Seven Secrets to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Heart's Desires by Isis - HTML preview

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 Here’s the next key.

 Everything in the Universe automatically tunes its vibration to resonate with the vibration of DELIGHT.

Why? Because everything in the Universe was created and wired to experience DELIGHT. With that in mind, doesn’t it make sense to…




 In a nutshell, that introduces you to the Law of DELIGHT. And it is the only Law in the Universe that instantly triggers every other Law to conspire, just like a domino effect, on your behalf, all so you can create anything you desire for yourself.

 Not even The Law of Attraction can do that. In fact, without Activating the Law of DeLight, you may find yourself struggling with The Law of Attraction, sometimes for years, before you figure out how to manage your vibration.

 With the Law of DeLight, however, you no longer have to concern yourself with your “vibrational” state of your feelings or thoughts. You are automatically at the co-­­creative vibrational level that the Universe needs.

 Life becomes more and more effortless as you become filled more and more frequently with the vibrational charge of DeLight.

 However, before we go too deeper, I want you to consider for a second that…




Many of us fall in the trap of wanting what we believe we “ought” to want.

We’re often conditioned to live up to societal, parental and cultural expectations, which may include a variety of things, like ...

  • going to college at the “right” school
  • getting a job with the “right” company
  • getting married to the “right” person
  • buying a house in the “right” neighborhood
  • driving the “right” car
  • living the “right” lifestyle
  • rising in your chosen career
  • having kids
  • doing what’s expected
  • believing in the “right” thing
  • practicing the “right” religion
  • not being too out of the ordinary
  • accepting the status quo

 …and there may be more, depending on your particular upbringing.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I railed against most of the controls that were placed on me early on in my life. I remember my mom and I having fight after fight about her expectations of me. Some of us rebel loudly, others rebel silently. Many more of us eventually cave and succumb because we really think we want to “make” our parents happy with us. So we “grow up” or “mature” and fall into “towing the line”.

 We sigh and step into the yoke and begin the long haul up the hill. Over time, we lose our passion for our dreams; we lose sight of what we really wanted out of life, what inspired us, what excited us.

 Then, something, somewhere along the line we have something happen to us. Something that wakes us up out of the doldrums of a life less lived to remind us that the life that was picked out for us, or rather the life we chose to make someone else happy… just might not be the life we really want.

 It may be the life we thought we wanted, because we finally gave in to the pressures of an outside world.

But, it doesn’t ring our bell. It doesn’t delight us. It sure as hell doesn’t get us leaping out of bed every morning, excited about what the day is about to bring.

 The problem occurs when we don’t check in with ourselves from within, to make certain our choices that we are making will help us to create the version of reality that we really, really want to live.

 For example: ...

in my parent’s version of my success, I’m married with kids, in a little suburban house close to home where my family can pop by for unexpected visits. I drive a modest car, I work a modest job, live a modest lifestyle, and don’t ask for any help, ever. I keep my head down and make clothes, crochet, sew and cook every night. I don’t go making art my business, because everyone knows artists starve and never succeed in life.

I don’t accumulate material possessions, because that would be selfish. I don’t have a business because that’s gambling with my children’s future. I don’t travel out of the country, because that would be too dangerous. I don’t go tooting my horn, selling myself, or posting pictures of myself on my websites. I don’t go making waves. I make a modest income doing basically what my parents did. What’s good enough for them, ought to be good enough for me.

 I shouldn’t expect much out of life, because, after all, I’m a woman, so I’m not all that disappointed when I don’t get what I want. I ought to just keep my head down, stay in the shadows, don’t attract too much attention or suspicion, work hard, watch TV and hope for a few good things to come my way.

 Turns out my version of success is way different than theirs.

 How about that?



 What does YOUR version of a life of delight look like?

 What does YOUR version of success look like to you?

 Only you can answer that. No one can answer it for you. It is the most important thing that you can do for you.

Get crystal clear on what REALLY delights you in life. Release yourself of the need that you must live up to anyone else’s expectations.

 The little things that delight us in our day-­­to-­­day lives are clues. The things we see others achieve that we are jealous about are clues. The things we really deeply wish in our most quiet moments late at night are all clues. Everything else is a distraction. When we lose ourselves for hours doing something or creating something, this is a clue.

 Your Inner Wise Self has all the answers to what you really, really want in life.

 Once we get a peek or a hint of what we really want… often it is a very intimidating, scary revelation. Often because it means big changes are in store for us. And change is very scary.

 We don’t think we deserve what we really, really want, or we are good enough for it. So we reach for something else entirely. Avoiding what it is that really makes our heart sing.

 Some of us are subconsciously reluctant to acknowledge an authentic desire, because to admit and recognize what we really truly want makes our hearts vulnerable to failure and disappointment. This is very scary, especially if we’ve ever suffered setbacks in our lives. I have had many, many business failures, which led me to feel incredibly vulnerable to admit what I really wanted was financial success so I could give back more to the world around me.

 We face certain risk when we set our heart on creating something in our lives, whether its financial success or a great piece of artwork… or our musical talent, or being seen on stage. Most of us have been conditioned in life to see risks with great fear and pain… so to avoid those risks at all costs.

 Or, like me, you may have a parental belief system that leads us to believe that if we really want those things, it must mean we are small, selfish, materialistic, and not spiritual, or that we are more deserving or better than others in some way. Those heavy parental beliefs come from someone else, they are not yours, so don’t adopt them and make them yours.

 Daring to want what you want takes courage and boldness in the face of all these things.

Step up… Claim it! Do more than just claim it… You have got to Go Big and DELIGHT in what you want. Really sink yourself deep into in it. Revel in it… celebrate what you want! Whatever it is that you do, Do NOT hold back.

 Every one of your dreams are within you, no matter how big or crazy they might seem.

They are not mirages, stuck out somewhere across the desert sands, always moving away from you. Dreams are not sitting on clouds, dissipating as soon as you reach for them. They are not something to chase down, to run towards desperately, or to cling to.






 Get yourself to a mirror… the closest mirror you have.

 Now, look at yourself. Really look at yourself. Examine yourself up close. No judgment, just look.

 Now, touch your reflection in mirror.

Often we believe our dreams are something reflected out to us, but are as untouchable as that reflection in our mirror. We know the mirror is real… tangible, but we also know the reflection is only an image… a mirage. We cannot touch the person in the mirror.

 The mirror becomes the barrier to our dreams.

When we try to run into the mirror or into the mirage of our dreams, we find we cannot, no matter how hard we try, touch them. The mirror is a barrier… it is an illusion. It is not real. It sits outside of us reflecting to us all our flaws, all our beauty, all our hopes and all our disappointments.

 This is how most people treat their dreams. They hold them up as if they are a mirage that lives outside of them… that someday if they can reach for it… they can be happy. Someday is the mirage.

 Still looking in the mirror, touch yourself. Touch your face. Now stick out your tongue at your reflection. You are such a kid! Smile deeply at yourself. Really smile as if you are DELIGHTD to meet you.

 You see, the mirror can only reflect to us what actions we take, what thoughts we think, and what we feel. If you began scowling at your lines or some tiny imperfection, you are judging yourself. If you began admiring your best traits, you are judging yourself.

 The Mirror is the Universe reflected back at you. The Universe can only take what we give it and reflect it back to us in the objects all around us. It is up to you to use what you have available to you to make malleable the image reflected all around you.

 If you can touch yourself, touch your face, stick out your tongue or smile to yourself… by golly you are touching your dreams, sticking out your tongue to adversity and smiling at how easy it all really is…

 It all comes from inside you and is reflected out to the Universe to Create our Reality.

 If you can imagine it, you can have it -­­ especially once you remember that you really can partner with the Universe to create new realities (rather than surrender to it) and truly DELIGHT yourself in your own reflection that’s in everything all around you. The Universe is your reflection. It is your Divine Partner in this great experiment you call life. You don’t have to surrender to it, or give yourself up to it. In fact, it doesn’t want you to do that. It wants a partner to experiment with, not a hapless victim of circumstance!

 What I'm saying is ... all things are possible for you, but it requires that you let go of a few sandbags of belief weighing you down so you can claim what you really want for yourself and delight in it… so you can get excited and motivated enough to commit to it in order to manifest it.

 That doesn’t mean you have to announce your dream of becoming the next ice skating world champion to the world once you realize THIS is what really delights your heart. Although announcing it to yourself in your own mirror every single morning and night would be a good start to get the Universal wheels turning in your favor.

 Sometimes what you need to do is take a Leap of Inspired Faith… Take Inspired Action. Take a few steps each day to your desired outcome. You’ll likely have to do something that scares you a little, because in order to show the Universe you are serious at building a partnership, you’ve got to invest something of yourself so it has something to work with. DELIGHT in it!

 Sometimes it feels better to protect our dream from the harsh winds of ridicule or scoffing by the ones we love and trust.

Once you learn the secret language the Universe is using to communicate with you through the language we often misunderstand as ridicule and scoffing, you’ll be even more empowered to stick your tongue out like a child and delight yourself in your chosen path!

 You’ll know when your belief in your desire is strong enough to reveal to others. In the meantime, let it sit within you, delight in it, revel in it. Feed it every day out of the wellspring of your delight and joy…

 That’s where your vortex of unstoppable momentum begins.