Seven Secrets to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Heart's Desires by Isis - HTML preview

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 In fact, DELIGHT itself is the secret. The secret that was once lost for eons to humanity. The secret that every philosopher and every spiritual teacher who truly understood it, hinted about it to us, without revealing its full impact, in order to protect the secret from people unworthy or unable to understand it.

 What is this secret, you ask? It’s so simple, so deceptively simple, that you may walk away from this book never fully understanding the power of what I am about to reveal to you.



 If you’ve been struggling to implement the Law of Attraction in your life, if you’ve struggled to really master manifestation or creation of your heart’s desires, its simply because the Law of DeLight was not revealed to you.

 And yet, is precedes every other Law in the Universe. It is from this Law that all other Universal Laws manifest themselves. The Law of DeLight was reserved for the most advanced students of esoteric mystery teachings, those who had advanced beyond the levels of adept and into true mastery.

 Yet, this Secret Universal Law has sat in plain sight in countless sacred texts all over the world.

 For those who could understand it’s deceptive simplicity, the entire Universe would roll over in ecstasy at their feet, revealing all its secrets and giving to them all their heart’s desires? Why? I’ll reveal this to you very shortly.

 It’s such a simple Law that even our youngest children understand its power.

I’m not particularly religious, but I am spiritual in a sense that I acknowledge the hidden forces and the higher realms that surround our physical one.

 However, I am going to ask you to consider this one short statement from the Bible…

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” It is in this single sentence that The Law of DeLight was revealed.

 And yes, various aspects of The Law of DeLight is hidden in nearly every single sacred text that I have ever studied. In fact, I have found this Law revealed in the Upanishads, in countless Tantric Texts of Buddhists and Hindus alike. And I’ve found it in the stories of indigenous peoples all over the world.

Here’s the secret…DELIGHT is the most powerful, creative force of the Universe. It is the underlying vibrational driver behind why we do anything at all. It is behind every action, every choice, everything that manifests itself.

 Replace the word “Lord” and “He” with anything you want, and the Law remains accurate. “Delight yourself in Life and the Universe will give you the desires of your heart.”

 Anything at all. There is magic in this one single Law, the Law of DeLight, which in and of itself contains the catalyst for every other Universal Law, all rolled up into one.

 “Delight yourself in acts of creation, and your creations will give you the desires of your heart.”

Suddenly, this little piece of somewhat simple logic contains the single greatest key to unlocking everything you’ve ever wanted to attract to yourself in your life.

 With that in mind, I want to remind you of a simple piece of logic:


 Simply choose to DELIGHT yourself so thoroughly in something and you’ll instantly be uplifted to that level of intense creative vibration.

 No longer do you need to monitor all the thoughts that enter your field. All you do is immerse yourself, lose yourself in whatever it is that delights your heart, tickles your spirit and uplifts you to no end.

 No matter where you are currently at emotionally or in your countless thought spirals, finding one tiny thing, just one thing to really lose yourself in and thoroughly delight in, and you instantly transform your world, while making you much more attractive to the universe!

 And you can choose to delight in anything that affirms life for yourself or others at any time! You don’t have to let it hinge on anything else happening to you or for you.




 DeLight surpasses all other vibrational frequencies. It far surpasses love, joy, bliss, gratitude and passion on the vibrational scale.

 Go ahead, close your eyes, and listen to the delighted laughter of children. Or remember the silly antics of your favorite pet. See how quickly a smile starts to play upon your lips? Remember the last delightful thing you shared with someone else?


 In fact, as you choose to feel DELIGHT NOW, you become much more attractive to the Universe, which immediately wants to begin co-­­creating with you whatever it is your heart desires. Things become magically effortless when you operate out of a spirit of DeLight.

 Immediately, as you DeLight more and more in life, you begin to open yourself up to the Universe as well. You see, when you truly delight in something the Universe created for you to delight in, the Universe wants to naturally promote that vibrational scale of DeLight, because resonating at that level feeds and fuels the Universe to create more and more on our behalf.

 DeLight yourself in whatever is around you now, so you can create the vibrational resonance of Creation to begin swirling around you.

 Having said that, I don’t want you to think I’m trying to talk you out of what you want.

In fact, I’m not. Many great sacred works have all said that material possessions can be a sign of two things, either a being completely bereft of spirituality, or a being so in tune with Spirit that all things have been made possible for that being.

 I’m all for whatever it is that you dream of. I just know that the material is only a representation of something far more powerful that exists all around you.

 Just know that things and people… are not what “makes” you feel, do or experience anything. Only you get to choose what you feel, do or experience. No other can choose that for you.

 Your happiness, your DELIGHT, does not hinge on any one person, place, thing or circumstance in your life.



 Happiness, sadness, joy, fear, anger… DELIGHT. The most powerful of these feelings, however, is DELIGHT.