Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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The Magnetic eye.

The routine use of any faculty puts it in a rut, and tends to make it grow stale.

The same uses day after day of the eye bring about defective sight; and weaken its organic vigor. The muscles of the eyeball have the capacity to move the eye in many directions; but they are not the same muscles in every action, nor are the same muscles always employed. Thus there are muscles that enable the eyeball to be pulled to the right, to the left, up and down. The use of one particular group of muscles tend to flatten the eye. Not only does this main a weakening of the eye function but a loss of quality of eye sight.

The development of the powerful eye requires the practice until habit of exercises which develop stillness, focus and direction. It is called presence and in the highly skilled actor this area is often mastered.


Communication and the magnetic eye

Control them, harness them, drive them, guide them and compel them to achieve your success

All persona in an audience look to the speakers eye when he or she interests them. ; in dull moments they are attracted to other parts of the body or areas of the room.

The magnetic eye is always tense. All energy is vibrant. The muscles are controlled by waves of force. Sound is also waves of force; so is light; so is thought; so too is magnetism. Each has its origin, it's source of supply. And it' method of transfer, it level of vibration and pulsation.

The use of the tense eye changes every part of the face. It also creates a glow in the eye itself. This is created by the electrical energy which is aroused by the tensed condition.

This tensed condition has it's origin in the brain which is the most powerful battery of it's size in existence.

In development of the tense eye the face is beautiful. It makes the eyes brilliant and capable of holding any attention even under the most discouraging circumstances.

To evoke the tense eye the following must be present.

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 There must be an aroused emotional feeling. There must be a mental control of that emotion. There must be present at great thought driving the emotion.


The keen eye

Development of improved vision. Looking at papers continually causes the eye to become accustomed to that distance and therefore weakened at other distances. The exercises in the back of this book offer the process for maintaining the keen eye both short and long distance.


The Fire of the Eye.

Fire refers to the ability of a person to summon the latent magnetic power of the body through an act of will, and use it in some outward manifestation.

The eye may be held fixed while the whole body is summoned to be fired with intense feeling and the eye will glow as a result. This is not so in the relaxed latent magnetic state of the body, but given the interest in purpose, or the challenge of an inspiration the whole eye formation can change.

The magnetic eye is developed when the person is in a state of action toward some inspiring purpose. Thought becomes fire when it is focused on inspiring action.

The eye will reflect this state, we call this the fire in the eye.

The eye may be held fixed while the whole body is summoned to be fired with intense feeling and the eye will glow as a result. This is not so in the relaxed latent magnetic state of the body, but given the interest in purpose, or the challenge of an inspiration the whole eye formation can change.

The magnetic eye is developed when the person is in a state of action toward some inspiring purpose. Thought becomes fire when it is focused on inspiring action.

The eye will reflect this state, we call this the fire in the eye.


The four eyes

The pupil of the eye is not meant to show color, it is meant to be black, a dark hole in which there is no light. You will occasionally see eyes change from their normal, say blue color to black during moments of highly energized magnetism. Actors, speakers, teachers, singers, negotiators and all manner of public people will achieve this state either in the moment of performance or permanently in their being. The pupil of the eye indicates the magnetic condition.

When the energy is lacking or held back the pupil is exceedingly small (unless there is some illness as the cause). This reduced size of the pupil is due to lack of vitality in the optic nerve and brain as applied to the eye. The most magnetic people carry the eye as if they were dead; The more the magnetism the larger is the pupil and therefore the less is the color. The pupil enlarges in proportion to the energy within. When there is significant and focused nervous energy emanating from the person the pupil will expand to occupy the space of the iris, all color will evaporate there is only jet black.

Under such circumstance the effect can be awesome, especially if that fire is kept under steady control.

It is this force that can gain the complete focus of others solely on the power of expanding the pupil. The audience or observer recognizes that a change is taking place in the face of the performer or speaker but is not cognizant of those exact changes.

Equally, the magnetic person is unmovable in the face of challenge and question. The eye reflects a steadfast commitment to the task yet without rigidity.

The eye of magnetism is repeated throughout nature; It is through the captive eye of the cat that the wings of a bird are made captive. The snake uses this same magnetic grip to freeze an otherwise free animal to be held by a stare to face its death. Fish, Lions, tigers, hyena and countless others are all given this magnetic power in the aid of their purpose and survival, natures law is made manifest by this very gift.

In humans this expansion of the pupil is not under direct muscular control as it may be with lower forms. It is in humans the result of excessive magnetic forces with the body.

Abnormal expansion on the other hand is the result of this magnetic excess unharnessed and out of control. The fires are running wild. Control is lost. The person although magnetized is at the mercy of those powers and therefore can seek no advantage.

In the most powerful of magnetic people the eye will not reflect the magnetic quality at all time. This magnetism is stored as a battery may store it’s power. The eye is held soft and somewhat sleepy, but there is the capacity to tap the lightning energy that may be called forth by some special need.

Light affects the pupil. In bright sunlight it contracts, in darkness it expands. The cat contracts it’s eye to a vertical slit when in bright sunlight yet when in the hunt for bird or rat the eye expands, this irrespective of the sunlight of the moment. It is a case where the inner power outweighs the outer.

Nature is witness to these powers in every corner. A man is often known to hold a wild animal at bay simply through a gaze, However if the magnetism of the animal outstrips that of the man the animal will exhaust the man and eventually overpower him. This is the border of similarity and difference between the use of magnetism in animal and human.

In the use of magnetic forces a doctor may give the patient healing confidence. Patients will have their favorite doctor, whose soothing voice, tone of look, touch and awareness are best suited. Doctors often calm, inspire, create confidence in, cure, and relieve mental and physical pain through their magnetic presence.

Lawyers with abnormal skill in winning, Business people whose achievements and success reflect an abnormally excellent skill in magnetism, all unconsciously achieve victory through natural magnetism. They muster the forces, of body, voice, eye, tone, movement, thought and steadfast will to achieve their outcome.

The power of magnetism requires a means by which its influence may be transmitted to other persons.


The Beautiful or muscular

Light happy, cheerful , active, quick and effervescent

Vengeful and reactive


The Cold or Mental

Cool calculating, steady nerves, unflinching in body. In control

Cold and often only rational


The deep or Nervous

Warmth, presence, firmness, understanding

Prone to nervous irritability


The affectionate or Moral

Affectionate, rich in energy,

Difficult to hold steady purpose