.
  • Ride out the waves as the matrix of reality restores itself to harmony and balance. Don’t create more rifts, and don’t sabotage your own boat.
  • Trust us, we all believe you to be an excellent partner in co-­­creation!