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The Magnetic Voice

4 steps to improve Magnetic Communication ;

  • kill the worst forms of leakage at once; for neither magnetism nor self control can be applied when they exist;
  • kill worst forms of monotony for is there is nothing so repellent as sameness of sound, sameness of voice, sameness of pitch and in spoken words.
  • fire the mind ; not the brain; nor the nerves; but the mind; by a opening its portal with to the reception of mental pictures and therefore recruit the use of the magnetic eye.
  • Tone of voice into a human dynamic energy, by sound dams.

Mere sound is never pleasing. 99 percent of people use the same part of the focal scale when they converse. This can be compared to a musical instrument being continually played on one note. No matter how beautiful instrument this monotone would drive you mad.

A voice must not only be pleasing but it must be bought into the subtle quality known as magnetism. Magnetic tones attract, win and hold.

Above all, they must be naturalness in the voice. The kind of magnetism that also on the acting stage, will not to in public speaking, nor will either kind be appropriate in doing business or social usage. The thoroughly flexible voice responds readily to all the needs of the mind and heart. Flexibility therefore, must be applied to a very high degree of efficiency; and times spent in acquiring this will be more than amply rewarded.

The perfectly flexible voice will have the capacity to reproduce any sound that can be making nature;

Exercises in back of book.


The mastery of projection in the voice

It is well recognized that the higher the pitches of the speaking voice the greater the irritation on the ear nerves of listeners.

The ear nerves communicate with the brain centers and air transfers the vibrations in airwaves received by the ear. In the high pitched speaking voice as well as the singing voice, there are many more vibrations of sound than are found in the lower pitches. With the high pitch voice many thousands of these vibrations strike small but decisive hammers against the nerves of the brain. There is a normal rate of speed that is readily made magnetic; but when you double it you double the thousands of hammer strokes.

It requires the genius of the highest order to speak rapidly and effectively. The best quality soprano singers need longer periods of absolute silence than others. The best of them refrain from using the voice four hours and sometimes days before a public appearance.

Many people say they prefer to remain natural than to cultivate good habits of voice; However they fail to see that nature often is ruled by impulses. Therefore, the habits they have created from impulses are not always conducive to magnetic and therefore natural speech.

Perfect vocal tone is achieved with the “Adams apple”, larynx, in the downward position.

This is what we experience in the act of swallowing. This position is also achieved when we imitate the gape. The closed throat is an effective barrier to a decent singing voice. It is also a most prominent fault in speaking voices.

As soon as you master this simple matter, you'll notice that the character of your voice will undergo a change that is revolutionary in its nature.

Then there will be purity, attractiveness and winning qualities to reward your brief effort at amending a fault that stands between you and success in the influence of people.

The primary tools of communication between one person and another are by the eyes and a voice. Therefore they are the most significant means of communicating personal magnetism. Incidental to these are touch and thought.

In 90 percent of all communication the voice is the agency of magnetic control. This is not related to the words spoken but the tone, feeling and projection of the voice. Merely by adopting the habit of maintaining an open throat and acquiring a pleasing and harmonious speech a transformation in personal communication can take place in a single day.



Modulation means variation in Pitch of the voice. This is not volume. Refer exercises in back of this book;

Tiresome voices

Tiresome voices are voices that are stuck in a fixed range of pitch. The chart below illustrates the point. It is normal to hear a master of voice use all of these in the one short paragraph. The exercises in the back of this book make a rapid impact on this quality. A monotone voice tires the ear just as one single not played on an instrument, even the most beautiful instrument, would bore you. Practice this between performances to create a habit of magnetic voice.


Degrees of pitch.


Extremely high very excited


very high excited


high enthusiastic


rather serious


middle calm


rather low rather enthusiastic in the line low serious


very low very serious


extremely low profound

The attractive voice must be

Natural motivated flexible


Tone movements; Going up and down the vocal scale;

The voice modulates between upward and downward movement. To the magnetic person the mastery of voice becomes a fascinating science, and an acute part of the mastery of communication.

Upward Movements

  • All feelings that tend toward uncontrolled move upward.
  • All forms of excited interest tend upward.
  • Tendencies to lightness of frivolity tend upward
  • Sympathy, gentle others, tenderness and similar moods move upward
  • Beauty, excellent patient and triumph move upward
  • Inquiry, doubt and in sincerity move upward
  • Weakness moves upward
  • Civility and obedience move upward

Downward movements

  • Decision, strength command and conclusion
  • Discouragement surrender
  • Sublime story or statement
  • Disobedience and surliness
  • Reply and certainty of assertion
  • Self control
  • Weighty and serious thoughts
  • Superiority


Example of upward movement.

“Hold you the watch tonight?” “Armed, say you?” “Dear master, I can do no further”.


Examples of downward movements

“Stop I command you” “Life is a shadowy, momentary dream”. “Conscience does make cowards of us all”

Flexibility consists of mental coloring and magnetic coloring. This imparts to the voice an inexhaustible richness and a most exquisite beauty.


Vocal qualities; the timber of the voice.

The true character of the inner life of a person shows itself in the timber that prevails in the voice. The voice takes on a common tone and this becomes a safe habit. In the transformation to a magnetic life it essential to be observant of your voice tones. After some time the voice can dictate the mood.

For example:

IF a person mingles with happiness, the voice will fall into the unconscious habit of using the bright timber. A subdued life the voice will fall into the unconscious habit of using a stock form and generally low pitch.

Mingling with sorrow and suffering, the pitch is a mixture of the deep larangenal timber.


Production of the timbers of the voice;

  • The bright timber that is a reflection of vitality is produced by impressing the voice forward in the mouth so that it strikes against the hard pallet near the front upper teeth.
  • The dark timber means gloom. It is made by holding the voice back against the soft palate near the back of the mouth. The pure timber means beauty. It is made with a round shape in the throat similar to swallowing.
  • The solid timber means grandeur. It is made by enlarging the whole Pharynx and thereby increasing the volume of sound.
  • The guttural timber. Means hatred. It is made with the flat shape of the throat.
  • The nasal timber. Means scorn, is made by lessening the resonance of the voice which seems as if the nose is being held.
  • The oral timber. Means weakness; it is made by mouthing the voice, or confining the sound within the mouth with very little vitality.
  • The larynx timber means suffering. It is made at the vocal cords and has no vitality elsewhere.
  • The aspirate timber means something startling or secret; It is made by a large proportion of escaping air mixed with the voice.
  • The whisper timber means extreme secrecy or startling importance. It is made by removing all tone from the voice and using only a whisper.
  • The pectoral timber means awe, deep malice. It is made by the flat shape of the low part of the throat.


Which Timbre and when:

Business conversation; pure timbre. Social conversation; bright, dark, pure, whisper.

Preacher; bright, dark, pure, pectoral, and whisper Lawyer conversation; all timber's The actor; all timbers The lecturer; all timbers


Mixing beautiful colors;

Person are often unable to give expression to their real feelings through from lack of color development in the voice.

Colors are really the instruments through which you speak. When you have developed the skills and built up the different timber's of your voice you now have an instrument of amazing quality. You are now free to mix colors in the grandest and most fascinating work in the world. The human voice is the sublime gift of the creator to humanity, and lifts the race to the very pinnacle of power and supremacy. The work of building the vocal instrument to this powerful state is the work of fine art and self mastery.

The mouth by muscular motion makes the checks called consonants. Muscular action must be compelled with greater energy. Deal to each consonant a hammer blow. Then another, and so on, until you have struck many blows on one check.

Take a little sentence to begin with "I will have my bond".

The “b” and the “d” in the word can be given the very powerful muscular touch in the mouth and the energy behind the utterances can be made to grow all the time.

Another example "I am determined"

Take the last word and find the dams or vocal checks in it. They are “d”-in the beginning  “d” in the end and M.T in the middle. Just repeat those checks separately hundreds of times each before uttering the whole word; then the speak the whole word “determined”

hundreds of times. Remember always increased energy in every repetition of letter or word. Do not become languid or indifferent keep the source of the power growing stronger and strong always. This is the secret-- then repeat the whole sentence;

"I am determined"

If you omit the vocal tones, then pantomime is substituted. It is not loudness of voice that enables a person to be heard. It is conversion of sound into color and feelings. Our life sounds are known as vowel's.

Our vocal checks or dams are known as consonants. Every life sound should have the full variation of the mouth shape that the sound requires.


Magnetic consonants.

All the vocal checks or consonants that are worth practicing are given. Repeat them with hard must attach on each one, and we've ever increasing nervous energy behind to propel them. Each one should be repeated hundreds of times. Hammer them. Give them intense power from the nerve centers.


Laws of Magnetic Action

Above all else, you are again urged to banish from the inner self fear, worry, discouragement, depression, and every such enemy to peace and power. There is in your mind an upper level; LIVE IN THAT. When worry and the like appear