Star Beings by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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Part One

Star Beings

'There are far better things ahead

than any we leave behind'

C. S. Lewis


I seek to understand how and why we have been formed from the energies of the universe but in order to learn about this subject you have mentioned we would also need to unlearn preconceptions?

It will be along the ways you have just mentioned. You do have many unfounded preconceptions of what the universe is all about and how you all function within it. We will attempt to set you right with this, but first we need 'the clean sheet' so to say, where we can obliterate from your mind the ideologies and misconceptions that already exist on Earth.

For too long there has been an assortment of delusion purported to be true by learned academics. We are to set you right, free of the illusion of what exists, can exist, and how you fit in and function here on Earth. We seek to dispel the illusions, the misconceptions that exist within your understanding about your other realms of existence.

You function at the same time in many realms, not only in your perceived universe. There is life on other planets. While it may not be the functioning form that is here on this existence called Earth, there is life, make no mistake about that.

The life that you live here, exist in, is little more than a shadow of what exists on other parts of the universe, yet all you see there is shallow; where nothing exists at all. We are telling you now, you are wrong and while ever you hold firm to these concepts, it will always remain that way in your understanding.

We have been told for years that there are space beings, and that their craft have been seen by many down the ages. People have spoken about this and some artists have paintings depicting them in the sky, in the background of their paintings.

Many have relayed their experiences of being taken on a space craft and we have ancient writings that speak of this. I have had experiences along these lines, so believe and know that different space species exist. They must live somewhere and there have been planets mentioned so some of us do know about these beings. Is that what you are referring to?

It is along the way, but there is more. Have you ever wondered why these 'beings', as you call them, are not around for all to see? Why they choose secrecy and to communicate only with a few of you?

We were told by one such being that they did not trust Earth beings because we are too emotionally volatile and could change very quickly into behaviour which threatened them, the extraterrestrials.

Yes, it is the way, but there is more to this saga; and make no mistake, it is along the lines of a saga for it has, as you stated, happened where other beings have invaded, visited, observed, whichever way they sought to function here on Earth, they obliged themselves along their chosen way.


There are also said to be some of their extraterrestrial bases within our Earth. Some myths and fables of ancient cultures speak of the visitations and interactions of space beings. We have what is thought by many to be evidence transcribed in ancient text where different extraterrestrials have seeded us, and some species have fought battles here for control of Earth.

You do know this, many do, and it is so. However, did you know what you are all about here? You have heard about space beings that visit your planet Earth, but what about the other side of the coin where you all visit their planet Earth; the equivalent of your temporary home? Are you not curious to where you go, why and to what purpose, event, advantage you might gain here?

Yes, and it seems to be a consciousness thing, where we mentally come and go.

It can flow that way, but for you to co-habit there even temporarily, these other dimensions require you to have an outer covering of their energy force otherwise you do not interact, see what is there, nor are they able to establish any communication with you. You can see them perfectly plainly when you have this covering because it makes you vibrate of accord to their realm and way.

Then those who visit here, they have this earthly outer covering to communicate and to be seen by us?

Yes, they have developed technology that makes them impervious to your elements because, for a time, their outer covering is like yours. They may not look quite the same, but they vibrate at the same resonance to your kind.

What about their space craft? They would also have to be of the same element, otherwise the ships would not be seen by us, and would not be compatible to their occupants, who now have the earth element vibrations.

We do not go that way today. We are interested in educating you to what other species inhabit your timeframe existence. We do not choose to get involved at this juncture with the dynamics of what is about with the technology of sorts of machinery. We are interested, as we stated, with bringing you forward, introducing you to your kind. Your kind, to our way of explanation, are other beings who exist on your timeframe.

These are your kind, make no mistake about it. You are all composed of the stars. Some are vacating the earth-frame existence to experience, take up temporary domicile at these other levels of planetary existence.

You will be interacting more with these kinds because you are all 'shifting up a gear', so to say. You are all preparing for a shift of energy divine that will make you more understanding and receptive to all that is about.

These other beings will bring you along, for they are also 'shifting up a gear'. It is part of the changing conditions that are about and all go as one.

We have been told that since the end of 2012 there was a big energy shift that took us all forward.

Then we do not enlighten you there, but where does the energy flow come from and to what purpose, what advantage does it contain?

It is said to awaken us, make us finer of spiritual body and more able to work with the newer, incoming energies all will experience. All was understood to mean every living energy thing on planet Earth, including the Earth.

That is what it is. 'All' is inclusive to all energies divine.


I would like to stop now and read our notes from today. Would you mind if we continued this discussion at another time?

Then we go that way. Peace and blessings be upon you, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


Masters of Destiny.

Tell me and I forget.

Teach me, and I remember.

Involve me, and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin


After reading my notes, I now wonder about the extraterrestrials, star beings that come here to Earth. Some are said to be friendly, some not so friendly. We are told, warned by others, that we have had our DNA changed and we are being manipulated and have been for millennia. We are also told that there have been great battles fought between different extraterrestrial races over the sovereignty of this planet. How does this fit in with what you have been telling us regarding illusion and creating our reality?

It still fits in. Comprehension is there for you all, those who choose to see and be a part of this way. It does not change what we have previously stated and continues that way; you are still masters of your destiny. If you interact, or see, or communicate in any way with those not of your earth sphere it was not just something that happened to you.

As we told you before, all that comes into your experience is there because of choices; your choices. It is still part of the grand plan you have designed for yourself to understand more and experience more.

It is the way it is for all of you. If your Earth was taken over by some other species, and we say again, the other species will be a part of you because you are all, you will have programmed it in to experience this.

Tumultuous times, yes, they might be but you are only there participating because of your desires. Nothing can befall you if you have not programmed it in for the experience.

You are not scapegoats, victims of anyone, any other energy. We have told you so and cannot reiterate it more to you; you are not victims. You are at all times in control of your destiny.

You have also mentioned or issued a caution about us getting too involved with our different attractions such as cell phones, television and other electrical things that are slowing our body and dulling our brains.

The body is affected by just sitting and watching our media outlets and the brain by the banality of many of the programs.

There is also a suggestion that this is done deliberately by vested interests; some not of this planet or perhaps their third reality minions who seek to take over Earth by dulling the population so they cannot see what is happening or think for themselves. Is this the way?

It may well be the way. We do not allude to or get involved with this issue. Should you choose to be or go that way, along that line of reasoning it will be as you say. For again, we state, you cannot experience what you have not programmed to yourself to be an experience for your learning and understanding. If you choose to participate along this way, you will gain much for it is impossible for you not to gain, to learn and understand more.

Well, if we see something along the lines we have just discussed and participate, if we don't like the experience, can we change it?


It may be the way. We are not privy to your strengths or desires. We are generalizing here when we state what we say and offer to you. You asked our opinion and we gave a clear understanding to you. We recall we did not say possibilities were endings.

If you choose to change your learning it may be the way but if you recall, we cannot state how strong your motivation is, or how strong your desire is to not complete your course you set. Again, you are thinking as a human being. You are limiting your desires and self in this way.

We feel we have answered your questions succinctly as you asked in the start of today's missives, we have kept all we answered simple and to the point.

And we appreciate it. Now I will read back what you were kind enough to explain to us.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We go now.

Thank you.


The Chicken or the Egg Conundrum.

Life is either a daring adventure

or nothing at all.

Helen Keller


Something that has baffled those who chose to think about it is the conundrum of the chicken and the egg and what came first, the chicken or the egg? To look for an answer I think we need to go back to when our Earth became habitable for life.

In my opinion and for various reasons life could not have just naturally appeared as we are led to believe.

There had to be assistance from somewhere, possibly other entities not of this Earth. I would like to now discuss this please.

Then we 'fill you in' as you say. This planet was designed for life but life did not exist here because of the tumultuous planetary existence that evolved. It (all?) needed to settle down so that existences, primates, and the like could be transported there with a success rate opportunity.

All life, existences, was transported to Earth from other places, avenues. They were not seeded here (on Earth?) from one particular planet but were experiments from several species not of this Earth planet. The several species (space beings?) were undergoing experiments of life but did it also as 'a gift', so to say. A gift of life not capitalized on at their existences. It was to be an educational way while at the same time to bring life to the Earth and the sanctity (sanctuary?) there.

Your Earth was undergoing tremendous changes but had settled down in many places enabling it to sustain life. However others who saw a way of advancing their causes, experiments, and the like that could not be achieved on their or other planets nearby intervened. So Earth became a source field of all sorts of experiments upon the primates, the life forms of this new habitation.

We seeded you all. The first human beings, the first primates, the first of everything were brought to this planet for its survival. Without life this planet would cease to exist because all life brings life. Do you understand what we are saying?

I am not sure I do. Please explain.

We are telling you that you do not live in a vacuum; all are energy and each energy feeds into the (universal?) grid and creates more energy. So wherever you are, whatever you do, you are creating energy.

You are needed to continue 'the force', shall we say. To create more of what makes the cycles spin. You all need to harmonize, to create your own ways of development for in doing so this will enlarge the scope for all who follow. It also enhances those who already exist, domiciled upon this third dimensional plane.

Your Earth Mother is a living entity who thrives upon the energies supplied by her little charges. Be it human, animal, vegetable, mineral as you say, she needs the energies that are engendered by each and every one of her little charges. She survives and puts out her own energies that enhance this particular part of the energy grid, the Universe.

You have mentioned that you seeded all including the first human and the primates. Does this mean we came from monkeys?


In no way are we implying this. We are merely stating that humans, as a special species, came along with the primates, that is all. One did not evolve to the other as you say.

Then what were the first humans like?

They were prototypes, an experiment. They did not follow a path that others had formed before on their domiciles. The early humans were a unique breed made special to adapt to the needs of the planet. We seeded them in various areas to give them a better chance of survival and then we watched to see their success rate with that survival.

Many died as the climate was still harsh and survival was grim but we continued because we believed in our success rate in the breeding program. We had achieved success and were loath to see it falter and die. We achieved success and little by little our colonies survived.

Are you the Anunnaki from Nibiru? The space people that Zecharia Sitchin, the Russian American author spoke about?

No, we did not achieve our way along those formats of the Anunnaki. We see and understand but we did not experiment as was done by others. Our way was to enhance, to bring life to this planet in forms we felt were best suited for survival. We did not experiment with living entities already upon the planet. We went a different way.

You mentioned that you did not experiment with living entities already upon the planet. Didn't you previously say you had brought all life forms here?

Yes, we did go that way but we did not alter in any way what we had created that was now domiciled on Earth and doing well. We chose another way which was to harmonize, to observe and wonder at it all. We did not interfere with another source of power, of influence for to do so would put us at constraints and that was never meant to be.

So, there were others, space people, who came in and tinkered, changed what you had created.

Yes, that was the way it was, happened. We watched, observed but did not interfere. To do so would have denied those who chose to experiment their path divine and it was not to be the way it was to be.

I am really getting confused here. You have created a new life form that is meant to develop, prosper, and enhance the planet they have just been seeded on. They are going well and then another group of space beings see this and come in and start experimenting on the new life forms, our ancestors.

What about our path divine? We must have had a spark of divinity, of God if you like, or we would not have lived?

Yes, it is the way but you are looking at a very basic level with ignorant eyes. Your understanding is primitive and your thoughts take you away from a situation you still do not understand.

The Council of Elders (democratically chosen interplanetary beings?) decreed that we do not interfere because to do so would have rendered issues that were unstoppable if they had proceeded. We felt, the elders felt, it would be better and more astute to stand back and watch what developed with the primitive life forms we had created.


They would survive, we were sure of that because what was being done would not have caused their demise.

Therefore we would observe and see what would be achieved when 'our charges', so to say, went another way to what we had envisaged. It would still serve us well for we had achieved our aim which was to successfully seed this planet Earth.

We did not see harm as such for our charges to be altered to be a slightly different way which would take them onto a slightly different path of evolution. You do it your way with your experiments on your primates and other animals. Was it, what had happened to early humanity, so different to what you are perpetrating upon those who also share this planet divine? You have created changes within their frame, their lifespan has now taken a turn with the change, but they will go on and become what they are meant to be. It was along this way with early humanity.

I never thought of our experimentation on animals like that until you just mentioned it. You have given me much to think about and I would like to finish now and read the information you have provided today.

Thank you for your guidance.

Then we leave you now. Peace be upon you all, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


Early Human Prototypes.

All of our dreams can come true,

if we have the courage to pursue them.

Walt Disney


I have read yesterday's information and found it very interesting. As always though, what you say brings in other questions. Can we continue on with what was discussed yesterday?

We abide by your desires.

Firstly, different space beings created a prototype of the first human? I will stick with humans for the moment.

Yes, it went that way.

Okay; we are not machines and need some form of spark or energy to get us going. How did that come about?

You have always contained the spark of the divine.

But not at the start when we were being created. How did we get activated to be able to think, to move, to do all the things us as humans take for granted as part of our humanity?

It is true that you needed 'a spark' as you say. We have the technology that provides that spark. We can activate non-living tissue and get it going, able to reproduce itself in any way it is programmed or desired.

We do have the technology and in the near future your scientists will create living flesh from an inanimate subject. You will then understand and see for yourself for it will be broadcast and published over all media recalls. You will understand then and those of you astute enough, will acknowledge this is part of the upward swing of education that is being fabricated and brought down for your understanding.

It is all a part of the conditioning going on in and around your planet Earth; to those in existence there.

Much is to come into your existence that has lain fallow but is ready for reactivation.

Then we had it before?

That is the way. Yes, you had more advanced technology in your Earth's past for we did not just drop you here and forget. We observed, that is so, but we also advanced you along the way when we felt the desire was there. Where you could understand and work with what we offered we brought it into your consciousness, your existence. We expected with this that you would change and be uplifted to gain what was your right. And many times we succeeded with our aims and we saw you prosper.

Yet some of the energies (humans?) were warlike and strife broke out between different nations. Families fought families and this wasn't meant to be. However we had given you your divine right to be free creatures and this meant we did not interfere with your decisions, your choices. We watched and waited for sanity to come to the survivors and we speak this way for there were mighty battles fought upon your earth plane. Not only by the residents, the local inhabitants but others not of this world who sought supremacy over all.


So we had complications but still we resisted the temptation to interfere with your choices. We watched and we waited until the turmoil died down and then we approached the survivors of our little band. We guided them to a better way by showing them what could be and they mostly complied. Unfortunately for our little band of survivors there was still what we refer to as the rogue element that interfered with our desires for the upliftment of all.

There is an element of needing to succeed in many of you and it is not always to the betterment of your kind.

We do not interfere, we observe and then, when we see we have a chance of success we again look for survivors. What we are referring to has not been a recent event for we have been conditioning the survivors of our little band almost since arrival here and survival establishment was secured.

We have plenty of archival evidence from all around our globe to show that our distant past was, in many ways, far more advanced to what it should have been, or was expected to be. In some cases we now appear to just be catching up. It is also said that many of the technologies we have now we have because of space beings and their technology.

There are many of your species who are in contact with 'extraterrestrials' as you like to call us. We are still in the background influencing those who are receptive, but we do not interfere. We do not program others to do our bidding in whichever way, for to do so would influence them to our way and they need to develop their own way.

Are there still other space beings that do influence us? I do know from personal experience that my non-physical body was sometimes taken into a space craft and examined, maybe also experimented on? Others speak of their being taken in their physical body but I don't remember that as my experience. I know that on these space craft there were two different species of space beings and other experiences I've had were with other species. Two of them were friendly, helpful ones.

I communicate with you but don't know what you look like or where you come from. Are you of these space beings I've mentioned?

No, we are not of their kind. We are different and if you allow us a feeling of 'fatherly love', shall we say, you were created in our image. We are not gods but to those early prototypes of humanity, we were perceived as gods. We no longer show our ways, our countenance fearing that this emulation could once more proceed. We do not see any advantage to either species so do not go that way again.

I also understand that you have said you prefer not to identify yourselves or give names but could you at least tell us what planet you come from? Is it in this universe?

We do not go the way you desire. We feel it is best not to get involved with who is who, what species and from where. As we stated, judge us by what we say and what we offer in support. It serves no purpose to seek us out.

Then I will leave it at that. I will also finish our discussion for today and we can take up again tomorrow.

Then we go that way. Peace and blessings be upon you, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


Why Do Beings Choose to Incarnate into Physical Bodies?

A mind all logic is like a knife all blade.

It makes the hand bleed that uses it.

Ratindranath Tagure


I have been thinking about what you have said and the information given and now seek more information about when you 'seeded' this planet. I would like to know when spirits, beings, came into the prototypes that were here and why.

Yes, we can lead you forward with this information. Beings came into physical bodies when they choose their way. Their way was to sort out the avenues and adventures they wanted to attain. It is not one swell (wave? group?) of beings that entered physical bodies for much deciding had to be undertaken. This was a new existence and for many the way, the source was not clear.

They understood what was about at the time and what they chose to experience, undergo, was limiting in many ways to what they had previously experienced in other avenues and on other planetary existences.

They needed to be careful and choose wisely for their demise could have been imminent if they had gone the wrong way with their choices.

I understand what you are saying but would it have mattered? From what I understand many did perish because of the conditions and the way the Earth was itself undergoing changes. As spirit, they could not be destroyed so couldn't they come back in another physical body and try again?

While it is true what you say about spirit being indestructible it not as you say. The physical body is not made entirely of the same magnitude of energy that an abiding being is or contains so it can be cast aside.

However in doing so there is a certain decorum to be followed; a 'process' as you say. They, an incoming being, cannot just pick and choose at will. There are other considerations to be met to cover needs.

Surely there wouldn't be a shortage of spirit beings wanting to incarnate, to learn and experience what this new destination had to offer.

The course, once set, was to be obliged. The being needed to be able to attain a certain level before it became eligible to incarnate here upon your earth plane existence. If they were knocked out of the game too soon, they had not attained that level and so had to go back and learn more of what was required.

There were many beings eager to incarnate and experience what was here (Earth) on offer but many of those beings, we felt, were not ready. Gung-ho, we understand is a word used on your earth frame and it suits what we mean to say quite well. To try was a challenge they wanted to meet but it did not go that way for many who sought to avail themselves of what was here.

Many who came here, or wanted to advance themselves with the experiences here came from other ways, other planets and other dimensions that were compatible with what was offered here. They felt they had the necessary requirements. All could see the pattern of what was developing here and each wanted to extend their 'wings' so to say and achieve their aim which was to gain more experience that could not be attained at other levels.


Each planet, each level, is unique to itself but many times it becomes arduous…. No, that is not the way.

Many times it becomes lax, the opportunities are very familiar; been there, done that, type of experience so something new to advance and to learn from is always eagerly sought but those who are still struggling to learn and gain more experience from all avenues they can attain.

So while this selection was happening were the physical bodies already here or were they waiting in the wings for decisions to be made?

No, it didn't go as you say. We had planned carefully and nurtured our little prototypes and they were 'okay'.

We needed the selection cleared for the incoming beings that would undergo the experiences they chose and what was on offer.

So, who took care of the prototype humans while this was all going on? I am assuming that the physical bodies were already here.

Yes, they were already here and they were taken care of by the earth elementals divine. It is the way it is but listen well, this was a period of unrest, of unfamiliarity and part of the being's journey here was to learn to manipulate all that was on hand. We gave them 'a start', so to say. A physical body was provided for them and they were, as you say, 'on their own' with the learning.

As we have told you before, we watch but do not interfere with what transpires. If what we have planted, seeded, meets untimely demises then we are obliged to begin again and reseed if it has been a major cataclysm or the likes. This was clearly understood by any being choosing to incarnate for the earthly experience and they still choose to experience whatever came along.

You need to understand that what you are, your personality, your thoughts, 'you' remains when you incarnate into any existence. The body changes but you do not unless you choose to claim another way .

It is all part of the learning curve you choose for yourself. When you seek change, you change but your basic nature, personality does not change.

I would like to ask another question before we finish for today. You mentioned the earth energies already here. How did they come about? Did you seed them too?

No, that was not the way. Their progress is earthly therefore they came up in this way.

As bacteria and all that sort of stuff?

Yes, that is the way. It is a fact that we are all part of the one divine energy supreme, but we are, in other ways, like 'chalk and cheese' as you say.

We seeded you yes, but we were not involved in the process of procreation where physical (sexual?) contact assures more progeny. Ours was a different way to what you are used to or call your own. We did not go that way.

We used parts, fragments of ourselves combined with energies we had at our disposal, knowledge, and we interwove them, split, and combined so that we had a prototype to us; one that would be useful for our purpose which was to seed this new planet Earth.

Wasn't our planet Earth already around at this time?


Yes, it was the way but we are referring to another kind of new. To us was given the task to seed this new planet, one that was becoming habitable for humankind, the early kind which, we say, is, or was not, too different to what you see walking your streets and avenues at present.

So we were not all caveman types who walked with our knuckles dragging on the ground?

No, that was not the prototype we introduced. Other experimentation may have brought about such as your describe but our prototypes were another way.

So, if I understand what you have mentioned earlier in this discourse you used part of your DNA and some other energy or source to create our prototypes. We were like test tube babies.

It can be looked at along that way but we did not change the DNA as is done with your scientists at present.

Yes, you were seeded, manufactured firstly in test tubes (laboratories?) or the equivalent for you to show life so we could proceed with the next vestige of change. It was a long process, one we devoted much of our time in correcting before we felt we had the prototype completed so it would be fit, able to survive on this new creation planet.

New creation planet we see has you confused so we will explain, elaborate. It was a time of change and challenges were all about for incoming beings to this planet. As we previously explained they, those that complied with 'tests' so to say, had the necessary requirements for survival were seeded here for what was about, new experiences they sought to undergo and enhance themselves, their skills in this way.

It was not an ad hoc selection for we had to be careful here. Much agitation, much sorting and deciding for those who answered the call and those who were responsible and able to partake of what was needed to continue life unabated.

We needed those sent to survive. We needed the seeding to succeed. Much rode upon our venture. All was at stake for we had been chosen, our race, to find a prototype that could sustain what was required to survive.

This we did successfully after a few mishaps but now we see you all learning and growing and soon to take another 'quantum leap' as you say toward your inheritance which is, to be your self.

You mentioned that you see the future and we have already achieved success with this. For me now I see more restrictions, more denial of our basic rights as human beings under the guise of the necessity of protecting us. I do not see a freeing up of restrictions and conditions. Instead I see a containment of freedom of speech and liberty now.

We do see and understand what is about but it is the last vestiges of those who seek to control coming to the fore again and usurping your needs and responsibilities; responsibilities to yourself and your fellow beings in the way it ought to flow. We see but we do not change our wording for it will all flow of accord. It cannot be any other way. The energies are bringing to a head what should always have been but took another way, path, when you were adulterated, changed.

And you saw and knew of all of this, still do, but will not interfere?

No, we cannot go that way. To do so interferes with what has been cast. You need to advance yourselves as you should. To change what is about will take some time but we tell you now, it is coming. Perhaps not fast enough for many but the shackles that chained you for so long will be gone. We do not interfere for to do so go beyond what you understand and it interferes with other ways of development. We do not go that way.


We leave you now. Peace and blessings be upon you, one and all, now and forevermore Thank you.


When Did We Get That Idea?

The important thing is

to never stop questioning.

Albert Einstein


You have mentioned that some, perhaps you said all of our religious beliefs, were given to us by third dimensional aliens. Is this so and if it is, would you please enlarge on it?

Yes, we can understand your consternation of what you have always believed of your religious path. We are here to say that what you believe was not our way of teaching yet we were unable to alter your concepts because they were chosen by you to follow the way to divinity.

Then when did we get that idea? It must have been early in our inception here?

Those who influenced you are what you refer to as a master race and we clarify what we mean. We wish you to understand that there is no master race per se nor is there anyone's master to serve. It is a furphy brought about by an arrangement of desires of others not of this planet's calling. You have been subjugated by others not of your kind but also of (those of) this dimension you presently call home.

There has been collusion, an understanding is the way. You have had 'aliens' as you say, present here since your inception. It was part of their desire, way to progress along the lines that are similar but not quite the same way as yours. They went the way of technological marvels that advanced their kind and as was stated, much was lost in the 'interlude' so to say.

Because they had the technology and could come and go, they were seen by previous incarnating kinds to be gods who could produce marvels seemingly out of the atmosphere. They could come and go at will and this created awe to those who were here and did not understand the ways of the technologically enlightened beings. They were adored, feared, and set up on pedestals by those who were incarnated here at the time.

They were worshiped from afar and for most of your incarnation here revered and feared.

Others of your kind were chosen and colluded with the aliens and became the reigning puppets for the aliens, those who chose their learning to go this way and so the furphy was perpetrated as was the way it was designed to be; masters, subjugators of kind.

How did those selected get chosen?

They had a way of sorts; a way that singled them out as potentialities of their kind. They could master other primitives while they were also primitive ; a 'leader of the pack' so to say. They exhibited the kind that drew the aliens to them and so they became the puppet masters for their kind. They then became revered by the primitives of their kind and this was supported and exemplified by those aliens who chose them to lead.

They, the aliens, were able to take a 'back seat' so to say and monitor from afar. Manipulation of your minds, your ways was achieved and continued suiting those who subjugated you through 'illusion' so to say.

This illusion continues to this day but now it is time for intervention. For us to now step forward and assist you with knowledge that will lead you to your rightful heritage. Where you realize that the only master your kind recognizes is the master within which is your self divine.

What about the people in our holy books? Surely, they weren't all puppets of aliens.


No, we don't go that way with our wording. We are speaking of your inception to this plane. Others were rightfully in charge as leaders as their ability decreed. They became leaders of their flocks through their abilities and sense.

We have records of aliens helping early humanity of the different nations of the world with education on various topics, such as agricultural knowledge, urban planning, astronomy and in us becoming more of a cultured species.

Yes, that is the way it was decreed; that you would be helped. You also have renegades in your societies, those who oppose rules as laid down, set out by others who have the intention and wellbeing of those who were coming on with their chosen way.

We do not say all aliens are what you refer to as 'bad' but we do say that not all have your best intentions. It is still the way but much has changed since those early times we refer to and we have accepted that we could perhaps have been more proactive in caring for our changes.

Isn't what you have just said counter to what you stated in the beginning of this discussion? Your words were ' we were unable to previously alter your concepts because they were chosen by you to follow the way to divinity'. Please explain.

As guiding lights is our way. We work by encouraging; a thought, a word in your ear sets a train of thinking and you are able to see another way. We did not suffice at the time and you were misled by what you saw as magic. It was not magic nor was it any of the other enticements that came your way. Your own kind acted as

'spokesperson', so to say of those who, from far off, worked the strings to manipulate your thoughts and ways.

By this, in this way, they advanced themselves while all the while their intention was for power and to keep control over the populations they had gained control over. It became a fait accompli that you would all follow the guidance and way of those you saw mainly as superior in influence and intellect little understanding the way they gained and held their control over you all.

Now all this is to change with the new bringing in a new dawning. Where you take more responsibility for your kind and move to claim your rightful inheritance upon this planet divine.

I would like to learn a little more on this topic but will leave it for when we next have one of our discussions. Thank you for your information today. It has given us much to think about.

Then we leave you now. Peace and blessings go your way. Until we meet again.

Thank you.


A Composition of Star Beings.

Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.

The word itself says 'I'M POSSIBLE'

Audrey Hepburn


Just to recap: all we see whilst here, the planets, the nature world, everything is all third dimensional?

Yes, it is the way.

So all the space beings that come here and are from some of the planets in our night sky and perhaps beyond what we can see with our naked eye and powerful telescopes; they are all third dimensional?

Yes, it is all of accord.

You have also stated that we are a mixture, a blend perhaps of some of them.

It is what it is. You have interacted, interrelated with many of the cohabitants of the planets you see in you night sky. It is there, recorded in many of the civilizations of your world's populations. You have intermingled, sperm to ova and over the time it has penetrated your psyche and you have gained, become in many ways, of their kind.

If we are of different genes or whatever is required, how is this achieved?

Again, you fail to see how you were seeded and what has brought you forward with increasing your needs.

Your primitiveness was designed by you prior to your incarnation upon this planet. What was needed then was more of the nature kind, those who worked with the soil and the animals to increase yields, propagate with your kind at that time.

You were needed to bring on others in your wake. You were needed to increase the yield of others who were to incarnate here in larger numbers. There had to be a certain level of intelligence and natural ability for them to survive. For this to occur others were needed, a 'breeding stock', so to say.

And where did they come from?

From the stars, other planets divine. Their inhabitants, with the sanction of their elders, chose a time that was suitable for your propagation and, with your permission, increased your yield. They made those of you domiciled (here?) fertile to help those who were to incarnate here.

How does this relate to us creating our own reality and our game of life? All illusion we chose to play?

It is one and the same. You chose your reality; time, and it went that way. What you chose and the mode of play was to be productive and instrumental in many ways with helping get things flowing. That was your game of choice but all the while it was productive in making way for others not of your kind who also sought other ways to learn to play their game of life with you.

Had they not learned how to work with the earth elementals to create their body?


No, they were not of this waveband and were coming into it. They had 'images', so to say, of what their production was to be but they had not learned how to construct a body. It was part of your learning to take these energies under your wing and give them the impetus, guidance for them to find their way.

If there is no timelines and all lives are being lived at one time, how does this relate to what you are saying?

No problem at all. It is the way it is played. All have vast resources, guidance to help them along yet, all the while they are presentational, as they choose to be. Each is gaining in their way while each is training, learning different ways to construct and control the various energies that are at any particular way they choose to be.

You mentioned we, early civilizations, were seeded here on this planet to help those coming behind.

Yes, it is the way.

You have also mentioned we are a combination of some of the extraterrestrials, star beings, and that was done to speed progress and intelligence of the early arrivals, presumably the first humans here. As already mentioned, we do have records from different civilizations stating they have the genes of another species, star beings.

You also state ' You have intermingled, sperm to ova'. My question is, do you mean how we, earth beings procreate or was it as stated by people such as Zechariah Sitchin, through a laboratory procedure?

It can be either way. What was of relevance was that the intermingling took place for each species to leave behind some of their genes to help bring humanity, at that time, forward with knowledge and 'general know how' as you say. They could not have survived and moved on to technology and the likes without the interaction of those not of their kind but enough of their kind to be able to harmonize their energies and interrelate.

Is that why many of us, humanity, have alien implants; to monitor our needs or way by extraterrestrials?

Your needs now are fulfilled by yourself. It is now up to you to see what can be achieved. We are speaking of a time when you were coming to terms with what was here. You needed the impetus from those not of your kind to bring you on.

And now there is no longer the need for the mixing of genes?

It has gone the way that you are progressing forward again and new technology is required by you all. You have the knowledge of events that are beyond, not in the star beings recall. It will be a gainfulness for you all if the intermingling continues so each can be enlightened 'one to the other' so to say.

Is that why there are more visible signs of visitations from the star beings in their space craft?

It can be seen to be along that way. However we do not see it quite like that. There are many who are not consciously aware they interact and have interrelations with star beings and this is to change. It is here already and has been for some time but you have, for varying reasons, sought to block it from your conscious sight yet, you do still know it exists and continues.

There are people who say they interact with different space beings and you have stated that star beings are very cautious around us because of our instability.


Yes, it is so. They are very well aware of your mental instability which can have you 'fly off the handle' as you say. Fear factor, of the unknown or unfamiliar, is also a great problem star beings encounter with interactions of any kind. Yet, as we have stated many times, you influence instigation willingly for what you can gain and also offer a service of kind.

You are stating it is a win/win situation for all concerned?

In every way we see.

Don't we have hostile star beings who want to hurt us or take over our planet?

We do not see it that way.

Well there are records and primitive art depicting great aerial battles being fought here.

Not for your kind. It is the way that battles have been fought, territorial if you see it that way but again, the interaction between species was not a priority. It was a dominion thing where each sought dominion of their kind. Behind their motive was one of supremacy of their kind, 'star beings' as you say.

Why here on Earth?

Because the land, area had much to offer; much to yield to advance the knowledge of those at war, in skirmishes.

So they sought to plunder Earth of whatever riches the planet contained?

It went that way. It was not dominion of the species presently here. There was no comfort in what was seen to be an inferior breed. They sought the riches that the earth held firm. They sought to gain from the knowledge it contained.

In what way?

There is much that can be learned about planets by the earth, soil they contain. Much knowledge of the universe and all it contains.

The topic for today is very interesting to me but it needs to be read through before we continue. So I will leave our discussion for another day.

Then we shall continue another day. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We leave for today.

Thank you.


Why Are Implants Inserted?

Those who say it can’t be done

are usually interrupted by others doing it.

James Baldwin


Years ago I had some kinesiology, energy work done on my physical body. It was then I learned about implants when told I had one in my ear. Others have also been found in different parts in my body by alternative health workers. The topic I would like to discuss today then is about implants.

Then we oblige with our discussion for today.

I've since read a book about a doctor who, on performing x-rays on some patients, found different types of implants. He then surgically removed them. From memory, they were mainly in his subject's limbs. My question is, why were they put there, or in any part of the human body in the first place?

For the same reason you place them into your animal's ears. To monitor where they are and what is desired by us to facilitate whatever is required by us for health, monitoring. It is along the way. We do not interfere with your decisions, of choices and bodily issues but we do need to regulate our research. Our monitoring is not harmful to you but is necessary for us to manufacture whatever is needed by us to make sure we progress in the right way with our instrumentation and the like.

I do not understand what you are referring to and would like clarification please.

Then we oblige. We also need instruction of what is transpiring to you and upon your planet divine. We need clarification as to what is progressing and what needs changing for others who come along, are seeded upon other planets divine.

I don't want to leave the first question I asked but do want to know, you do seed other planets too?

Yes we do. We are prototyping other avenues that will sustain life. We are going along that way for eons for we are like gardeners and we take pleasure, delight, in bringing forth other prototypes that flourish and survive on other avenues in other galaxies, other utilities divine.

Dolores Cannon, the regression hypnotist, spoke of the gardeners who seeded planet Earth. Are you of those species mentioned?

It may be the way. We do not project ourselves; our thoughts are as we stated; judge us by what we say. We delight in communication with our protégées but we do so from behind 'a veil' so to say. We do not want to be included in any way with what you see or emulate or desire to copy. We leave you be to be yourself, to be able to set your course and be as you ought, choose to be. We seek no fame, no glory, and no adulation.

Instead we are behind the scenes monitoring, watching, and taking our specimens, learning in this way.

Yes, we are also learning for each prototype from each seeding required different avenues with different physical requirements. We see and are about providing the requirements as needed to get our 'families' to being sustainable where they can fend for themselves in whichever the situation is provided for their needs.

If you are monitoring with implants, why do you need specimens?


We require all the way. We monitor your soil, your air, your pollution, and we take stock of what is happening to and around the nature ways, kingdoms. We take sampling of all we require and collate it to what we already have existing in our laboratories. We have been doing this, going about our ways ever since, not before, you were programmed here.

We monitor what is required for our learning. As we previously mentioned all is required to be learned for many times it covers new territory for us, learning territory we mean to say. We need to see all is going to accord, the way we programmed it all to be so we take sample; nightly we take samples and we also monitor your bodily needs, your health program you have set for yourself.

You take samples at night? Is that so we don't get frightened?

That is the way. We all take our samples then and you, if you are aware (of what happened) , put it down to a dream experience and cast it from your thoughts as a strange dream coming perhaps from something you ate. It is less intrusive for all concerned to be, go this way. We fashion our thoughts and ways to minimize our contacts with you for, as we stated, we do not intrude or interfere in any way more than is necessary for us to gain the insights we require for our calling.

About ten years or so ago I noticed one morning that I had a red mark on the tip of my nose just above one of my nostrils. I thought at the time it might have been an insect bite, maybe a mosquito had bitten me some time during the night. However, around the same time, when out and about, I noticed lots of other people, all ages and all sexes had these red marks on their noses too. Over time my red mark has faded but has not gone away. Were they, are they implants that were done to a lot of the population?

Yes, that is the way it is. We did do a fell swoop (?) type of implant to many of you, different species and nationalities. It was not only from your sort we sourced our information. We needed to get our figures, our ways forward for our requirements. Many still contain these 'implants' as you like to say but it serves no harm and is, in many ways beneficial for our little charges. We can control, adjust many of your needs to suit the better conditions that are around for your survival.

I would like to have more information about this topic.

Then it can be supplied. You ask and we fill you in as much as you are able to comprehend at this stage of your development. It will not always be this way, this arduous way or communication but we will fill you in as this is our obligatory supply channel to give you your requirements.

You mentioned you planted implants into us in one fell swoop. How can this be, how did it happen to so many at a time?

We are aware and able to do many things that to you would be impossible. We are not restricted to the laws of nature as you are restricted. We are able to change much of what is about to suit our needs and then we withdraw again.

Do you mean you are able to change time as we know it?

There are many avenues we undertake to achieve our desires. We do not go any particular way for our desires take many forms depending on whichever way we choose to delve, activate our needs.


If, as you say, you prefer to work with us during the night, our planet is dark in different parts. How do you achieve your aim then?

We prefer to work when it is dark but it is not our only way of attainment. We have ways that to you would seem to be illusion and in some ways, it is the way. We change what you understand to be and achieve our aims in this way too.

Do you mean like an optical illusion, a mirage, or something along that line? If I remember right, you said you do not tinker with our minds.

We can change what you perceived, think happened or you saw. We do not tinker with your minds when we do this.

I am not sure I can agree with you on this comment.

You achieve this to yourself many times without any recall, harm. It is illusion, what the mind saw and registered as what was seen. It flows along this way.

So, as I understand what you are saying, you are able to go to different races all over the planet and do what you require and anyone who was aware of something happening you are able to somehow create an illusion so they think something else did or didn't happen?

It is the way it is if we feel the necessity of this action.

You spoke about controlling or adjusting our needs if it became necessary. Your exact words are: " We can control, adjust, many of your needs to suit the better conditions that are around for your survival.' Haven't you previously mentioned you monitor, take samples but let us get on with being 'us'?

Yes, it is so. We can see cataclysmic activities ahead of time. We can monitor changes not so obvious and we can act upon our instructions. We are conditioned to be always vigilant, to see what is necessary for life to continue. We do not interfere unless there is some sort of catastrophe, global, we say. Then, and only then, are we able to change what could wipe you, all principal life (out) on this planet.

I would like to finish for today and continue again tomorrow.

Then we go that way. Peace and blessings be upon you, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


What Is Discovered by the Implants?

The future belongs to those

who prepare for it today.

Malcolm X


Again to recap: you mentioned that you had planted implants into many people at similar times. These implants were put into people, different races at different places on our globe?

Yes, it went that way. We attain our direction, what is required with our specimens and act accordingly so we can have our results.

And in this instance, you are referring to us as specimens?

That is correct.

Why then, was it necessary to implant so many at different parts of our Earth?

Because your body, was undergoing changes and we needed the results for our research. Much has changed over the eons, to your body, to your Earth and we keep score, what has changed. We saw that upon the Earth was a great shift; an energy shift and many of you were unaware but changes were about that had an influence. We needed to research, find out what effect this change had to you, your body, with this, in this way.

And did your research find anything?

Yes, there were twofold changes happening. We saw that many of you had attained another way, a lightening of being, if you see it that way. Your energy had shifted, become more rarefied, and there was, as we stated, a lightening of being. This brought about changes to your body which was able to undergo changes and much of what was dross around you fell apart, away. Your thoughts then brought in other issues that could be recalled, refined, and changed.

And was this change important to us?

Indeed for with your lightness of being it also brought about changes around your planet Earth. You see only 'the tip', so to say; what is beyond your nose if oft times not there into your awareness. Much has happened and continues to happen to your Earth and while the protégée is being researched then all will go as accord.

Please explain the part about the protégée. Who is or are the protégée?

Why all. All of you living upon this planet divine. All of you are protégée in the way you live and function with your limited abilities. We are impressed and in awe sometimes of how well our little protégées have survived and continue to be so.

I will finish now and read what you have given me for today.


Peace and blessings go to all, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


How Different Species Assist Each Other.

Somewhere, something incredible

is waiting to be known.

Carl Sagan


I have been thinking on your words: of all the people of all race and ethnicity, from different parts of our globe who have implants, all of them, whether they are aware of it or not, have agreed to this prior to incarnating?

Yes, it is the way it is.

I see. There is a clear memory of two occasions of going to someplace unfamiliar to me on what appeared to be some other planet and having difficulty understanding what was there. At one area it appeared devoid of other life, barren and covered in a red dust. As to whether what was been seen was accurate is not clear to me.

There was a friendly alien with me who was trying to help me understand why we were there. Held in my hands was what appeared to be a box or something similar. It also seemed important to the little alien for me to understand what I was holding

Now, after your information it is obvious; I have been unaware of some of what has been transpiring and why. I would like to correct that and in doing so, perhaps enlighten others who may be undergoing similar experiences and are as unaware as I was. Is that okay?

Yes, we see much can be achieved by this way of progressing. Many of you are in ignorance of what transpires. Many of you see your dream state sometimes when you are abed and 'taken away' as you say to be no more than a dream state. We seek to correct you all and set you straight.

There are indeed many of you who have implants but again, we state, they are there with your approval and serve a purpose to you all. You gain along the way as well. You are not, as you refer, like your animals, beasts of burdens, who are tagged and have no knowledge or education of what is transpiring.

It is not the way for your selves. You have agreed and, in some instances, instigated the terms of the conditions of you being 'tagged' as you say.

Could you be more specific please? What do we gain and how do we instigate the implanting?

You go the way of your being. You understand and work with others not of your species sometimes and you all gain by the knowledge they impart for it is not a 'one way street' as you say where all is taken and nothing is given in return. To your conscious mind it may seem the way but your recall is there if you elevate yourself to understand what has transpired and continues to do so in many instances.

Please clarify your explanation for us.

We can go another way. You have instigated this deliverance before inception. Are we in agreement here, with this?

Yes, if everything is pre-planned it must be the way.


Then we enlarge and ask you why you would do this, be this way?

We can assume it is because the other species we deal with have something we don't have and we have something they don't have. Is that the way?

It is much more than that. It is as if to say you can excel, gain more by this, in this way. You can plod along any way of your choosing. The harmonies will always be present but unless you have the knowledge, the recall, you will be oblivious of much of what is there and possibly available to you at some stage.

There is no 'right' or 'wrong' as you say. It is an enlightening of all. They, other species not of your kind, have a technique, an understanding you cannot presently recall. They are able to offer their expertise to you all and you gain in this way, with this. You on the other hand can reciprocate to them and this is the way with the implants and the going away for a temporary 'sojourn' so to say. You all gain in this way, with this.

And the implanting is monitoring our earth energy bodies?

Yes, if you recall there has been enlightenment with this. Once it was more implants than what are used now in your bodies. Many of you are still unaware that they are producing valuable information to others not of their kind. They are enlarging the scope of the 'aliens' so that one day they will produce what is denied them now to receive from their bodily flow. They will access, be able to come and go with more of advancement than is available to them now.

They, like you, are restricted in many ways but with the newfound knowledge they gain will be able to come and go as a way of understanding for themselves. As it stands at present, they can only gain through your earth body. You in turn, can only offer them 'a piecemeal' so to say. They cannot experience as you do. They can only gain from observation and from semen, other bodily organ functions so they get their understanding in this way, by this.

My impression was that the implanting was to study our energy field or electrical magnetic bits?

It may be the way. We are speaking, referring to what is achieved here and for what purpose. They will at some stage start to frequent more in a bodily way the earth energies. At the present, to this stage, they can only come and go, be away from their own energies for a short while. You are the same way with yours.

Once gone for too long your being abides. It is the way. They are seeking to extend their time here for what is offered; to channel their information along this way.

Don't they incarnate like we do onto this reality?

No, it is not the way, will not be the way without the impetus, the information. It will then be a conscious experiment, exercise where they have more control and understanding than you presently can recall.

Is that what happens to us when we go to their domain? We are gaining from the energy they have for their area? Is it not one of the areas we could access by ourselves? One we might choose to incarnate to at some stage?

It may be the way with this but they are 'speeding things up' so to say. They are giving you the knowledge of the way and achieving for you the understanding of where and how things are 'there'. They have already gained much for they are an advanced race and you still have a way to go. They are prepared to uplift, help you here but there is an understanding, a 'trade-off' so to say.


I am aware of having gone someplace with an alien thought of and referred to as my little friend. She didn't have a large head or eyes. Was she a different species to the Grays?

You have interacted with many species over your time. We say to you now this one was not one of the Grays.

You have knowledge that allows you to breach 'other sources' so to say. You are familiar with other species for you are of their kind. Some of them are much loved by you and reciprocate in kind.

Yes, there is an innate feeling of what you are saying so I do understand. However, before asking you about my little alien friend would like to know why are the Grays around me? I now accept that they are not here to harm any of us and there is an interaction, exchange of energies and knowledge but why are they the only ones here at present?

If you recall, you made a pact before inception. It is the way. It is their time to be here and learn your way.

I forgot about that. Well, my term of 'piggy backing' is my primitive way of describing the interaction when my little alien friend takes me off on learning sprees. Could you make it more understandable for others as well as me? How is it done? Others could also be experiencing the same sort of thing and may have no conscious knowledge of it happening to them.

Yes, it is the way it is. Many of you do go to other levels, understandings and gain in this way, with this. You (Annette) recall that you have experienced other levels and have been able to hold and bring the knowledge back so it can be shared in your books for others to see. It has been achieved with this purpose in mind but in other ways you also achieve.

You are gaining insight to other species and their kind and enlightening them with your kind, your energy presence. They, in turn, seek to learn more, to educate themselves by gaining the same insights as those of their kind who make the exchange of energy with you to enable you all to gain and understand by this, in this way.

How is this done? Do they impinge over our energy field and we go that way?

No, there is another kind of energy you control and they go the way with that field.

This opens up for me other questions but it might be better to leave it for another day. I will finish now to read back your information for today. As always, thank you for your guidance and help. It makes me realize how little I do know.

All have chosen this path, this way and for you to attain your goals, the experiences here you have had to place 'blinkers' so to say upon your countenance. The knowledge you all contain is vast. Much more than you allow yourself to divulge. It is there, never fear.

We leave you now. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone for the day.

Thank you.


Learning to Love.

'Act as if what you do makes a difference.


William James


Today I would like our discussion to start on clarifying something you stated on two previous occasions because to my mind two of your answers appear to be in conflict with each other.

'Fire away,' as you say.

You mention that the other species of star beings developed another way, more scientific and technological but do not understand or experience emotions like love.

It is the way.

Yet, at another discussion you mentioned that I am well known and loved by one or more species and I reciprocate in kind. Are we now discussing more than one species?

Yes, we can understand your confusion but listen well. It is the way that there is great love between you and other species of 'aliens' as you say. Yet it is also so that there are others not able to understand the emotions your kind portrays. They do seek to understand and oblige themselves along that way. They have come to a realization that all they have attained is lost without the emotion of sharing and complacency of understanding; of knowing what can be achieved.

And some alien species are capable of emotions such as love?

There are indeed others who do have the accompaniments of love and do understand and feel. They are not of this dimension but come as 'visitors' so to say. They have mastered much wisdom of kindness and understanding and compassion to all species. They come to assist at this time.

Then how are the alien species here on this dimension going to learn about emotions? Emotions for us start by experience and learning from the time we incarnated here as babies. What is going to guide the star beings to feeling emotions?

They watch your ways. Even now they watch your ways and see what motivates you, how you react to different sensations. There are specimens who are 'implanted' as you say and much can be learned from this. They move about you and gain from the energy pattern you portray as you move about and interact with your kind. They have projections who relay what your species, kind is achieving by your emotions to each other and to those you love.

Can they see our aura, energy field?

No, not yet. They have other ways of understanding all you portray. You are not of a mind to learn and go this way so you are oblivious to other 'remedies,' shall we say that bring you closer to understanding what 34

else can be achieved by those who cannot see or feel your energy field yet are able to understand much because of their technology of kind.

What you are describing sounds more abstract, more clinical.

Yes, it is the way but it is also the way they learn and function. It is the only way they understand at present.

And are you helping them too?

Yes, it is our way to assist all who require our aid. We do not pick and choose who is to be helped by us for as you understand to help one helps all. You all progress on to greener fields this way.

You have just mentioned 'They have projections who relay what your species, kind is achieving by your emotions to each other and to those you love' . Could you please enlarge more on what you mean by their projections?

Yes, their projections are like your thought forms. They are without substance but look real until they are activated and brought more into alignment with whatever the achievement to be obtained is.

Then do they become real as our thought forms do?

No, not the way of your thought forms. Those thought forms become real through the emotions you have engendered and of which they can utilize to create their reality existence. These others lack that ability so remain a projection without concept.

Somehow like a robot?

It can be seen to be that way but there is more at stake here. Presently your robots lack drive, what it takes to make them human. These energies also lack the drive but can provide much information, the kind that is lacking in a robot.

You mean the star beings' projections?

Yes, it is so.

You just mentioned you don't pick and choose who to help and we all move on to greener fields. Is it because the star beings, us, all energies on this third-dimension transition at 'the one time' so to say as we are moved on because of the incoming energy swell?

It is the way. All at this level whether human or not, will go their way at the same time. While though, and we feel we need to explain, some of you will decide to stay and be a comfort, help to those who are not quite of your kind as yet but are moving, growing that way.

You will stay but you are no longer as previously. You are no longer requiring a body to exist here and will function without one. Because this has moved you past your previous misconceptions and taken some of the glitter... no, illusion from your sight, perception, you no longer think or function the old way. You have changed. Your caterpillar has become a butterfly.

And can now fly?


You could always fly but knew it not because of the constraints you placed upon yourself. Now you are aware and can do more to oblige yourself and those you take under your wings.

You said at the beginning of this book that we all need to open our mind to the reality of existence. Some of the answers you have provided to my questions seemed unbelievable to me at the time you stated them but because of more of our discussions, I can now understand further and acknowledge their validity.

And that is where we will leave this topic. You do know of your greatness, of your kindness to encourage and cosset others who need your kindness. It is the way it is, will be for existence.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We close now and leave it for another day.

Thank you.


Enhancing Each Species.

'If not us, who?

If not now, when?'

John F. Kennedy


You have previously mentioned there are those, space beings, who do not want us to take our rightful place in the universe.

Yes, it is so but again, we reiterate, as a democratic council, the elders have the last say. They would not tolerate such behaviour for we have all moved past such primitive needs and deeds.

And the Council of Elders are involved with this third dimension's planets and beings?

Yes, it is the way it is conducted.

Another question on a slightly different theme: our scientists speak of the universe, black holes, anti-matter and such. Is this part of the third dimensional illusion and part of the game construction?

Yes, it is the way, part of your game play.

Do black holes lead into other dimensions?

We do not see it that way, like that.

So they are not short cuts for space beings in their craft to access our planet?

Again we do not see it like that. There are many space beings in their craft that interact with you now and it is to increase. They do have ways to shorten the way but it is not through black holes. We do not see it that way.

Their technology is far advanced to your way and your understanding. If you gain the knowledge, you will also take advantage of technology that allows you, humans, to come and go with alacrity. Your way of understanding is short and you need to fix this lack for you to also come and go.

There is much to gain by all to have you advance and take your place with the other occupiers of the stars.

You are being programmed, helped to achieve it in the rightful way. Rightful way we state is not by overwhelming fear and intimidation as has been your way.

When we see that you are capable of civility to others we will imprint more of our ways, technologies to help you along. At present we are monitoring carefully how you respond to what has been given to you to enhance your knowledge, understanding.

And we can also contribute, offer things to enhance each species?

It is the way.

Do we have abilities that the other species presently lack? You have spoken of one of the gifts we have is emotion; perhaps there are others?


Yes, it is the way. There are wondrous abilities your space beings have worked through and mastered but alas, in their haste to progress one way, the other was not developed and the knowledge has remained closed to them. They study your lifestyle, your blending each to the other and wonder what it would be like to have the rare, to them, emotions of love.

Would you please elaborate on that?

Yes, we go this way. They are far more knowledgeable in their deeds and have 'swept through the universe', so to say, with their wondrous technological machines but they lack the empathy of their kind, to their kind.

They see the advances you have made along this way, to family, friends and other beings and wonder how it would be to feel such a success.

Make no mistake, your emotions and love you show to your kind, your animals, have set you on another path to the other beings that also inhabit this third-dimension universe.

Haven't they had a look at how many of us treat each other? For many it is not loving or kind.

There will come a time when everything settles down. It is because of the changes being felt that all are

'betwixt and between', as you say.

Not meaning to sound disrespectful but we have had centuries where there has been wanton cruelty perpetrated upon people, animals, flora and fauna. As examples not in any particular order; our world wars, the Dark Ages, wars over differing religious beliefs, tribal territorial skirmishes, extinction of animal species.

Again we take you back to our dictum; you cannot have anything brought into your awareness that was not first instigated by you. Your referrals you mention have been seen and perhaps felt for a reason. You would need to see the way you brought it into your conscious existence for what you sought to gain by the melee.

Our game of life we instigated?

Yes, it is so.

Thank you. I would like to finish now and continue tomorrow.

Then we leave you to go your way. Peace and blessings to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Alien Offspring.

The ability to observe without evaluating

is the highest form of intelligence.



From what I understand you are stating, it has not only been the Anunnaki, the race that is said to be recorded in some ancient scriptures, that have come here for different reasons. Were any others who came here doing it to help our advancement? Or, was it left up to your species?

No, others have also had a 'tinker' as you say. The race you refer to as the Anunnaki were the long-standing ones, the ones who came and stayed.

Are they still with us now?

How can it be any other way? As you are aware from your ancient texts that they 'mated' as you say, inbred with some of your kind and their offspring, their progeny live to this day.

I have wondered about this inbreeding with early prototype humans. We have been taught from our history books that our ancestors were beings barely able to walk upright and to have limited speech. No disrespect intended, because you did say you made them in your image but from what we have been taught, they sound like little more than the primates that were also here at the time.

Yes, that is the way. We do not digress or say we are the most attractive species that ever-set foot upon your Earth but we did not look as you portray us. Neither did our 'offspring', so to say. They were attractive enough, passable in their way, to be attractive to those who sought them out for purposes, not only for mating, as you say, but for experimentation.

They were not as the beasts of the field, the wild animals or the primates inhabiting your domain at the time.

They were of a similarity that could be utilized and procreation did take place. Some intervention was needed at times for there was a dissimilarity, not too distinct, but could and sometimes did cause complications during the birth of their progeny. This interaction did take place and continues to this day.

I am sorry but don't mean to be discourteous when I say I find that difficult to believe. You will need to explain that to me.

Then gladly we go that way and inform you for you have much to learn that brings you up to date with what is around, what is going on, what is still being perpetrated with little knowledge coming to you.

Are you referring to those who are taken on board space vehicles?

Yes, but there is more to tell. You all think that interaction only takes place at times such as this but there is more. There is physical interaction not only in this way but is being perpetrated along the way, the lines of intercourse between beings with little knowledge of one being exploited by the other in this way.

But what you have just said doesn't quite make sense to me. You mentioned one is being exploited. How can that be?


We are stating it is the way. In their mind they are consenting but they are being led astray. Deluded you might say. This is what we refer to with exploitation one to the other.

But to what purpose?

To gain control again; keep the foothold in 'the door' so to say. It is not unusual for this has been activated, going on for centuries. You have many 'high flyers'; we think that terminology is the way. Those, many, are hybrids, mixtures of two races (species?) combined to make a certain influence upon your planet. To gain control, mastermind what is seen to be the best avenue to ply their way.

It is not finished; they have not finished yet and we watch and wait for the change to occur. For the shift in consciousness, a ground swell, if you have it that way. It will recognize and change much of what is about at present. Long gone will be the way, the influence that controls you all now.

What do you mean by long gone?

It will flow to all and the 'shackles', so to speak, will be gone. It will be a distant memory in your recall for you are all changing and your needs go another way. You will start to see and take responsibility for your cause, which is, development of 'self,' your self. What you desire and program for your needs will be coming to the fore without intervention of others not of your species.

I am assuming from what you previously stated that it is possible and happening to people that they are being mentally deceived, deluded, and controlled by another species. What is to stop this from continuing?

The incoming energies will shift much of what has been holding you fast to your illusion and you will see and react accordingly.

But what you have mentioned is like a form of hypnosis or mind control. If a person is in ignorance of what transpired …I'm getting myself confused here.

It is the way it is to be. You will change. You will notice untoward activities, experiences. Little subtleties that were overlooked will now come under scrutiny. You will cease to be deceived like innocent, ignorant children. It will be gone. The cloud of misinformation, of being misguided, will be cast away and you will finally see what is about.

The last vestiges of control will not want to 'shake the boat' as you say. They choose to hold tight to what has been their right, their way for too long. You are seeing the upheavals upon your planet. Where unenlightenment, surrounding issues, events, are now coming to be recognized for what they are. People are starting to reclaim their inheritance, what should always have been their way, their path divine.

We are explaining and telling you in no uncertain terms that it will all change for the betterment of all concerned. Even for those who have held the reins of power for too long. They will undergo their own metamorphosis for they also have lessons they choose for themselves that take them along another path to upliftment of all.

I will finish now and read what you have told me. There will be more questions about this changing of the guard, if that is what is happening. I also have to tell you I am very sceptical of a golden age many speak about and this may be what you are alluding to.


I can accept the energy changes and people starting to wake up to what has been happening but those in power, or with influence wanting voluntarily to surrender that power and influence; no, sorry, I just can't see it happening.

Then we leave if for another day. Peace and blessings be upon you, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


Manipulating Matter.

When you change your thinking,

you change actions.

When you change your actions

you change your future.

Zig Ziglar


Your answers lead to so many more questions to ask. Are these aliens who didn't have our best interests still controlling any of us?

It may be the way but it cannot last. It cannot be for you are taking the blinkers from your sight and are becoming more erudite, educated to what is around and going on. It is not so easy for those not of your kind to pull the wool over your eyes as before.

Just to be clear on this; are there still puppet masters or controllers of part of humanity now?

It may be the way but, as we stated, any control will be taken from them by the education of those who once stood in awe of what was transpiring.

We presently have books and movies that predominately show the aliens to be unfriendly and wanting to subjugate humanity. Is this part of the wake-up call?

No, we do not go that way. It is there, rest assured it is still there that others not of your kind would like to revert back to the old ways of subjugation but as we have spoken before, it cannot be.

Times have changed and whatever lesson we chose to experience in the early days is no longer applicable to us?

That is the way to see the outcome.

But we do have a spirit family that support us? We also can call on our other selves?

Yes, it is the way. You are never without recourse, never cast adrift. It all goes of accord. You learn eventually, in this way that you are stronger than you ever supposed. You eventually gain an understanding that what you feel as dis-empowering is, in reality, making you strong.

So, all who we call upon, who can offer support and encouragement is more like a supportive parent. They, metaphorically speaking, console us, dust us off and encourage us to try again?

It can be seen to be that way.

What other way can it be seen?

You are learning to see and understand that all that comes into your life is there because of your intentions.

Your learning capabilities are extended and rest assured, your magnificence is heightened by each revelation. You are learning to manipulate matter and your emotional effects are profound.

As that is not clear would you expand on your last sentence, please?


You have, in one of your missives, spoken about the ascended masters and their ability to manipulate matter to suit their needs. It is not a special trick, no sleight of hand situation where it has been demonstrated down the aeons to those enraptured by the learned ones' presence.

They were basically showing what could be achieved by the masses, that anyone who had the ability never needed to feel want again. They demonstrated their ability, not to 'show off' as you say but as an encouragement to others to aspire to. To follow their way was meant as guidance, an upliftment of kind and they achieved it in this way. They did not intend to be placed up high upon a pedestal. It was not their intention to be seen or go that way.

Jesus is said to have told his followers and the masses words to the effect of all that I do, you can do and more.

Yes, it was to inspire them to greatness.

Then why are the ascended masters now out of sight?

We do not go that way for we do not know of their present intentions for the masses, if at all at this juncture.

We were merely having you understand that all can be achieved as was their way. You all have the ability but see it not. It is your lack of faith in your ability that sets you apart from your ascended masters. All they are, all they contain, is within you.

But they came with a plan to help and educate those of their times?

Yes, it is so. They came with a plan, 'a pledge' so to say that was to assist those who lacked the faith in themselves by showing them a better way of living and growing within.

A pledge? That is a strange word to use. Would you mind explaining what you mean?

They pledged themselves to be a guiding light to others who were not yet in the light of knowledge of kind.

They sought to be guiding lights to illuminate from within what all have within. Unfortunately many times, those who have come with the enlightening knowledge have not had their way as they sought.

Not all have gone that way?

It is what you refer to as 'tall poppy' syndrome. Where someone comes along and challenges the status quo to think and behave another way. It is not, for the most part, tolerated by those who control the power and so the enlightenment is lost to most until another day.

Now that is all to change and much upheaval is upon your planet and those domiciled here. Changing patterns of energy enlightenment are flooding into your planet forcing all those who live here to change. It cannot be any other way for all who exist here at this time are here because of the opportunities existing upon this plane divine.

Now, in this era of the water bearer, Aquarius, do we have or will we have anyone incarnating as teachers like Moses, Jesus and others to assist our development and teach us?

No, this is the time for you all to understand your magnificence and 'internal power' so to say. It is now your turn to shine the light upon yourself and all you are.

What about guidance for those who don't understand or go that way?


We tell you now, all will find their way to understand their magnificence and the part they play in this or any incarnating reality.

We leave you now to your thoughts. Peace and blessings go to one and all. You cannot fail.

Thank you.


Cosmic Responsibility.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards,

but of playing bad cards well.

Robert Louis Stevenson


I would like to refer to a book written by the Englishman, Edmund Harold. The topic is about numerology and how we have chosen numbers in our lives, such as our birth date and name numbers for the vibrational learning they offer. I do not disagree with his teachings here and acknowledge he knows much more on the subject than I do. The section I would like to discuss is from page 19 and is about the Illumined Ones:

The ultimate goal for mankind is to seek to become the master of self, and of matter. Such acts leading eventually to be conscious acceptance of a portion of Cosmic responsibility relating to the planet upon which we gather our experience. As the very early races of mankind showed a marked reluctance to accept such responsibilities, Elder Brothers - or Illumined Ones - drawn from the other Galaxies, appeared upon the Earth, guiding the slowly evolving races toward self-realization.

Their unselfish devotion to the requirements of humanity has borne fruit in the form of a group of beings who, of themselves, have sought to control the illusions which abound in the worlds of matter, accepting therein the many hardships and disciplines attendant within the search for total self-mastery. The Bible refers to these Souls as “The Very Elect”, but today we refer to them as The Masters, although they themselves, now beyond the pull of personality, prefer to be known as Elder Brothers and Sisters’.

My question is on how there are two levels of beings; the galactic and the spirits from the other dimensions.

Is that so?

Yes, there was a division created to form another logic; a way of seeing things that were Earth bound for the time. Erudite beings incarnated for the express purpose of bringing others through or from the mire to upliftment of greatness.

They were incarnated from all other avenues, galaxies; such was the need for the embryonic population of the Earth at the time. We seeded your race with species of our own to grow and learn in the Earth way. We adopted much of our technology with this to bring it into being. It was done with a structure, a purpose to enlarge the scope of all in this way. Those who worked tirelessly 'behind the scenes', so to say, and those who choose to incarnate, to be the guinea pigs for future enlargements. This was successfully achieved and many times we have watched our flocks grow and prosper with enlightenment and enlargement.

Finiteness, yes, it was the way. We could not structure the body; prolong it to the greatness of timing; of length of duress we required for much more to be expanded so we had to settle for what we could achieve at the time.

Those hardy beings who prospered, many of them your teachers, masters, learned how to control firstly their own energy and then share the knowledge with others to learn also to control and develop their talents.

Forms changed over time as more was added to the melting pot of atoms and structures of the races of humanity. Much has been left behind. Much had to, by necessity, fall by the way. You are now at a stage of your evolution where your mastery has gained impetus and needs go another way. We are here monitoring, 45

blessing, moving, sifting; all these sorts of activities are required for the newer energy times to be infiltrating not only onto your planet, but into your very being. It is the way.

We are here to monitor your progress. We have always been here in one form or the other since your seeding; your growth pattern was established here on your planet.

It is time to grow another way. We finish our words today in accord. The Earth brothers and sisters are ever present to guide and advise. We leave you now with words of cheer. In the times ahead much knowledge, much advancement, spiritually, intergalactic, and technological will be brought forth with the change.

Go in peace and love understanding, knowing, you cannot fail. That is all for today. We wish you well in your journey forth.

Thank you.


Waking up to Who We Are.

Waking up to who you are

requires letting go

of who you imagine yourself to be.

Allan Watts.


If we were to stand on a mountain overlooking a valley admiring the vastness of the view, of open sky and a lush carpet of various green hues below we are observing all this through our five senses.

It is the way.

And all we see; the vista is nothing like what our eyes are recording for us.

It is the way, what you see is illusion.

And there is no space per se. What we cannot see are all the countless other realities that intertwine our third dimension one.

Yes, no objection to what you say.

Then are we also right in understanding there is no 'out there'; no 'anything else'. All consists in what we could term a minuscule point of powerful energy divine.

It can be seen to be that way but it is only part way correct.

Then please explain where we are incorrect with our thinking.

There is still more to comprehend before you can find you way. Your choice of understanding is sound as far as it understands but your mental resources, what you can bring to mind are not there. We do not cast dispersions on your aptitude but to say none of you existing now have the understanding of 'all'.

Yet you have stated we are all god, all, so why are our mental resources not there?

You have chosen to not acknowledge your magnificence so you can exemplify your greatness. You have taken upon yourself the role of educator whilst being those who are being educated.

You enlarge yourself is the way we are explaining. You do this by gaining other experiences that you can magnify and enlarge. You are bringing into form other realities and existences that you can enlarge yet again.

And if we are god as you have previously stated, you must also be god?

Yes, it is the way. Form is again a part of your reality but we are formless and being without form we come and go all the while. As we speak this way to you we are also in many other realities for others seek to advance themselves with our instructions. Yet, all the while, as you find yourself doing, you are reaching out and enlarging your concept of the area, part you exist in. In doing this enlarging, and we are simplifying our meaning here, you are magnifying, extending others in your wake.

You have mentioned 'You are creating, forming in many ways and in many guises whilst inhabiting this dimension but all you see, can see whilst here is a projection of you, something you have brought in for your 47

understanding'. At the time we were discussing space beings, extraterrestrials and you added 'They are separate in their way but are also you, a projection is the way.'

If everything is god in its varying form they must also be god.

Yes it is so, the way. All are of the one source.

You have stated that we are existing in many places while in this dimension.

Yes, that is the way.

We are all third-dimensional while we are at this dimension?

Yes, no form here with what you say.

As the space beings are third-dimensional and somehow a separate projection of us is it possible or probable that we are existing as a space being on another planet whilst domiciled here?

Yes, it is so. You exist in many avenues while domiciled here yet your understanding, comprehension only shows you this way, this reality.

And that is because we have blocked our magnificence from our perception whilst here?

It is so, the way.

Then why are there different levels of beings; the galactic and spirits, those from the other dimensions?

You mentioned 'There was a division created to form another logic; a way of seeing things that were Earth bound for the time. Erudite beings incarnated for the express purpose of bringing others through or from the mire to upliftment of greatness'.

Those erudite beings chose to uplift those incarnated on planets in our third-dimension universe?

Yes, you are not the only life form existences upon any planet in your solar system. Others, spirit beings, took on the persona, body, (shape?) of those inhabitants who were already enlisted upon other dominions, planets. You, those here at the time then went that way.

You pointed out there are inhabitants already existing upon other planets. My question or questions are is; why or how did other spirit beings take on the body shape of inhabitants already domiciled on a planet?

You spoke of how you seeded Earth. ' All life, existences, was transported to Earth from other places, avenues. They were not seeded here (on Earth?) or from one particular planet but were experiments from several species not of this Earth planet'.

That is the way.

You also spoke of ' The several species (space beings?) were undergoing experiments of life but did it also as 'a gift', so to say. A gift of life not capitalized on at their existences. It was to be an educational way while at the same time to bring life to the Earth and the sanctity (sanctuary?) there.' You do not say that space beings took on the persona, body of those inhabitants already here.

No, it is not the way. You are getting confused again. We are referring to form. Not invading another entity's space. It cannot be. What was required was an infusion of a different mindset way of seeing and behaving.


Other identities, souls (space beings?), went with a different way of progressing and were, in some ways, more advanced than humanity at the time, were.

Can we then see their cultures as older than Earth's?

Yes, it is the way. A long time ago in your annals, 'space beings', as you say, came 'here' with the express purpose to move you, to advance your cause, way. They created a great deal of enlightenment to the various species that were here. In being this way and doing this they took you from the mire you had become stuck in and uplifted you to seeing a better way forward.

And is this why you refer to space beings as our interplanetary brothers?

Yes, it is the way.

And you refer to us as star beings; because we came from the stars?

Yes, there is much that you are unfamiliar with. Your heritage and lineage is far greater than you perceive.

It is only now you are becoming interested in this part of your lineage and what might be.

And some spirit beings stayed as they are, without form and maybe went to other dimensions while some chose to incarnate to bring inhabitants of each planet along? Or even to start a race on some of the planets?

Yes, it is the way.

Because we, all beings, are needed to keep the wheels of progress spinning.

It can be seen to be that way.

We do have ancient records from different Earth civilizations with evidence of space beings coming to Earth to assist the then cultures progress.

Yes, it was necessary for those domiciled upon this planet that was not ready or able to make the shift themselves. It took an agreement of sorts to come here and assist them on their way.

That explains those ones who assisted the people here but were there other species from other nearby dimensions who also offered help?

No, it is not the way. They did not know of your existence and you would not be their way. The evolved spirit beings (being mentioned) are always 'here', so to say. They minister, guide all species along their way. They do so by encouragement and offering sage advice to those given to receiving the advice and help.

So, no physical help is offered and is that because, as spirit, they could not physically do so? They would not have the earth substance to create a body form.

Should they have a mind to go that way and take form it is possible for them to do so but they do not take form. To do so would emasculate those recipients to not learn how they, the beings, can fend for themselves.

We do not go that way.

And the spiritual beings continue and will continue to assist all species and forms as an emotional support?

Also with encouragement of what can be achieved if you continue on having faith in your abilities.


Do they let us see into the future in some way?

No, that cannot be the way. You decide what will be.

Because we have possibilities, probabilities and we decide?

Yes, always you must decide. it is your journey to greatness and you lead the way.

Then how are we helped by encouraging us to have faith in ourselves and our aims with any probabilities and possibilities?

It is the way that you get your mind in order and you make choices best suited to your needs at hand. You do not become emotional, unnecessarily so, and 'go off on tangents' as you say. You have a rudder to your ship of life and act as master of your vessel which brings with it untold gifts you bestow upon yourself. Your mind becomes clearer to your needs and desires and you can then, for yourself, formulate and bring in what you seek to achieve.

And this helps us to see the possibilities for our self and to bring them into form?

Always it is so. You attain your desires by projecting your thoughts along the right way and they come into being.

Not all of our thoughts come into being.

No, it is the way that those that have momentum, structure, come to the fore and they create for you your reality then.

In clarifying this in my mind I will refer to one of our other discussions. At the time you were encouraging us to extend our thinking horizons and understand how we don't go anywhere and recognize there is no empty space as we see it to be.

You stated 'You change concepts, ways of seeing things and with this change is a change of comprehension which brings about a change in energy. In other words you go another way. Your magnetization changes and you move into another 'slot of existence' shall we say'. I would appreciate more information on how to become aware and how to move into another slot of existence while still in the present one I exist in. I am assuming you are going to tell me to believe I can do it and it will happen?

That is only partly the way. By your belief you set up a 'chain reaction' so to say. You manipulate your energy field that magnetizes your desire and you achieve it this way. You change your consciousness, ways of seeing and thinking that activates your desires. Your belief, understanding, takes another turn, way, and you have extended your perceptions past this reality and into another whilst you are still abiding here.

Past our five senses way of seeing things?

Yes, to say you grow another sense sounds fanciful and illusory but it is the reality of what transpires at these times.

Is this like a sixth sense?

It is opening your inner sight more in alignment of what is available to you on this nearby, very close in your terms reality. We feel we have answered your questions for today and will leave others for another time.


Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for today.

Thank you.


Part Two

Interaction With the Grays.

Just as there are those who accept every UFO report at face value, there are also those who dismiss the idea

of alien visitation out of hand and with great passion.

It is, they say, unnecessary to examine the evidence,

and “unscientific” even to contemplate the issue.

Carl Sagan


I would like to discuss an experience from last night and get your understanding of what was happening at the time.

We can go that way.

I was asleep in bed until a loud bang sounding like something being dropped by the tenant in the apartment above woke me. With my inner vision I saw a group of several space beings we refer to as the Grays were in my room. The one closest to me appeared to be agitated and all seemed to be in a hurry. It has been some time since I have been aware of their presence. Why were they there?

Many times you issue 'a command' so to say and they comply. It is all 'okay' as you say. You are instructing them and working along their sights, the way it is to be. It is not for naught they come around for you have a link that binds you fast in this way, with this.

What sort of command would be issued and why? There is no conscious knowledge of calling them in or desiring them to be with me.

You called them in. Perhaps not as you desired in your waking state but nonetheless you called them in. You understand the terms set down by you all. Combined you get 'things done' as you say. You are working together is another way of stating the situation for your recall.

To my mind they are the ones who might have abducted me into a space craft to be examined while my physical body was asleep in bed. I didn't then and still don't want to go that way.

It is so that they did 'abduct you’ as you say but we now instruct you to understand, ask yourself why? Why would you acquiesce to another energy divine to 'spirit you away' as you say? It is as you say, 'a fait accompli'.

It is forewarned, decided before you incarnated here that you will instruct, work with these energies to the betterment of all. It is not some accident thrust upon you and you are mistaken if you think, go that way with this.

Please explain what you mean.

You have pre-planned, agreed is what we are saying. It is a fait accompli. You have initiated, agreed to work with them in this way. It is not a problem where you are not in control. Each time you have interaction 52

it is pre-planned. You initiated it each time is the way. Many of you are of accord, go this way in this endeavor.

Why? What purpose is achieved?

We are saying that you work in accord with what you chose to achieve. You set out with a purpose to gain knowledge along these lines. You work, collude with these entities for the goodness, achievement of each species.

You work, collude and gain in different ways. You are able to access much of what would be denied you where you delve

into other avenues not yet set out for you. You do not have the aptitude, the set way of achieving yet these entities are of accord to 'piggy back' you so to say and you act in kind. They learn from this as well as you are gaining the 'thrust up' so to say.

We are explaining by this that you are changing energy for other endeavors by the grace of these beings.

You, in turn, allow them to experience what they have not achieved by themselves. They can then use this information to advance themselves and like-minded others of their kind. You transpire the same way with this.

Then if we are so familiar to each other why do they make me feel uneasy?

They are not of your kind and this brings uneasiness to the physical part of you. However, the other part, the spiritual has not thought along that line. You achieve, as we said, and you go on, each to their own way with this.

These Grays seemed to be in a hurry last night and one seemed stressed. Why?

It is of accord. They were serving their purpose and it followed the right way.

What was their purpose?

They had a prearranged agreement with you. It was not a surprise. To your conscious mind may be the way but it was pre-planned. You were to go off with them and sort out conditions that previously had caused consternation. It was to be, go that way, along that line. We cannot say any other way.

It wasn't for more implants or examinations?

We do not see it being that way. What was chosen, the way to be was designated beforehand. We do not understand why you are making such a fuss.

It is not the way that they sought to be, do you harm. You have preconceived plans to set in place. It cannot be the way that they were there to 'do you in' as you say. They had no intention of harming you. It was not their way, their intention.

Then what transpired?

You were not harmed and learned a lot, much of what was previously unknown to you. It was again a win/win situation.


Would you react the same way if you saw our countenance? Would you cringe, stand back in horror because we are not of your physical kind? We are not to harm you either yet we are so different to what your countenance requires that we feel you would treat us, react the same way as you have to these entities who seek you no harm.

It is the way it is. 'Each to his own' you say but there is more afoot here with learning, gaining from other entities not of your physical kind yet still of your kind. You provide and receive a service; it is the way.

Thank you for the information today. It will be mulled over and perhaps somewhere I went or what happened will become clear to me.

We wish you well. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are finished now.

Thank you.


Further Interaction With the Grays.

Understanding a question

is half the answer.



There has been a lot of thinking done on your answers to my questions. I always thought the Grays were one of the 'bad guys' of the universe. What we refer to as being like 'guns for hire.'

No, it is not the way it is at all. Your preconceived opinion is onerous, wrong. It is not at all like that.

Well, as a child there are memories of being in a space craft and tests of some sort were carried out on me.

The Grays might have been one of those species helping the insect race as they did their tests.

No, it is not at all as you like to recall. To your mind, a child's mind it was the way. You saw and delved but not deep enough to see what was actually transpiring. You were not there, taken without consent. You went there willingly but once there when 'reality' your term set in you became afraid.

Again we say to you, you cannot have anything happen to you that you have not previously in some way instigated. That is the reality of the form.

So, whatever transpires or transpired was all pre-planned before my inception?

Yes, and carried through as accord. You don't go anywhere against your will when out of your physical frame. There is always a plan instigated even if, to your present understanding it is wrong, not as you seek to comprehend.

Then what about the implants? There are some in my energy body that are affecting my physical body. What about other human beings who also have implants? Some are in their etheric energy field. Others have had x-rays showing them embedded in different places in their physical body. Some have had them removed while others have chosen to leave them where they are.

Again, we say, they are not 'implanted' as you say, to do them harm. They are not planted there as a relay.

They are there with your consent. They are not given where you will be harmed. They are there with your grace even if, to this consciousness part, it is not the way.

But it can have an effect on this physical part?

Yes, that may be the way but it is still pre-planned, with your consent. Again, we ask you to think beyond preconceptions. If, as we state, that all that happens in your life at any time is in some way instigated by you for whatever learning characteristic can be achieved, you are the instigator. It cannot flow any other way.

Nobody else is to shoulder any concern, blame for what you instigate. It cannot be the way, where others are at your beck and call and you command them to injure you in some way.

All have their instruction, their mission they seek to achieve and they set about it in their own inimitable way. If you change your mind and add enough impetus to the thought it will change your situation, what you had pre-planned and it will go that way. It is all of accord. You instigate whatever comes your way.


Before we finish our discussion for today would like to ask: when the Grays came for me the one closest to me seemed agitated and they all seemed to be in a hurry. Was that because of the noise that woke me enough to make me conscious of their presence?

It may be the way. Many times events take place where there is the preplanning yet little evidence, knowledge is given to the earthly consciousness by this, in this way.

So, if there hadn't been the loud noise, I might have been oblivious to going somewhere with the Grays?

It is the way. We reiterate, there are no accidents and it may well be that you chose to receive the information in this way so that you could relate it here, in your missives, to let others understand that much goes on 'behind the scenes' so to say that is rewarding to them and brings them to no harm. It is how it is.

I will finish for today and read back our discussion. Thank you again for your information.

Then go in peace and peace be upon you all now and forevermore. It is done and we are gone.

Thank you.


Two Previously Unknown Species.

If you judge people,

you have no time to love them.

Mother Teresa


A reader asked about two different appearances of non-humans she has experienced. The first appearance was of a pipe-like individual who appeared after the reader admitted she had perhaps concentrated too long on a blue light on her bedside iPod player. Can you inform her on this please?

Yes, it is only the way of perception. She understood that it was more than the blue light she envisioned. It set up a condition that made it easy for her to access what is always, already ‘in her orbit' so to say. The area around her is filled with other species, entities such as this.

It was another energy species?

Yes, it is the way. There are many interpenetrating your form, reality; at present and always.

Thank you. We might come back to that. The next question asked was about another small individual seen by the reader. She said he appeared to be about three and a half feet tall and was crawling on the floor at the bottom of her bed.

The little entity had a childlike frame, 'hair' that was like an arched helmet, but rather than in one piece, it had sections similar to a cock's comb. Like the first entity this one was there for a little while then disappeared. Both of these little beings were seen in the same house. Could we have your comments please?

Yes, it is the way it is in that property and we will explain. There are many areas that are susceptible to infiltration of different kinds. If you are receptive enough, or become receptive enough, you will see all sorts of different more diverse entities than you would normally espy in other areas. It is as if the veil is thinner at these times and places and events as well as positions, entities will be present.

They are there all the time. There is no obstruction but you see them not most times and because they are not of your kind, a strangeness that can be inhibiting to you all.

So they had their own reality they exist in and for a short while it became accessible to this reality the reader was at or in?

It is the way it is. At all times it is the way. Were she able to access these dimensions on a daily basis she would find much to entertain and learn from. They have their ways, their activities, their doings that progress them on in the desired way for their growth, just as you go your way.

This woman was an observer. Could she have interacted in any other way to these entities?

It may be the way. We are not of her kind here yet she interacts with us with your knowledge, 'forecasting' so to say. She could, we suppose, achieve the same for herself if she chose to be and go that way.

To give further information to her, what would you suggest she did to achieve connection and communication with any other entities she sees and might want to learn more about and from? You said I 57

put out a call and you answered my call. Should the woman go that way if she chose to learn by interacting with one of the spirit teachers or beings?

It could flow that way. The woman would need, most times, to make a conscious effort to connect with us or with other species set out to aid humanity on their journey to completion. The belief pattern needs to be strong for the connection. Without this, interaction could not be achieved.

It is not clear to me what you mean here. I have read information from other humans who interact with unseen energies. Some of these unseen energies are human form and some not. The information says or implies that there was no previous thought about it.

No, we cannot agree, go that way. We are stating that at all times there is an interaction, a 'web' so to say, of energy that is intertwined between all who communicate in this way. It is a spiritual connection that has been instigated before this inception; that it may happen late in life or earlier on is already predetermined.

It is the way it is meant to flow and the energy is instigated, placed in the right and proper way for it to be experienced by all who are connected in this way.

Then going back to the reader, she saw but did not interact. How does this relate to what you have just explained?

She observed and saw. It was enough for her at the time. Now other thoughts come in and she wonders what is about, what was the purpose. We are stating that it was not an accident. We have explained that there is an energy grid that allows parts of this property to sometimes be available to those not of your kind to access for a short period of your energy field grid. They do not have the right earth energy covering so are only able to stay for a short while but while here they are privy to your activities.

They were aware of this reader and her surroundings?

Yes, it was the way it was. Many times there are events like this and are placed as hallucinating if even espied. No harm came and interest was achieved.

For clarity, I understand about the thinning of the veil but what about it being preordained? Is this still applicable to this and other events like this happening?

Always it is the way that the preconditioning has been put into force, play. It is the way it is that learning comes in many ways, this you are already aware of. You have pre-planned your way, what you wish to achieve. If it is not 'in your brief' as you say it is mostly not of interest to you to recall, to understand and go forth with messages and the likes. It can be changed if the interest changes and learning can be achieved by this, in this way.

There is confusion here. You have suggested that this reader could, if she chose, call in and connect with unseen spirits or species. Yet, you have also said that it has to be preordained before this inception. There seems to be a conflict here.

There is no conflict and we are remiss if you see or understand it to be that way. The interest would be attracted that would be 'the trigger' so to say for bringing in what has already been preordained to be accessed in this way, with this.

Thank you. I will stop now to read back your information.


Then we go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We go our way.

Thank you.


Relearning Earth's Requirements.

If we don't change, we don't grow.

If we don't grow,

we aren't really living.

Gail Sheehy


Sections of yesterday’s information left more questions needing answers and I would like to continue gaining those answers.

We structure our tutoring in accord. Our teaching is incomplete if you are unfamiliar with our wording or do not understand portions of our discussion. We understand your dilemma and seek to clarify some of your queries.

Thank you. The original questions I intended to ask was forgotten when the other energy being spoke.

It is the only way to get his message through at this time. Yes, he did utter words of enlightenment but we assisted; unfamiliar he is with the Earth’s doings and the structuring required.

That then poses another question: if he is one who is monitoring our earthly progress shouldn't he be familiar with what is required?

Yes, it is one and the same. However, understand; many times other activities bring the lessons undone. It has been a long time since this one has spoken in any way. He found it arduous and once again unfamiliar to his ken. It was along this way.

Are you saying having to speak in the way he did was a relearning for him?

It may be that way but we are not stating it was the way. We are stating that much was to be gained, the knowledge by utilizing the previously learned experience to gain the trust and understanding to flow between the two, you and his presence. He needed to experience again, to relearn the requirements to speak to a physical being from the planet Earth before he could impart the knowledge he sought to attain. It was for you to attain as well as he to acknowledge the ability lying unheralded within himself.

If we were not communicating with telepathy, well, somehow even I know it’s not. It’s another form of mind energy transference; possibly along the lines of telepathy. However, I don’t want to get off on another tangent about this. What I would like to know is why did I 'hear' what seemed to be strange breathing?

Surely from wherever he was speaking from did not require oxygen?

No, it was not the way. He learned to use his abilities in another form.

I don’t understand.

Then we enlighten you. His framework is different to yours and where you come from, by necessity is different to his. His structuring therefore needed modifying to accommodate the newer format required for this time of presence and communication.

But he wasn’t standing in the room with me as flesh and blood in the earthly terms. If he is in one of the closer dimensions, surely he didn’t need special requirements?


It was the unfamiliarity once again being understood; being adopted. He was on the earth plane but not at the level you require.

Is that like a portal, an opening, a doorway to beyond?

It is a level. We explain it this way. If you saw the strata laid out like ribbons of energy there would be a level, a way station level, for gathering at some stage of evolution. The ability you have obtained will decree your aptitude for attaining particular energy forms at these levels, as indeed your attaining of the different strata.

So, as I understand what is being explained; this entity was able to access the level required for us to interact but because of disuse was now unfamiliar with the energy there and needed to remember what was required.

I have a vague stirring in my mind that we have had similar discussions on this topic years ago.

It is the way. You have the knowledge already but like your communicating partner have forgotten the needs.

It is to be relearned.

I will finish now and read back your information.

Then we leave you now. Peace and blessings to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.



Keep your eyes on the stars

and your feet on the ground.

Theodore Roosevelt


You have mentioned that our way of communication is antiquated. Well, you didn't exactly say it that way but I gathered that was what you meant. I can understand you would think along those lines because we even have trouble communicating with some of our third- dimensional counterparts, especially other nationalities.

As an example, if we don't have similar frames of reference for understanding, speech is little more than just making sounds.

That is the way it is. However, it has served you well in the past and even if you did need some sort of reference, it was oft times worked out without language; just what was required at any given time. Now though, times have changed and with the change you must also go another way. A way that is more constructive to the 'new you', the one that is appearing more and more each time you look.

How will this new way come about and what will it consist of? Will it be something like we have now, where speech is made by vibrating sound waves? Will it be telepathy?

No, we don't see it along that way. We are feeling more of a conditioning of sorts, where you acknowledge much of what you are capable of achieving with communication and this will open up receptacles in your brain. Your consciousness will then take you further along the way you can next rekindle(?) what is desired for you.

As what you are explaining is not clear to me. Would you mind enlarging on what you are saying?

Yes, along the lines of communication where you rekindle what you already know on how to advance your knowledge and relate to others of your kind and also to others not of your kind, but still able to let you see they understand what it is you have to communicate to them. It will advance you along another way, another line of understanding where you will connect with more than what you are capable of receiving and understanding at present.

Also with the primitive gone will come a realization that you are not alone in the universe and others also inhabit your space. This is then going to open up vaster horizons for you, for your understanding will increase and those things that appeared to happen to others but not to you or were seen by you to be, as you say, 'pie in the sky' will start to materialize into form for your perusal and way.

It will not be a fell swoop that it happens this way, for to do so would be harmful to your countenance, but it is more the 'softly, softly' approach where little by little you will see the changes about. Others will speak of the 'strangeness' for that is what it will appear at first. Then, as more and more become aware of what is transpiring, it cannot be denied. This is how it will be but for some more astute spirits abiding in flesh, they will understand far sooner than the modern man and beast.

We understand that you balk at our wording when we said 'beast' but do you think for a moment that you are the only species that is undergoing change? Do you think that your brothers and sisters not of your kind but also inhabiting this vast earth plane existence would be left out of the change?


No, it cannot be and will never be. All and we state this again, all make their way to enlightenment along the way.

What will be the way?

As there are now, there will be many ways this is achieved but we are stating that communication that you have now, verbal, voice to voice communication will cease to be for it will no longer exist as a necessity.

The beasts of the field will also go through a metamorphosis for this change affects all.

Will this change in communication be to telepathy?

No, we do not see it that way so do not give credence to it in that form. It will be a more subtle blending of energies where you are able to render the other energy’s thought forms clear to you and they will be able to comprehend, understand yours. It will be instantaneous so no vocalization, no telepathy is required.

Presently we have different nations with different languages; will there be any difficulty understanding other nationalities?

No. Why would that be the way? You will see their energy patterns surrounding them and understand straight away what is desired, what is about. You will know instantly and there will be no subterfuge, no deceit for it is all there on show for each to see.

Is that the way you communicate now? I know you have to use the more primitive telepathy when you communicate with earth beings, well, me anyway, but what about with yourselves? How is that achieved?

We go another way divine. We do not reside here, upon your earth plane frame and our way, needs are different to what you hear and see at present. When the change, the upward swing of communication change comes about and is upon you all, we will still not be that way.

For us to explain what is about for us would not serve any purpose for we feel that it is beyond what you can comprehend at present and would not be any way to your advancement, advantage. Sufficient to say, that we are going along a different path to the one you have chosen and our way, by needs, takes a different slant.

Before you go, I would like a little more information about the 'beasts of the field', as you called them. You said they will also be changing their way of communication; how will they change?

At present they have an advantage over many of you for they go by their intuition that is already cultivated.

They understand more of what is about than you give them credit for. With this, in this way, they will desire more, to be able to tackle what is about, ahead for them also.

They are more astute than you see or are prepared to acknowledge. They know more of the nature's way than you do and are already preparing for a change to come about. Again, for them, it will not be 'here one day and gone the next' with their present form of understanding and communication. They also have to undergo a transitional period but they know something is 'in the wind' as you say.

Will you see a change come over, is upon them? No, not with your domestic beasts of burden but you are starting to see changes coming about with communications between more of the nature animals; those who are freer to be and to do; to act as was meant to be.


I agree that we are starting to see it more and more and the phenomenon is being studied as to the reasons why. We are learning about species, some on a mainland and others on islands without any opportunity of communication or interaction learning the same, or similar, by developing new skills pretty well at the same time.

It is the way it is, changing energy sways. You will see this increase over times and it is meant to be the way.

You mentioned that more astute people would know something was changing. How would they know?

They would see firstly that others were not communicating quite as they had before. They would also see that others understood or knew of events, words before they were uttered.

It won't be telepathy. It may be misconstrued as telepathy but it won't be that way. It will be more of an intuition as this also goes through a change where events, preconceived ideas will come to the fore without any prior indication or knowledge.

It will be tuning into 'the grid' so to say; where more that is around will be available for your comprehension, your understanding. This will be the first inkling that something is 'in the wind' as you say.

More and more people, of all persuasions, nationalities, will undergo this change at the same or similar times. Much of what is about now is misconstrued and misunderstandings abound. This way, this

'premonition', shall we say, will bring about a clarity that is not there now and has not been seen before.

You advance yourselves and, in this advancement, comes many changes; not only in communication but many changes will take place that alters the very fabric of your third dimensional being. No static, no changes without finding out more about yourself and your needs, desires, within this earth frame existence.

It will open up vistas, more avenues for you to investigate and so it will be a changing of all that is now known to you.

Anticipation will take place within your thoughts, your mind, your very existence here. You will start to long for, to desire for more change and this will bring about what you desire. It is all there for you with this new sweep of energy persuasion and what you can achieve because of it.

Much that you will achieve has been lost to you for too long. Now it is time for you to claim what is yours, what always was meant to be yours but took another path to your destiny. This other path changed then the fabric of your existence and made unattainable to you much of what was about.

The path will come to you now because of this energy change. Communication is but one of the advancements you will undergo.

We feel we have answered your questions for today and have given you something to ponder on, about. We will draw the line here and finish for today. That is all. Be in peace and blessings, now and forevermore.

Thank you.



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