Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Regimes in General Physical Magnetism

1. The culture of Health

2. The magnetic Bath

3. Neck and Scalp massage

4. Movement of Face muscles

5. Care of hands and feet

6. Magnetic hand rubbing – Two or three times a week you should give every reachable part of the body a thorough dry rubbing with the hands, employing sufficient pressure and rapidity of movement to induce a fine glow of the surface – intense feeling of internal energy

7. The Magnetic Passes – Throw a sense of magnetic energy with the thought “ I am certainly magnetic” into the open hands, the muscles of hands and arms being slightly tensed and to make slow magnetic passes (“I am magnetic here”) over every part of the body.

8. Magnetic Deep Breathing

9. Magnetic Muscle Stretching

10. The transfer of energy

11. Nerve Calisthenics

12. Magnetic Imagery Exercises

13. Magnetic Organ Exercises


Magnetic deep breathing

– practice full abdominal and chest breathing before meals twice each day for life. The following method is suggested;

The mouth should be kept closed and the windpipe open during each exercise During all the time occupied the sense of magnetic energy should be maintained

With body erect and lungs emptied, disregard the chest, depress the diaphragm by muscular effort, extend the abdomen and slowly fill the lower lings. Very slowly exhale. Rest. Repeat several times.

With body erect and lungs emptied, disregard the abdomen, extend the chest by muscular effort and slowly fill the upper lungs. Slowly exhale. Rest. Repeat several times. With body erect and lungs emptied, extend the abdomen and chest and depress the diaphragm and then fill the lungs to their utmost capacity. Slowly exhale. Rest. Repeat several times.

The exercises may be alternated. The air should be cool and pure.

It is well, also, to practice magnetic breathing when on the street Habitual breathing should be abdominal.


Magnetic muscle stretching

1. Twice a day but never on a full stomach practice slowly stretching and slowly relaxing the various sets of voluntary muscles in the body – of neck, each shoulder, each arm, chest, back, each leg, both arms simultaneously, both legs simultaneously.

2. The stretching should be slow and gradually increase to utmost intensity of muscular stiffening.

3. The relaxing should be slow and gradual from utmost intensity to limp.

4. While stretching, the lungs should gradually be filled becoming packed at highest tension of muscles. While relaxing, the lungs should be emptied, becoming airless at muscular limpness.

5. The work must be slow, gradual, deliberate, thoughtful with the whole mind located intensely upon the physical action of the parts engaged and vigorously asserting “ I am now in these muscular parts accumulating physical magnetism”


The transfer of energy

1. Become perfectly composed in mind and relaxed in body, breathing deeply and exhaling exhaustively a few times.

2. Summon a general sense of intense internal energy and without moving a muscle but relaxed in all parts except those engaged.

3. Throw the feeling into various places a few seconds as follows: left foot, left leg (whole); lower half; upper half; right foot; right leg (whole); lower half; upper half; the abdomen; the hips; left side; right side; small of the back; upper back; left shoulder; left arm (whole, upper, lower, hand); right shoulder; right arm;(whole, upper, lower, hand);chest; neck; face( various parts); head; eyes; ears; tongue. Rest. Repeat.

4. Proceed to transfer the energy sense by a slow continuous change of attention from one part of the body to another, through intervening parts; from left fingers through hand, wrist lower arm, upper arm, shoulder, neck, right shoulder, upper arm, lower arm, wrist, hand, to right fingers. Repeat with various combinations.

5. Observe: the muscles must not tense, under attention, anywhere; the breathing must not depart from natural rate; the transfer of sense should be slow and gradual and never leap; the mind must always be in the part engaged.

6. During these exercises the magnetic thought should be maintained, “ I am now locating magnetic energy at this point. I am now transferring magnetic energy through Spiritual Handbook for Conscious Living  Page 104 of 123 this part.”

7. Should the regime induce sleep the impulse should not be resisted but the work should be taken up during the day.

8. The regime should be continued until, with the companion methods, it demonstrates in magnetism.