Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale - HTML preview

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Foreword by Bob Proctor

I opened  the  Fed-X  package and found a spiral bound manuscript   inside.   Two   words   jumped   off   the   cover: Spiritual  Marketing.  Hmmm.  Is  that  ever  an  interesting title,   I   thought   to   myself.   Those   two   words...Spiritual Marketing...kept waltzing around in my mind.

I  never  before  looked  at  those  two  words  as  partners, but there they were side by side in perfect harmony. What a beautiful   couple   they   made.   They   definitely   belong together. Yes, the marrying of these two words has created the potential to cause a profound, positive impact upon the world....yours as well as mine. From somewhere inside the thought came to me that it would take a Joe Vitale to create such a powerful combination. I also thought, Joe is not only a great guy, he writes great books.

You are very likely as anxious to get into this book as I was when I first got it in my hands. However, before you wander  any  further,  an  important  clarification  must  be established:

By  “Spiritual  Marketing,”  we  do  not  mean  religious marketing. The author of this dynamite little book and I are in  full  agreement  that  neither  one  of  us  are  remotely qualified to write on that subject. We are instead referring to the presence within of the universal spirit...the true self.

Spirit   is   present   and   operates   in   everything.   Spirit always   expresses   itself   perfectly...by   Law.   The   best definition of the word “law” that I have ever found in my close  to  forty  years  of  fun-filled  research  came  from  Dr. Thurman  Fleet.  He  explained,  “Law  is  the  uniform  and orderly method of the omnipotent God.”

As you read any of Joe Vitale’s books or listen to any of his recorded programs, you will realize he loves studying the Laws. In this, his most recent book, Joe has effectively married the Laws with his other true love, marketing. You and  I  are  the  beneficiaries  of  his  years  of  work.  He  has taken  what  can  be  a  very  complex,  laborious  task  and delivered it in just five simple seps. The five steps outlined in Spiritual Marketing will help you accomplish or acquire anything  you   seriously  desire.  I  know  this  to  be  true because I have personally used these five steps for the last forty years to establish and reach numerous goals all over the world.

Although  you  will  find  each  step  easy  to  understand, following them will require discipline. Your old paradigm, which   is   more   commonly   referred   to   as   your   “old conditioning,” will fight you. In fact, your old conditioning may put up a tremendous battle.

Paradigms definitely do not die easily and the weapons the paradigms use to hold you back in life have awesome potential power. I often refer to them as the trio that have the power to paralyze....that are in fact insidious. They are DOUBT,  FEAR,  and  ANXIETY.  They have  the  power to bring your progress to an abrupt halt right at the point you are making the decision to make your move.

You must realize that the doubt creeps in and causes the fear,  which  in  turn  then  causes the anxiety. The three can strike at lightening speed. However, they can and must be stopped. The primary cause of these debilitating demons is IGNORANCE.

Know the truth and the truth will set you free. That in itself is a beautiful truth. You must understand that there is only one thing to be set free from and that is ignorance. The second you feel doubt creeping into your mind, pick up this little  book  and  read  a  few  pages.  Open  it  anywhere  and read.   Wonderful   things   will   begin   to   happen.   Your enthusiasm will soar and you will be back on the right road to a bright future.

This  little  book  will  become  your  friend,  your  own personal Aladdin’s Lamp. The concepts on each page will strengthen you. Don’t leave home without it!

Every   now   and   then   when   you   are   reading,   stop reading, lay your book down, sit back in a relaxed state and think.  Think  of  some  wealthy,  well-balanced  people  you know....think  of  what  they  have  been  doing  with  their lives...and  you  will  suddenly  realize  they  are  doing  what this little book is suggesting you do.

Who   are   some   of   the   biggest   producers   in   your industry?  Think!  They  are  doing  what  this  book  suggests you do!

Now  proceed  to  Step  One.  Turn  each  and  every  step into a habitual part of your behavior. Read this book every day.  As  you  do,  you  will  begin  to  enjoy  the  progressive realization of all your heart’s desires!

-- Bob Proctor
