Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Handbook of Basic Truths

Goal is holistic, a unity of mind, heart, body. You will love God with all your mind, heart, body.

Without understanding the echoes our actions have down through the ages and rippling across our present we create a reality knowing not why, how or what, yet create it nonetheless.

Ask: does this belief serve me or cause suffering to others?

We are what we are independent of whether we know or believe it.

The laws are in us and can be understood.

Become conscious co-creators: the universe dynamically responds to us.

Important to find a detached loving supporter who will listen to your thoughts as you progress.

Entering into silence, de cluttering our mind and our lives, removing the toxic and the indifferent is a necessary period of cleansing.


7 Laws

Mind-Mind is essential generator of everything we experience

Correspondence-What happens on a small scale is reflected on a large scale and viceversa Vibration-Everything vibrates, is in motion, composed of vibratory energy Polarity-Everything has a positive and a negative pole to it

Rhythm-Time and consciousness move in cycles

Cause and Effect-Energy you emit is energy you attract, reap what you sow, do to others as you would to yourself, effect follows cause

Gender-everything has a masculine and a feminine component


True freedom is to know and correspond with the laws of nature

Every decision boils down to a choice between love and fear.

Love results in knowledge/seeking truth. Truth results in unity of thoughts emotions acts, self control, no competing desires, thoughts emotions actions exist in unison within Fear results in ignorance/refusal of truth. Ignorance results in confusion, no rule of self, competing interests, no unity of self, easily manipulated

If you choose love it results in what is good ONLY.

Right=based in truth, natural law, action do not result in harm to others Wrong=Not based in truth, nor natural law. Actions result in harm to other sovereign beings.

Visualize a world of 2 people.

Because choice is a judgment upon a circumstance, human liberty depends on judgments conforming to natural law. Choice in non-conformity to natural law, multiplied throughout an aggregation of people creates disorder and eventual dissolution of said aggregate.


Different types of truth

Extant, inherent truths-are so whether we believe in them or not (gravity, God) Convention based on inherent truths-though shall not kill, rituals like confirmation, etc.

Arbitrary Convention-grammar, which side of the road we drive on, etc.


View of Current Structure

We are-Reptilian:fight or flight and desire to dominate, survive. Emotional: what we experience has an effect on us, creates emotions that are like landmarks. Intellect: creative, intuitive, conceptual, logical, structured, ordered


Our present system exists through immorality/violence/coercion/fear.

Manufactured scarcity is a cornerstone of our present system.

Scarcity creates fear, creates survival mentality.


Know the truth of your surroundings, in depth know the prevailing circumstances and who benefits from them, and how the benefits are incurred. Know the different levels of power. Know who has power and what the source of this power is.


Sometimes our surroundings, the power structure or circumstances around us, are an obstacle to truth and love. Victims of unspoken policies masked in for the public good.

Some groups are real targets of masked hatred. Hope is hard to come by among these groups victims of generational hatred. Their emancipation must be personal and of the power structure around them.


Presently rulers stack the deck to make it easy to rule(?) The present method of ruling has been passed down through rituals that would stagger the average person. However these rituals are not the why, the why is because it’s easy (?) Through techniques, the human aggregate is malleable and non-threatening and the cadre protected. But the reality is, someone needs to rule (?)


Examples of Current Structural Abuse

Confusion through disassociation-we cannot truly know unless we have a Degree, we can’t speak with authority, so our inborn sense of understanding is trashed. Separated from what we truly are through pseudoscience, half concepts such as evolution, psychiatry, sociology etc.

Poisoned view of human ability to change self or circumstances-Only the experts can change things, you can’t.

Exploitation of fears, primal fears-like darkness, predators, chaos, abandonment-through scarcity create a cadre of people who are inititated through drug and sex parties. At a higher level, initiation ritual likely pedophilia and ritual murder.

Divide and conquer-create differences between one another through: religion, gender, sex, race, belief-Eg. See incarceration nation by Michelle Alexander, crusades, Zionism.

Misinform through education system that does not teach holistic knowledge. Teaches only to accept and do as told. Eg See Dumbing Down of America and Howard Zinn but also need to know why people Zinn takes down were so successful.

Controlled opposition-dialectic-create two opposing sides, limiting choices, controlling the dialogue, “forcing” (Eg. Republican and Democrat dichotomy in USA, both take orders from same cadre)

Monetary system as replacement for true will and true care-system of belief all ascribe to that imposes value and creates limitations

Mass media-controlling the dialogue, “this is what’s important”, feeding fear, leading astray, misdirecting Eg. Celebrity nonsense in place of real issues affecting aggregate.

Food and Medicine that weaken the body, Eg. Prozac: may cause detachment to parts of yourself that actually matter. Depression is most often used as an infantilization, a removal of responsibility from the person. Depression is most often a sign our lifestyle and our surroundings are not reflective of truth, of what is good.

Illusion of time-focusing us on past and creating anxiety for future causing a squandering of our present

Denial, hassle, ridicule-Publicly deny events, most people will stay in hassle free zone, ridicule those who step out of line Eg. Building of St Peters

Religion-Grouping and mind control-Using religion to create hatred towards another group, Catholic crusades, wahabism, protestant right.

Subversive symbolism

Chaos sorcery-false flags designed to inject fear into our minds. Massive spending of public monies that result in zero accountability (crazy making). Public servants saying one thing and doing another. No planning.