Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Psychic Regimes for Physical Character

1. Care of health

2. Reformation of habit

3. Correction of heredity – iron will

4. Correct living – improvement in diet, sleep, air, exercise, amusement, labor, sex relations – daily routine and rest.

5. satisfaction in physical cleanliness – consciousness of a clean body, “temple”

6. Appropriate grooming – sense of satisfaction and reasonable pride in your general physical appearance

7. Culture of Buoyancy – the feeling of physical buoyancy may not be claimed unless it is present – languor and distress may be thrown off and physical buoyancy summoned – live up to buoyancy of body and induce the feeling of thought, assertiveness and mental cheerfulness.

8. The erect carriage – daily holding up the abdominal contents and maintaining the erect carriage whether sitting or standing or walking – uprightness of body.

9. Physical Gracefulness – magnetic action ad psychic harmony

10. Appreciation of the Instrument – the body is your instrument – cultivate appreciation of its wonderful usefulness. This regime will bring you to a fine sense of ownership and relationship to the body, greater than can arise from any possession. You will come to a feeling of friendship for this ready servant which will put soul and flesh into the closest conscious relations and give the psychic factor the greatest influence.

11. Nobility of physical consciousness. You are urged to think of its greatness, its usefulness, its divinity.

12. Psychic Uprightness – eliminate from your life all baser emotions and passions and cultivate the white soul life of honor

13. If you will say mentally, quietly but intensely “I will ! I am charged with vigor! I am conscious of power!” you will develop internal energy of soul.

14. The idealization of environment. Environment exercises incessant and oftentimes an unconscious influence. If it is disorderly, depressing, unattractive, uninspiring the effects will first appear in the physical life.

15. The use of imagination – this regime supposes evil imagination totally absent. Think of the noblest physical manhood or womanhood and think of that ideal once a day for many weeks. Etheric and inner physical movements swing into powerful harmony with the ideal so in time it becomes a reconstructing factor in your life. In connection with this work, you should surround yourself with a home, a place of business, furniture, literature, music , people, various articles, conditions and atmospheres – all things that agree with the ideal tend to keep it in mind and exercise a silent influence in agreement therewith upon mind and body.

16. Drawing on the universal forces – secure mental repose at frequent intervals during the day – so long as needed – and by quiet, intense affirmation, claim the universal forces as your helpers in building physical character.

17. The use of the will – hold the will energy at the fore in unfailing efforts to secure the noblest physical character possible in your case.

18. The prophesy of Childhood – Marry wisely for the sake of the child. Love with all the nobilities of the soul exhaled. Summon a high ideal of the child, physical and mental in the honor of its prophesy.