Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Exercise; Mental progress

Purpose; To increase clarity and mental focus.

In the play the merchant of Venice, it is an expression of purpose made by Shylok, when he discovers that he may sentence another to death because of an un met debt. He is offered alternative compensation, but declines, saying;

"I will have my bond"

Repeat this with the body tensed and dead still. The fist of your right hand should be forward about inline with your hip with the tones all your voice subdued.

On the first repetition place the emphasis on the word bond. On the second repetition place the emphasis on the word will. On the third repetition increase the emphasis on the word will. [Do not raise voice] on the fourth repetition increase the emphasis on the word will. On the fifth repetition speak the words silently and look into the eye of the judge.

This affirmation can be used anytime an in fact has equal power when not spoken out loud.


Exercise; For development of a Magnetic Voice;


To develop the tremolo voice and the use of the diaphragm in creating interesting vibration and magnetism in the voice.


Pronounce the sound 000 as long as possible, while shaking the lower chest with the rapid action off the hands. This will make the tone shaky. This is the only natural tremolo, for the diaphragm by its vibrations produces laughter, Gladness, joy, brief, sorrow, weeping, crying, hysterics and every other mood known to the human heart.

Step 2.

Prolong the sound ooo. Instead of 00, with a piece cited tremolo, and keep it until it is very easy to say such sentences as the following with ease; " the sorrow's of a poor old man" or " oh the long and dreary winter", " dear master, I can go no further." When this can be down the next step is to increase and decrease the range of the vibrations; that is to make them wider and narrower.

Take a large piece of brown paper and a heavy pencil. Across the top make a wavy line about 10 inches long and two inches wide. And marked is that tensed degree of the tremolo. Under to make another wavy line 10 inches long but with waves only an inch high; continue down the page reducing the wave high 3/4 of inch, 1/4 of inch, one eighth of inch, 1/16 inch, 1/32 of inch, and a straight line for the last which is called the first degree [a flat voice]. The rule of practice is to begin at the middle degree.

In the practice of tremolo and the incorporation of all elements of the tensed voice use the following phrase. "I will have my bond" on the first saying emphasize the first word; on the second saying emphasize the second word; repeat this quotation now with the hand becoming gradually tensed as it closes in firm determination.


Exercise; is Tensing versus fixed;

The difference between setting the muscles and tensing the nerves should be carefully studied. When using the hands relax so that it is devoid of any power. Slowly vitalize it by closing the fingers;


Exercise; Tensing vs. setting.

Relax the hand [all muscular effort has gone out of it]. Now and tensing to the calm without changing the hand see if it is possible to add tensing to the arm without investing this in the wrist.


Exercise Developing mental power

Create a scene in your mind and describe it in accurate and final detail without verbs or adjectives.

We depend largely on the formation of mental pictures; mental pictures are glory over genius; and the difference between the power to see mental pictures within the mind, and not to see them, is now, always has been, and always will be, the difference between common clay and noblest human achievement.


Exercise; Development of personal magnetism


Strengthening the Nervous systems Creating Inner Poise Harnessing the power within.


Take a sheet of note paper, carries in-house hold one Harvard in the hand by placing the thumb and two fingers at the lower corner of the paper [a 4]. Hold the hand about what one foot from the chest, and the elbow away from the body. The entire are must be free -– must not touch anything.

If the mirror is convenient locate some fineness bought on the glass. Hold the paper so that the upper diagonal corner from that being held by the hand sheet is on an exact line with the eye and a spot on the mirror. Hold this for 12 seconds. And no to the amount of deviation of the corner of the paper from the spot. If there is no deviation you are ready for levels 2. If there is deviation practice this until you can be brief and any departure.

Second level.

Take a larger sheet of paper [a 3]. Tear it in halves and hold it in the same manner as the first exercise. Persist in practicing until there is no deviation, even a hairs breadth.

Third level.

When the last exercise has been must add the people may take a sheet of the larger size paper, tear it in halves, and continued as before.

Fourth level.

Now take an entire sheet of paper without tearing at, and repeat.

Fifth level.

Fill a wine glass two-thirds full of water. Hold the stem with the thumb and index finger only, outstretched in front of your body. Test to see if the water shakes or even trembles.

Hold the same way, but now employ the thumb and the middle finger for 30 seconds.

Check for trembling. Continue this exercise changing the fingers until you reach the little finger.

You must eventually complete this exercise with ease.

Sixth Level

Fill the glass to the top so that the water is just above the edge. Hold your palm flat facing up and place the glass in the center of your palm. Have a friend put another glass in the other hand and hold both with arms outstretched for 30 seconds.

The goal is to not spill any water. You will probably not be able to do this at first but after practicing you will easily complete this exercise.

Seventh Level

Follow with steady eye a line on a height with the head, real or imaginary, from left to right and then in reverse. Do this slowly fifty times each way. The eye must move in a smooth flow, not in short muscular jerks.

Do not wink nor blink while doing this.


Exercise for energizing the body and mind

Purpose; The development of vitality


Stand perfectly still, disregard all distractions, lengthen the spine and neck, open the chest and breathe deeply and very slowly a few times.

Summon great internal energy as if you were about to undertake a super human feat of strength. Show no outward sign of the internal energy that is building. Be ready, intensely alert, eyes fixed, your powers at your command.

Your will is brought to the highest pitch. Feel your whole being charged with this energy.

Now repeat and maintain perfect inner stillness.


Exercise for focused work


To train and develop the habit of deep focused concentration


During any labor maintain continual mental activity. Keep the mind focused on just one thing. Engage the mind fully and if it wanders slowly draw it back to the subject at hand.

Put the whole mind to work.


Exercise in development of self control


to develop the habit of simple self control


In all mechanical action of the body and every voluntary power, control should be exercised to create smoothness of action and thought. Smooth economic action is critical.

An extreme efficiency of movement in all things: from every action required to brush your teeth, to prepare a meal, to eat a meal, etc. This should become second nature. The sense of controlled energy must pervade all actions. Give the whole mind to every undertaking