Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Book Summary

What follows are verbatim excerpts found buried among a lot of R.C. fear-mongering

God is knowable because God is truth and as humans we are impelled to know the whole truth.

The fires of this divine discontent have been kindled within us.

No human is ignorant of God since every single thing in the universe is plainly signed by the divine artist, and each thing has a distinct truth to tell about its maker.

Faith in God, belief in his love for us will carry our minds to many truths and makes possible real intimacy with God.

That which we do, we work on, in which we take delight, we spend our time, is said to be our life.

So to spend our time in knowing and loving God is said to be eternal life, since that which is the object of our life is in itself, God, eternal.

To know ourselves is to know a great deal about God for we are made in God’s image.

Only love allows us to make sense of life. Through love veil after veil is lifted showing us goodness and truth in the circumstances we live in. Our life is one of seeking, of constant pursuit, of constant growth.

If prayer were a cringing, whining or coaxing it would mean God is whimsical, capricious, impulsive. God is eternal, unchanging, perfect Love. Words and concepts merely hint at the reality of God, however within the limit of our reason we can apprehend an order and through and within this apprehended order we place God at the apex, cornerstone, center, beginning.

We are human, made in the image of God, with the fate of our lives and soul entirely in our own hands because of the daring goodness of Gods sharing.

Love is that which pervades all creation, and it is in aligning ourselves with Love that we are as we were truly meant to be. In love we find the landmarks of happiness, peace, joy, knowledge, harmony.

Love is to will good to another, and to get it done.

We cannot compare the love God has for a speck of dust carried along in a passing breeze and Gods love for a human striding boldly and purposefully towards the heights. What has more has been loved more by God and reveals more of God yet only God and God alone is a “weigher of spirits”, no human should presume to impose a hierarchy of God’s love on humanity itself.

God is an object of faith, and God is absolutely simple. But the simplest things are sometimes the hardest to understand or explain.

Faith is a special type of intellectual act. In order for us humans to attain intimacy with God, we must first of all believe in God, in the same way a disciple believes in the master who is teaching him or her.

Our free acceptance of God through faith sets us on the road to intimacy with God. Faith establishes the conditions, sets the mood necessary for the successful completion of our journey towards God. Through faith we can rely on God’s help to complete the journey, to fill the gaps in understanding.

Faith gives clarity to our mind.

We are humans and as such have other inborn desires such as food, drink, clothing, sexual gratification, to name a few. These many desires can clutter our mind and can create a state of confusion in that there are conflicting desires and ambitions.

These are not evil, otherwise God would not have given them to us, however they serve a specific purpose and have specific ends which fit in a hierarchy. The highest end or goal or desire in us is the desire to know truth, and the ultimate truth is God’s love in all around us and in us.

Through faith we accept truth from God and God who is truth.

Through faith we are open to hope, hope that God leads to all that is good in us and around us.

Through hope we are impelled towards that which we do not have, we call hope the belief that we can achieve that which we desire, we do not hope for things we possess, rather we hope for that which we have not yet achieved.

Faith is the certainty that God is truth and love and will lead us to happiness.

We call hope the result of our will yoking itself to our faith in God.