Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale - HTML preview

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Miracles Never Stop

Preface to the 1stbooks.com Edition

I wrote  most  of  what  you  are  about  to  read  in  1999, when  I  first  issued  this  book  as  a  private  gift  to  only  35 people. More miracles have happened since then. Here are a few of them:

* When I first wrote this book and described the car of my dreams, the car of my dreams at that time was a Saturn. I’ve now upgraded my dream and my car. I’m now driving a BMW Z3 2.8 Roadster. I’ve never in my life had so much fun driving!!! As I grew in my life, and became more bold about  going  for  my  dreams,  I  also  naturally  wanted  a different vehicle. I was led to the Z3, which symbolizes the major changes in my life. And it is a hoot to drive, as well! You truly can have anything you can imagine.

*  When  I  first  wrote  this  book,  I  was  still  married  to Marian,  who  I had  been  with  for  more  than  twenty years. Since  then  we  decided  we  had  grown  apart.  There  was nothing negative about the experience or the decision at all.

Marian decided she preferred being alone. I decided to look for another partner. I found one, too, in Nerissa, who I am deeply in love with. I’m still friends with Marian, and both are  now  in  my heart.  I’m  a  lucky man.  Major  changes  in life can truly be easy and effortless.

* When  I  first  wrote  this  book,  I  made  a  goal  that  I wanted  passive  income.  I  wanted  money  to  come  to  me easily   and   effortlessly,   always,   consistently,   no   matter where  I was  or  what  I was  doing.  I was  then  led  to  meet Mark  Joyner,  CEO  of  Aesop  Marketing,  who  asked  if  he could  put  one  of  my  books  online  as  an  e-book.  I  was skeptical. But I gave him “Hypnotic Writing,” a manuscript I  wrote  many  years  ago.  Mark  put  it  online,  marketed  it, and the sales blew my socks off. Even now, seven months after    the    book    went    online    at    http://www.Hypnotic Writing.com, orders keep coming in. Since there is no book to  print,  stock,  or  mail,  all  the  money  is  passive  income. Every  month  I  receive  a  check,  sometimes  for  staggering amounts.  Now  I smile  a lot. I know that when you set an intention, you set the forces of life to bring it to you, and you to it.

* When I first wrote this book, I was living in Houston. After  I  met  Nerissa,  I  moved  to  Austin.  I  then  began  the process   of   manifesting   our   dream   home.   After   a   few months,  we  found  a  beautiful  two-acre,  two-story,  Hill Country property with wandering wild deer and rabbit, and an  outside  pool,  between  Austin  and  San  Antonio,  in  a small    spiritual-artistic    community    called    Wimberley, Texas.  Finding  this  home  was  a  matter  of  having  a  clear image  of  what  I  wanted  while  following  every  intuitive impulse I had. The result was a miracle.

I just sat down with Nerissa and talked to her about the on-going miracles in my life.

“It happens to you all the time,” she said.

She mentioned that just the other day I wanted to book us  a  flight  to  Ohio  to  see  my family.  Tickets  were  nearly one thousand dollars. I simply expected to get a better deal while being willing to accept the going fare. When I called the  airline  back,  they told  me  I had  enough frequent flyer miles to get both tickets for just over one hundred dollars. Way cool.

And  Nerissa  reminded  me  of  the  time  I  wanted  to complete  my  collection  of  rare  books  by  P.T.  Barnum.  I found the last book needed. But my intuition said not to pay the high price the book seller was asking. I let go. I waited. A few days later the book seller lowered his price. That’s almost unheard of. And yes, I bought the book.

And she reminded me of the time I looked for one book for nearly seven years and couldn’t find it. Then, out of the blue,  an  email  friend  in  Canada  wrote me that he had the book. I begged to buy it. He declined. But a few days later he  suddenly  decided  to  just  send  me  the  book---at  no charge!

And  she  remembered  that  a  year  or  so  ago,  when  I couldn’t  find  a  friend  of  mine  that  I  loved  and  missed,  I gave  up  and  hired  a private investigator. He couldn’t find my friend,  either.  But  then  one  day,  simply following  my intuition, I walked right up to my friend at a yoga class. I found her without breaking a sweat.

Nerissa also reminded me to to tell you what happened just yesterday, while writing this very preface.

I have  been  practicing the  Sedona  Method  for  months now.  It’s  a  very simple  method  for  releasing any emotion or negative experience in the way of your being happy right now. I like the method and have told many people about it through my monthly e-newsletter.

I was  reading a book by Lester Levenson, the founder of the Sedona Method, just yesterday morning. I sat in my easy chair, reading, feeling happy, wondering how I might learn more about Sedona and Lester. I remember thinking, “Gee,  it  sure  would  be  nice  to  meet  some  Sedona  people and learn more about what they do.”

That same day I checked my email and to my delighted surprise,  there  was  a  message  from  the  director  of  the Sedona   Institute.   He  had  heard  about  me  through  the grapevine and wanted to talk to me about how I could help promote their website at http://www.sedona.com. Wow!

And  then  there  are  the  countless  times  when  I  want more money for something or other, and I get a brainstorm that pulls in an abundance of money fast.

One   time   I   almost   led   a   seminar   on   “Spiritual Marketing.” Instead, I decided to see if anyone would sign up for it online and take it as an e-class. I announced that the class would only be done by email, would only last five weeks,  and  would  cost  $1,500  per  person.  Fifteen  people signed up, bringing me a whopping sum of money in just a short period of time. Very nice.

“You   have   miracles   happen   all   the   time,”   Nerissa repeated.

“Why do  you  think  that  is?”  I asked  her.  “It  certainly wasn’t always like that.”

“Because  you  now  practice  the  Spiritual  Marketing steps,”  she  explained.  “You  make  yourself  a  magnet  for whatever you want.”

There’s no question about it. If I tried to document all the  miracles  that  keep  occurring  in  just  my  life  alone because  of  the  “Spiritual  Marketing”  method,  I’d  never stop writing this book and never get around to releasing it to the public.

My point is this: The five step formula you are about to discover works.

And because it works, I want you to have it.

I  once  told  Nerissa  that  there  is  an  easy  path  through life and a hard path. When I first met her, she was crawling up the rocky side of the mountain. I pointed out that there is an escalator through life, too. You can take the hard path or the easy path. It’s all your choice.

This book shows you where the escalator is located. Get on it and enjoy the ride.

I’m going to turn off my computer now, turn this book over to 1stbooks.com, and let you read it.

Let  me  know  what  you  think...and  what  miracles  then occur in your life, too.

Joe Vitale


“If we don’t like what’s happening to us in the world, all  we  have  to  do  is  change  our  consciousness---and  the world out there changes for us!”

-- Lester Levenson, “Keys to the Ultimate Freedom,” 1993