Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale - HTML preview

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The Million Dollar Formula

“What’s  the  hardest  part  to  creating  life  the  way  you want it?” a friend asked me over lunch.

I thought for a moment and replied, “Learning to stop figuring out how you will get what you want.”

My friend looked confused.

She asked, “What do you mean?”

“If you try to figure out how you will get that new car, or  that  new  house,  or  that  new  relationship,  you’ll  limit yourself  to  what  your  ego  can  see  and  do,”  I  explained. “Turn   your   goal   over   to   your   unconscious,   which   is connected to the spirit of everything and everyone, and let it  bring  the  goal  to  you  and  you  to  the  goal.  Just  follow your  inner  promptings  and  act  on  the  opportunities  that come your way, and you’ll get there.”

Well, I’m not sure if my friend understood what I was saying.  But  a  few  days  later  I  was  sitting  in  a  limousine, being driven to have dinner with eight wealthy, wonderful, self-made people. All of these people started with nothing. Many  of  them  started  as  I  had:  With  empty  pockets  and hope in their hearts.

As I sat in the limo, a part of me couldn’t believe I was there.

“How did I get here?” I remember thinking to myself. “I’m in a beautiful limo, with beautiful people beside me, going to have a beautiful dinner that some other beautiful person is going to pay for. I’m just a nobody kid from Ohio who  left  home  to  find  fame  and  fortune.  I  used  to  dig ditches, drive trucks, work in the dirt, the rain, and the heat, and for never enough money to pay my bills. How’d I get in this limo?”

As  I  thought  about  it,  I  knew  the  secret  was  the  five step formula I’ve revealed to you in this book. In short, the secret to increasing your business or manifesting whatever you want is:

1. Know what you don’t want.

2. Select what you do want.

3. Clear all negative or limiting beliefs.

4. Feel what it would be like to have, do, or be what you want.

5.  Let  go.  Act  on  your  intuitive  impulses  and  allow  the results to manifest.

Truth  is,  there’s  no  “one  way”  to  achieve  anything  in this  world.  Some  people  get  new  cars  by  winning  them, others  by  struggling  to  pay  for  them,  others  by  happily paying  for  them,  others  by  other  means.  What  I  told  my friend at lunch is the truth: You can’t orchestrate the world to do your bidding. Instead, state your intentions and let the world arrange itself to bring your goals to you.

I was in that limo because I didn’t plan to be in it.

I allowed, acted, trusted, and accepted.

I followed the five-step formula.

And when the limo pulled up, I got in.

Finally, I can’t find any better way of ending this book then with this quote from Frances Larimer Warner, written in 1907. When I was interviewed on a late night talk show one  evening,  they  asked  me  to  read  this  quote  to  them twice.  Then  they  were  silent  for  a  moment  while  the meaning of these words hit home.

I’ll end this book with those same words, and wish you “God speed” in making all your dreams come true.

And when your limo pulls up, get in!

“If we plant a seed in the ground we know that the sun will  shine  and  the  rain  will  water,  and  we  leave  it  to  the Law  to  bring  results...Well,  the  desire  you  image  is  the seed, your occasional closing of the eyes in imagery is the sun, and your constant, though not anxious, expectation is the  rain  and  cultivation  necessary to  bring absolutely sure results...”

-- Frances Larimer Warner, Our Invisible Supply: Part One