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Step Five:

Let Go

Years   ago   I   discovered   that   most   of   us,   myself included,  don’t  like  to  let  go  and  allow  because  there’s nothing for us to grapple with. There’s no drama. Most of us feel that if we can’t get in there and fight and struggle, we don’t feel like we’re accomplishing anything or getting anywhere.  The  struggle  gives  a  sense  of  accomplishment. At least you can say, “Hey, I tried.”

The ego gets a big rush out of struggle. The ego gets to feel  that  it  is  doing  something  worthwhile.  Well,  that’s okay. If your ego needs a pat on the back, let it struggle for some  of  the  things  that  you  desire.  But  the  truth  is,  you don’t  have  to  struggle  at  all.  Again,  it  can  be  another way...an easier way.

I  used  to  teach  a  class  called  “The  Inner  Game  of Writing.”  It  was  modeled  after  the  work  of  Tim  Gallwey, who  wrote  The  Inner  Game  of  Tennis  and  co-authored several  other  “inner  game”  books.  What  I discovered  was that  we  have  at  least  two  distinct  beings  within  us,  not personalities  so  much  as  aspects  of  our  mind.  Gallwey called it Self One and Self Two.

Self One can be likened to your ego, the part of you that wants to control.

Self Two can be likened to the inner master within you, the part of you that is connected to all things.

The job of Self One is to select what you want and let go.  The job of Self Two is to bring it to you.

Gallwey learned that when people learned to let go and trust, they got what they wanted more often than not, and it came much easier than if they fought for it.

The same concept works in your life. Choose what you want and let God or the Universe (whatever that means to you) bring it to you. Let it orchestrate the events that will manifest  the  thing  you  desire.  Give  up  needing  to  know how you will manifest anything. Knowing how can become a limitation. If you choose to manifest something but can’t consciously see  a  way to  create  it,  you  may give  up.  The conscious mind can’t see all of the possibilities. Surrender control and you free the universe to bring you whatever you want.

Tough to swallow? Then let me tell you a story...

When  I  was  working  on  my  book,  The  Seven  Lost Secrets of Success, I was obsessed. I spent two years of my life  on  a  mission  to  pay  homage  to  Bruce  Barton,  a  man who influenced our country but somehow fell through the cracks of history. One day I received a call from a medical Doctor in west Texas. He wanted to hire me to ghostwrite a book for him. While I was reluctant, going to see him felt like  the  right  thing  to  do.  I  flew  there,  visited  with  him, negotiated  a  contract,  and  flew  back  to  Houston  with  a large  check  in  my hands,  a  nonrefundable  retainer  to  hire me to write his book.

Weeks  passed.  Then  months.  During  this  time  I spent most  of  my  energy  working  on  my  Barton  book.  I  rarely worked  on  the  Doc’s  book,  and  never  heard  from  him.  I finally decided I should fly up to see him, and that I should present some material to him. So I made a flight reservation and  started  writing  his  book.  But  an  odd  thing  happened. Whenever I called the Doctor’s office, no one answered the phone. This went on for days. Then, a day before my flight was  to  leave,  someone  answered  the  phone.  It  was  the Doc’s business manager.

“Bill, this is Joe Vitale,” I began.

“Hi Joe.” His voice seemed sheepish.

“What’s  going  on?  No  one  has  answered  the  phone there for days.”

“Well, there’s been a change in plans."


Bill  mumbled  something.  I  asked  him  to  repeat  it.  I

couldn’t believe what I heard. “The Doc’s in jail,” he said.

To  say I was  stunned  would  be  to  lie.  I was  shocked. Speechless.

“The  Doc’s  in  jail!?!”  I  blurted.  “Bill,  what’s  going on?”

“Well, the Doc violated his parole.” Again I was shocked.

“You mean he’s been in jail BEFORE?!”

“Well, the Doc sent a bomb to his ex-wife and he was caught and sent to prison,” Bill explained. “He was allowed to  come  out  and  be  a  Doctor  again  but  he  couldn’t  play with guns or bombs anymore.”

“Don’t tell me,” I said.

“Yea, they found bombs in his desk.”

It  took  me  a  while  to  recover  from  this  event.  But  I want  you  to  notice  the  miracle  here.  When  I  signed  a contract  with  the  Doctor,  I  was  given  a  large  sum  of money. Non-refundable money. Money that enabled me to work on my Barton book. And then, when the Doctor went to jail, I was free from his contract. I didn’t have to write his book at all.

Somehow God or the Universe (or whatever you want to  call  the  invisible  powers  that  be)  set  the  stage  for  this grand event. Could I have orchestrated such an event? It’s highly unlikely. How would I have written the ad?

“Doctor wanted: Must be ex-con, want to write a book, and be ready to go back to jail in six months so I can keep his money.”

I don’t think so.

Again,  when  you  know  what  you  want  and  are  clear, you  will  be  drawn  to  the  thing  you  want  and  events  will pull it to you. Jonathan sees this happen all the time. When two Doctors in Seattle couldn’t agree on office space they needed, they went to Jonathan. After one session they were clear.  Within  twenty-four  hours they found the space they needed, and signed a lease for it.

I  saw  the  same  thing  happen  when  my  wife  and  I wanted  to  buy  a  house.  If  you  are  trying  to  manifest something that involves another person, both of you have to be clear before you’ll manifest the event. I had worked on myself to buy the house I wanted. But things still weren’t working  out.  Finally  my  wife  went  to  see  Jonathan.  She cleared  up  some  old  beliefs  she  had  about  self-worth  and money.  The  very  next  day  the  real  estate  people  called. Three  days  later  we  moved  into  the  house.  And  this  was after nearly twelve months of delays!

Would you like an example from the world of business? Dan   Poynter   is   a   dear   friend   and   internationally recognized  expert  on  self-publishing.  He’s  written  several books,  including the famous Self-Publishing Manual. Dan also  conducts  weekend  seminars  in  his  home  on  how  to self-publish and market your own book. He’s been offering this  seminar  for  over  ten  years,  has  helped  hundreds  of people,  but  has  always  struggled  to  get  people  to  register for the event. One day Dan called me for my help.

“Joe,  I want  you  to  write  a brochure for me that is so powerful  that  people  sign  up  for  my  seminar  without  my having to do a thing.”

Notice  what  Dan  was  doing.  He  knew  what  he  didn’t want  (to  pull  teeth  to  get  people  to  come  to  his  seminar) and  he  knew  what  he  did  want  (to  have  people  call  and register  easily  and  effortlessly).  From  those  two  steps  he was  led  to  calling  me.  When  I  agreed  to  create  a  new brochure for Dan, what did he have to do?

Let go.

He had to let go. He had to trust that he hired the right guy and all would be well. While he didn’t know it, “letting go”  is  a  key  step  in  the  manifestation  process.  He  was intuitively following it.

I designed a flyer for Dan, he loved it, and he printed it. A few weeks later I called him and he said, “My seminar is already sold out.”

“It is?!” I yelled, delighted. But Dan stopped me in my tracks.

“But it isn’t due to your flyer,” he said. “It isn’t?”

“The  seminar  sold  out  two  weeks  ago  and  I  only last week mailed out the new flyer. There had been a delay in the mailing.”

“Then what happened?” I asked. “Why did it sell out?” Dan  didn’t  know.  But  here’s  my guess:  As  you  know by now, the energy you give out brings the results you get. When  Dan  stated  his  new  intention,  and  allowed  me  to create a new flyer for him, he was changing the inner signal he was sending it. Once you change the way you are inside, the outer world changes. Dan didn’t even have to mail his flyer  out.  People  picked  up  on  the  signals  in  the  air  and responded.

Crazy?  Maybe  so.  But  as  I’ve  pointed  out  throughout this book, the energy you give out attracts and creates the results you get. Change your inner energy and you change your results.

(And for the record, I later saw Dan in Chicago, where he told me that due to my new brochure for him, his August seminar sold out in the previous JUNE.)

The following story reveals how my latest (and in many ways  greatest)  dream  just  came  true.  I am  sharing  it  with you  in  the  hope  that  it  inspires  you  to  go  for  your  own dreams. It’s all about the power of setting an intention and then letting go of it...

If  you’ve  never  seen  the  famous  Nightingale-Conant giant  catalog  of  audiotapes  on  business,  motivation,  self- help,  relationships,  health  and  spirituality,  reach  over  to your  phone  right  now  and  call  1-800-525-9000.  Or  visit their   site   at   http://www.nightingale.com.   Request   the catalog. It’s free and well worth browsing.

I   wanted   to   have   a   tapeset   of   my   own   in   the Nightingale-Conant catalog for many years. I wanted it for the prestige, as well as for the profit. I wanted to be among their  roster  of  greats:  Tony Robbins,  Tom  Peters,  Deepak Chopra, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Brian Tracy, and Wayne Dyer.

But  until  Autumn,  1998,  this  desire  had  only  been  a dream.  Despite  the  fact  that  I  always  sent  Nightingale- Conant  my  new  books  as  soon  as  they  were  published,  I could never seem to ignite their interest in my work.

But  I  never  gave  up.  I  simply  held  onto  the  dream, trusted that something would give sooner or later, and kept doing  my thing:  Writing what  I hoped  were  inspiring and informative books.

And then something amazing happened.

One   day  a   man   began   sending   me   e-mail,   asking numerous  questions  about  marketing  in  general  and  P.T. Barnum in particular. He was a fan of Barnum’s and loved my   book,   There’s   a   Customer   Born   Every   Minute.   I answered all of his questions, glad to help.

Then one day I received a shock. The man sent me e- mail saying, “If you ever want your material considered by Nightingale-Conant,   let   me  know.  I’m  their  Marketing Project Manager.”

You can’t imagine my surprise. Or my delight.

I immediately Fed-Xed all of my books, my video, and my home study course (six audiotapes and a workbook) to my   new   friend   at   Nightingale-Conant.   He   didn’t   like anything I sent. Instead, he LOVED everything I sent. And right  then  and  there  he  began  the  long  process  of  selling Nightingale-Conant on me.

After eleven months of calls, faxes, and many Fed-X’s, I am proud to announce that Nightingale-Conant is carrying their   first   product   by   me.   It’s   called   “The   Power   of Outrageous Marketing.”

This amazing story illustrates many lessons:

...The power of a dream (I held my vision of what I wanted for years).

...The networking potential  of the Internet (My Nightingale-Conant contact found me at my website).

...The miracle that comes  from  having   someone   who believes in you. (My contact believes in me to a staggering degree,  and  told  me  so  over  and  over  again  for  eleven months.)

...The  true  magic  that  occurs  when  you  are  in  alignment with your life’s purpose and doing what makes your heart sing...

...And the power of letting go.

And  I’m  sure  there  are  other  lessons  in  this  story, lessons  that  you  see  and  I don’t.  Again,  I am  sharing this with  you  in  the  hope  that  it  sets  your  own  heart  on  fire, awakens something in your soul, and urges you to go for--- and get---your own dreams.

And here’s something else to think about:

According to research done at Spindrift Foundation on the power of prayer, a “Thy will be done” prayer gets more than  twice  as  many  results  as  a  specific  “give  me  this” prayer. That’s why it’s so important to end your request for anything   you   want   with   the   magic   words,   “This   or something better.”

When I was writing my book on P.T. Barnum, I went to the famous showman’s grave in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I had a moving experience there, which I wrote about in my book. But what I want to share with you here is what I saw written  on  Barnum’s  gravesite  marker.  To  my  surprise, carved in his simple concrete headstone were these magical words, words that Barnum relied on throughout his colorful life:

“Not my will but thine be done.”

Those magic words worked for Barnum, helping him to survive  personal  and  professional  disasters,  and  helping him become one of America’s first millionaires, and those words can work for you, too.

In other words, trust the universe.

You can ask for whatever you want to do, be, or have, but also be willing for the universe to give you something better.  End  all  of  your  requests  with  the  phrase,  “This  or something better” and you will be letting the universe know that “Thy will be done” is of highest importance.

Why  is  this  so?  Because  the  universe  can  see  the  big picture while your ego can’t.

Your job is to ask for what you want, and then to act on the  inner  nudges  you  get  to  do  things,  like  make  phone calls, write letters, visit a certain person, or whatever. Bob Proctor, in his wonderful book, You Were Born Rich, puts it this way:

“Learn  to  follow  the  quiet  voice  within  that  speaks  in feelings  rather  than  words;  follow  what  you  ‘hear’  inside, rather than what others may be telling you to do.”

The  universe  itself  will  act  to  move  you  to  what  you want, and move what you want to you. All you have to do is let go, while acting on your inner prompts. Let go of fear, doubt,   worry,   disappointment,   and   any   other   negative emotion that might make you feel low.

The famous poet and sage Rumi wrote something that may help you here:

“Some  things  that  don’t  happen  keep  disasters  from happening.”

Think about it. What you’re being asked to do is trust. Trust that when something happens, it’s good; and trust that when something you want doesn’t happen, it’s good, too.

Here’s one final story on the subject of letting go...

I  attended  Bob  Proctor’s  three  day  course  called  The Science of Getting Rich in Denver during June of 1999. It was  a  mind-expanding  experience.  I  urge  you  to  take  the course  live  if  at  all  possible,  or  at  least  to  invest  in  the home-study course. There are so many things you’ll get out of  the  material  that  where  you  are  now  will  seem  like poverty after you absorb the materials and become wealthy.

But one idea that I got from Bob’s course that I want to give you right now is this quote:

“Everything that happens in your life is moving you in the direction of your goals.”

Now   think   about   this.   That   statement   says   that everything, without fail, without exception, is moving you toward your dreams.

So if something happens that you feel is bad, remember that it happened to move you forward. Your job is to find the positive in the negative, or at least to trust that there is a positive there, even if you can’t see it at the moment.

This might be tough to accept, at first. But the truth is, it  is  an  enlightened  way  of  living  your  life.  I  love  the statement and thank Bob Proctor for saying it. What it tells me is that I have to let go and trust that life itself is taking me to the things I desire.

And as I let go, trust, and give thanks for my life, I feel different,  I  radiant  a  different  vibration  to  the  world,  and better things and experiences come to me.

Again, the whole secret is in learning to simply let go.

“Everything that happens in your life is moving you in the direction of your goals.”

Bob Proctor