Star Beings by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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Part Two

Interacting With the Grays


Further Interaction With the Grays


Two Previously Unknown Species


Relearning Earth's Requirements






Star Beings is extracted from my larger eBook In Search of Reality, Book One. This eBook provides the reader with a more compiled selection of answers to questions asked of my spiritual teachers as to how life on Earth originated. The compiled selection enables readers to learn from a multitudinous teacher's point of view; a a viewpoint vastly different to the theories we have been told by our scientists.


Throughout my life there has always been interaction with spirit beings, extraterrestrials or space beings, and me. Spirit beings have always been a pivotal part of my life and our interaction is quite frequent. With the space beings, conscious interaction might have been absent for quite some time before restarting again.

These multitudinous beings, their words, are now my tutors.

In the beginning, during my early years there were space beings who, from time to time, during the night, took me in my out-of-body state onto a spaceship. I have vivid memories of, as a small child, being operated on when a metal probe was inserted into my navel by a tall praying mantis alien. That particular event was terrifying, as were other experiences when I saw scary 'things' that visited in the dead of night and made me frightened of the dark.

Time passed, I matured and because of the interaction with white robed, gentle, unseen teachers who call themselves 'The Brethren' now understood why I had the earlier experiences. The Brethren and I mainly communicated via automatic writing so I had a record to refer to whenever I feel the need. They stipulated, as subsequent teachers do that my learning is to be as a question and answer format where I ask questions and answers are given into my mind and I transcribe them for reference.

Over the years the tutors have changed as my needs required and my level of understanding progressed. The

'newer' communicators now choose to remain unseen and unnamed. I identify their presence by a subtle energy change and the wisdom of their words.

These newer communicators come from various energy realities that interpenetrate our three-dimensional physical world. Multitudinous realties was their answer to one of my questions when I asked where they came from.

The group appears to be much larger now and is a study group that attracts numerous spirits, like-minded energies in whatever form or dimension they presently reside. There are those who are always present in our group. Others come to study the machinations of what is required to interact with a human being and, armed with the knowledge gained, may set up their own forum groups in whichever way or avenue they happen to be. Regardless of their desired path, all are manipulating energies in order to learn the ropes of diverse ways of working with energies different to their own.

The following is an example taken from one of our communications:

'All are in the process of learning different ways of attracting and repelling different energy and this is one such place where they can go and be of instruction to themselves while understanding more of other ways they can be accommodated.


All form chooses how they will process the information and use it to their advantage. They are able to see different elements of energy that perhaps were not presented to them before. They can, should they choose, delve a little more and study what life is like at any of the other avenues presented to be of advantage in their growth pattern divine. It is all offered for those who seek other ways to see what might attract their interest to grow, go that way'.

Knowing that there are different energies, possibly a variety of species attending had my curiosity piqued so at one forum asked what those there looked like. I was surprised to learn that not all at our forum choose to see others. As was explained, those there could see the energy colors and resonate to or feel the energies of others but if this interaction is not the present way they want to progress, they don't bother interacting any further.

My early understanding was that there was some energy place or level that stabilized different spirit energies so that those interested in attending our forum could do so. That does not appear to be the way and while I speak of attending, there doesn't seem to be a set place to gather for taking part in our discussions either. It may be that those who want to attend do so from whatever level they are at - perhaps in a more advanced way but similar to the conducting of meetings here on Earth when having a video linkup like Zoom that can connect people from all over the world.

Unlike forums on Earth with everyone sitting through a meeting from beginning to end these entities, while they are at liberty to hear what else is being discussed, know beforehand exactly when the part they wish to know more about slots in. As explained in a later discussion, they are not bound by the same timeline constraints as we are which enables them to have what we would term 'prior knowledge'.

As one spirit said , 'We listen and what we need is there, provided as we require. We do not 'hang around' as you say, waiting for our turn. It is not the way and there is, we feel, a difference in 'timing' so to say that makes it all work of accord for all there as we require, then we withdraw' .

All of my books reflects my life-long quest: to interact with other personalities from different realities I know are 'there' and to understand, to learn and go beyond what our limiting five senses lead us to believe is reality. The knowledge and understanding gained is now offered to all interested readers.

Please note: The words 'souls' and 'beings' are interchangeable but to avoid any religious connotations the term 'beings' are primarily used in this eBook.

To find yourself

Think for yourself
