Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Exercise; Magnetic Eye Purpose

To give the eye its natural shape. To restore focus and clarity to vision. To draw blood and therefore energy to the eyeball. To magnetize the face.



There are nine eye positions. This exercise is the step-by-step movement of the eye into each of those nine positions.



Position 1 straight ahead. Position 2 eyes left. position 3 eyes right position 4 eyes down center. Position 5 eyes down left. Position 6 eyes down right. Position 7 eyes up center Position 8 eyes up the left. Position 9 eyes upper right.

Follow the following sequence; 1 -- 2, 1 -- 3, 2 -- 3, 4 -- 5, 4 -- 6, 5 -- 6, 7 -- 8, 7 -- 9, 8 --

9, 8 -- 6, 9 -- 5;

each movement is to be repeated ten times in each sequence. Caution is required at first so is not to build up exhaustion. Then gradually build up to 20 movements in each sequence.

These exercises can be done anywhere. It’s value is immeasurable.

In many cases these exercises have eliminated the need for glasses and have improved eye sight immeasurably.

Strong eyes are essential to magnetic eyes and they give strength to the features about the face. All the exercises in these lessons that relate to the eyes and eye conditions to the whole upper face. It becomes attractive. When aided by the exercises of mental magnitude a wonderful appearance of fine intelligence appears.

The eyes exert a large share of magnetic influence in all communication in personal contact, and had to the power of that rare quality, a magnificent presence.


Exercise; Bring back brilliancy to the eye Purpose

To eliminate the need for glasses To strengthen the eyesight Bring back brilliancy to the eye


Stare at a place where you can see some object in the distance. Hold in your hand some picture at eye level with your arm outstretched. Look into the distance and focus on the object Bring the gaze to the picture you hold in your hand

The changing from short to long distance will cause the eye to change its shape and regain some flexibility

Repeat the exercise

Use an object half the distance away. After some trials you will notice your capacity to sustain both objects in tight focus is possible.

Progression on the last exercise

Obtain an advert from a newspaper with large type Obtain another add with small type Then a third piece with even smaller type of normal reading size The last piece should be very fine type


Look and focus on the largest type, then the next down, then the next down and then the last. Move quickly attempting perfect focus in each step. The value of the practice is the speed in which you can go from one piece to the next after securing focus Make this a daily practice in conjunction with earlier exercises


Exercise; To stimulate the brain battery and bring the magnetic state to it's  maximum.


To stimulate the brain battery and bring the magnetic state to it's maximum. To give diversity to the human dimension

Eye Positions

1/ look at some imaginary person whose eyes are directly in front of you and on a level with your eyes Position 1,, adopt a dead still body all through. Hold the eyes two seconds in each gaze;

From one move to position two. Do not move the muscles of the face. Then back to one for 2 seconds To pos 3 Etc through all positions

While in each of the 9 positions and while holding the gaze repeat the following with full expression and meaning. Let the voice be low, clear and firm even severe. Imagine that someone is actually with you and you are determined to keep them under your control..

the face remains forward and does not flinch.

I am a Genius and I apply my wisdom I am a master of persistence I do Not quit I have power over all that I do, all that I say and all that I hear. I do what I love and I love what I do Am I a reflection of Perfection I have all that I need, all that it takes and all that I can get.

The first few repetitions may be mental but it is always better to speak these words aloud.

In repeating them speak the position then come back to the central position of 1 and repeat it again.

After five days increase the number of repetitions to 5 times each.

8 Up left

7 up front

9 up right

2 Level Left

1 straight ahead

3 level right

5 down left

4 down front

6 down right

After a further 5 days repeat each one 10 times at each eye position

The success in tensing the eyes will depend upon the tone and color of your voice. An actor would achieve this readily. You may have to keep this up for weeks but the power it builds is permanent.