Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Magnetic Walking

A Magnetic person is known by their walk. Tensed walking is a rapid generator of magnetism. This is one of the most powerful generators of dynamic magnetism available.

Tensed walking requires that the whole leg is devitalized as it comes free after the weight leaves it; and is tensed again as it assumes the weight. You can achieve this walking slowly or with speed. It takes a little practice but it will become natural with time. There is no need for the back leg to be activated as it swings forward, just hold it relaxed with grace and muscular tension.

The magnetic walk can be seen from a great distance.

Jarring or injuring the spine will also result in lost vitality and aging. We suggest that when walking the heel does not jar to the floor. In doing this the whole structure of the body is tested and impacted in a negative way. It exhausts the natural magnetism of the body.

In taking a step keep the center of gravity of the torso well forward without losing the vertical line we have just discussed. This will put the whole weight of the body on the ball of the foot even if the heel touches the floor first in the step. Using heels more than an inch high consumes magnetism due the impact on the spine during movement and the change is vertical alignment of the spine itself. Practice in bare feet. The ball of the foot should most certainly touch the ground first, in heeled shoes it will be different.

This is not an exercise this is a habit.

Speaking with Magnetism

Most speakers believe that motion expresses more than attitude. The actor cannot reproduce life by acting its details. He cannot always die when he tells of killing.

Becoming absorbed in the attitude of description is always more effective and far more beautiful than actions that never express true meaning.

People admire cool self-possessed presentation; they dislike active nervous people who try to carry everything before them as a storm. Coolness allows us to be most powerful by allowing us to think more rapidly, carrying more trains of thought.

The magnetic person proceeds easily. Words are well chosen, spoken carefully, the audience listens, the language is interesting, it shows thought, care in preparation and belief in its declarations. The atmosphere contains that information.

As the interest deepens the speakers eyes darken, the chest begins to solidify energy begins to flow, arms begin to move smoothly. The speaker is not only holding magnetism, he or she is collecting more, generating it by slowly tensing and soon it is felt in the voice. The presenter is now in an increasingly tensed position while under perfect control.

The habit of walking around while speaking, is the result of nervousness, and is taxing on vitality.

Performers, singers, actors and accomplished speakers will keep closer to a given spot.

Action arouses latent magnetism but when it is aroused, it should not be wasted and given away.

The mastery of projection in the voice

We mainly communicate with each other by the eyes and voice tone. This is the way we convey our personal magnetism too.

In 90 percent of communication the voice conveys our magnetism. This is not through the words spoken but through the tone, feeling and projection of the voice. Merely by adopting the habit of maintaining an open throat and a pleasing manner of speaking , a transformation in personal communication can take place in a single day.

“Vocal qualities; the timber of the voice.

The true character of the inner life of a person shows itself in the timber of the voice. The voice takes on a common tone and this becomes a habit. In the transformation to a magnetic life it essential to be observant of your voice tones. After some time the voice can dictate the mood.

Confidence Creates and sustains Magnetic harmony.

Shyness, bashfulness, diffidence, timidity, pronounced fear are all hostile to personal magnetism. This lack of confidence reflects in unmagnetic attitudes such as self loathing, loathing to others, anger, bitterness, etc

Self confidence

Creates intense internal energy. It’s a powerful outgoing vibration of unity and persistence in wave movement. It is reflected in a tone of faith in matters at hand with an overtone of harmonious surplus.

How to cultivate self confidence

• Recall past mistakes and eliminate cause

•  Don't yield to ideas of failure

•  Find benefit in past failures

•  Daily recall successes of the past

• Weekly recall the success of the past week

• Monthly recall the success of the past month


Magnetic Economy Principle – The Universal Forces are enormously conservative

When in a normal condition, the psycho-physically magnetic person is remarkably self controlled. He or she suffers a minimum of waste. Physically they hold themselves quiet while not engaged in directed activity.

Emotionally they are self contained though capable at will of enormous dynamic feeling.

The great bulk of his mental power is used in some definite purpose. They recreate to absorb benefit not to expand force. They are a master of themselves and their general repose constitutes one of secret power.


Heart Magnetism Principle – All excess squanders etheric power

Undue emotional excitement is etheric. Conserve, compact, unify and reinforce psychic discharges. Normal emotions are naturally rhythmic and tend to harmonize existing etheric vibration. The magnetic person is richly endowed with emotional capacity. But he or she holds it in check. They have automatic self control.

In abnormal emotional conditions there is lack of regulation and waste of etheric force. Undue emotional excitement throws the molecules of the body into violent commotion and drains off the Universal Force.


Corporate Magnetism is hierarchical

Magnetic employees are found at the very top of a company's system. There exists a great drawing power which is the highest magnetic value in human existence.

An employee who meets his duties in an offhand way and does not do more than he needs to is said to be exchanging physical values for physical values. But if he seeks to better himself by making a genuine effort and taking interest in what he had to do, he is exchanging high values for the hope of betterment.

Magnetism is the opposite of slavery. A habit that makes a slave of a man is a barrier to the attainment of magnetism. Addiction is a drain to magnetism.


Tension energy generates Magnetism

When you are about to undertake some intense physical effort such as the lifting of an Olympic barbell, the muscles become set and prepared for the effort. All muscular action is set in motion by the nerves, prompted by thought. Muscular tension has its origin in the nerves.

When the nerves and the muscles are lax they are inactive and unprepared they are devoid of life expression. On the opposite scale when the nerves and muscles are rigid they are gripped so as to inhibit any motion at all.

Nerve tensing involves the nerves but not the muscles. It is the increase in the nervous flow. That means it is the change in tension that creates magnetism and not the achievement of some final state. When the climax of tension is reached, magnetism declines. Nothing is going on at that time except that the nerves are holding the muscles in place.

Example. Raise the hands to the shoulders shut the fingers slightly, half clench the fists.

To take the power of the body from a diffuse state to an integrated state requires nerve tensing. Nerve tensing must be invoked to bring the diffuse forces of magnetism into mass control.

Magnetic touch is always tense

Magnetic touch is always tense. The feelings in a human body are variously expressed but the magnetism of love is always tense. It is in the body and proves itself in touch voice & sight. If love -- genuine honest love, is present it is felt without words. The interchangeable magnetic currents of love are the most delightful sensations in the world.

Tensing is an increasing approach to a rigidity that is never reached. When the increase cannot be maintained, a limit is found and that is non-magnetic.

The tensed voice

The magnetic voice is always tense. This means a voice with expression, with tremolo. A flat can never be magnetic. Even the course voice is magnetic in its coarseness.

The tensed neck

Remember that posture is critical that when sitting. The center of the head, neck, chest and hips must all be in a vertical line, one above the other. Stand and sit always with these vital centers in line. Lift the head vertically towards the ceiling from the center of the head. See if you can reach 1cm nearer the ceiling. Muscles stimulate the circulation of blood. The most notable effects being the warming of the feet and hands by the increased excitement the circulation. Magnetic people have warm hands and feet. This is the most powerful tool in transforming the body into a dynamo of energy.


Vital Magnetism and Organs

To control Vital Magnetism first control negative emotions through the mind.

Vital Magnetism absorption areas are; 1/ nerve endings of nasal cavities, 2/ air cells of the lungs 3/ the tongue.

4/ the skin.

The Skin –

Vital Magnetism is absorbed and eliminated through the skin. Sun helps conductivity.

The tongue

Magnetism is linked to tongue through taste. Flavor indicates the presence of Vital Magnetism. Yogis chew until no taste is left, to maximize digestion.

Digestion uses up 70% of available energy.


The nose is the main absorbing agent. 18 breaths per minute, 1 litre = 13,000 litre 24

hours, versus 2 litres water, 1 kilo food.

The lungs the avail of the lungs transfer some Vital Magnetism. The passage of Vital Magnetism to the blood depends on blood and lung condition


General Hints for the development of Personal Magnetism

  • Your habits create or destroy your vitality. Excesses cause loss of vitality. Anything that causes fatigue causes loss of magnetism.
  • Wet clothing -- electricity is the basis of magnetism thus dampness, being a good conductor of electricity, will lead electricity -- magnetism away from your center.
  • Thin shoes -- the nerves of the feet are so close to the ground that thin shoes destroy the vitality of the nerves. Standing on cold or damp ground, or walking on wet ground with thin soled shoes is a sure means of getting the body out of order and directly causing a loss of vitality.
  • Spices. Rich spices such as gravies, condiments, pastry. The real test of food is revealed in an analysis of the body itself. The elements present are those required in food. Anything else is foreign.
  • Over eating. Most people eat to much. A plain diet is far better than a complex one. Rich foods are antagonistic to the digestion and weaken magnetic energy.
  • The closer we can come to minimized, plain eating, the greater will be the powers of life.
  • Eat sparingly at all times, particularly when preparing to use your magnetic power.
  • Excess ice water will decrease the action of the heart, respiration, and stomach, hindering digestion.
  • Excess water. . Sip plenty of water. If water is taken in large volumes in short periods of time it will flood the digestion and extinguish the magnetic fire Spiritual
  • Stimulants cause a reduction in magnetism. They substitute vitality
  • Excessive external heat. The warmer the room in which you live the less heat will be generated by the body. If the body is cold, the body will under normal circumstances provide its own heat.