Seven Secrets to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Heart's Desires by Isis - HTML preview

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 In reading this book you discovered something about your deliberate creative process that will EMPOWER you move past your obstacles and stumbling blocks.

 You learned about the long-­­lost Law of DeLight that explains how all other laws operate in the Universe. You learned that when you create out of a spirit that delights you, the Universe will spontaneously reward you with the Desires of your heart! You learned that the reason a lot of things don’t come to fruition is because they are not in alignment with what we really, really, really want for ourselves and one another.

 You learned more about resistance and life-­­stallers and how to embrace fear rather than conquer it.

You learned several secrets and insights no one else in the world is teaching about getting what you really, really want out of life.

 You learned that you really can have and do deserve to receive all that you desire for yourself.

 And finally, you learned that The Universe always operates in utter perfection for the Optimal Outcome of ALL Inhabitants. This can seem counterintuitive at one level, but as you begin co-­­creating at another level, you’ll begin to see how this works.

 Although this book doesn’t cover all the ins and outs of manifesting, reality creation and living an enlightened Life of DeLight, it does offer insight and solutions to what I’ve found are the biggest life-­­stallers.

 If you find you’d like more support in becoming a Co-­­Creator or a Master Manifestor in the real world, drop me an email and we’ll chat. I offer private sessions and mentoring. You can visit me online at

 If this book intrigued you, you may be interested in reading DELIGHT, An Enlightening Path to Transforming Your Life, Spontaneously. You may also want to visit The Sacred Living Center ( if you are ready to live life on a higher plane of existence with other DeLight Makers & Creators. In the meantime, remember to keep your face to the sun and may you be filled with DeLight and Joy as you effortlessly create what you most desire for yourself and others!