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One day I was praying and asking God for a mountain because of this great desire in me to be relevant to my generation and to serve it. Do you know of the testimony of David, and how he served his generation as we read in Acts 13:36 that says,

For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was

laid with his fathers and saw corruption

You see, I had seen the kind of exploits that men and women of God were doing, and I know what some did during their times, and I knew from where I stood, I was not notably profitable to my generation. So, there I was, crying to God to use me and to help me accomplish His purposes in my generation. The answer did not come immediately but I kept pressing in prayer and crying out to God in my heart, then boom! The answer came, and this book is the result of the answer I got from God.

You see, the generation that we have is one that is thriving on the broken moral fabrics of society. There is plenty of perversions associated with sexual behaviors, gender identities, and sexual orientation, and this disturbs the heart of God. It disturbs His heart so much because He knows that the devil has managed to hold this generation captive by tying them down with


chains of this nature. In this book, I will narrow down my focus on sexual orientation and gender identity perversion.

We all know that the devil is the master of the realm of senses; the five senses. In other words, he thrives in exercising dominion over man by engaging his five senses. He knows that when he successfully seduces the flesh, he will get access to the spirit effortlessly. He knows that when a man is born again, He becomes the temple of the living God because the Holy Spirit will come to dwell in Him. With this knowledge, He moves with speed to ensure that this man becomes a

“den of thieves”, and we know who the chief thief is; the devil. He moves man to sin against his body so that he can be unfit to host God, thereby, giving the devil legal grounds to enter it and make it his house. If he does not enter, he keeps you under his influence and dominion, consequently corrupting your spirit and even your body.

Once the spirit is corrupted, he gains easy access to your life and he can use you how he wants.

Now, in the place of prayer and meditation concerning this matter, I came to understand that we are not dealing with a group of people who do not want to live and function as God intended by their will, but rather, we are dealing with a group of people that have been successfully seduced out of the will and purpose of God by demons and wicked powers. In the extreme end, some cases are possessions by these evil spirits. The devil manipulates them to think it is by their will, but in truth, they have yielded their will to the devil, and so, he is controlling them, their desires, and their bodies. My people, there is so much more beyond the people and their supposed desire to express or alter themselves how they want, and contrary to who God made them. This mountain that God gave to me is an occupied mountain. The


occupants are the cohorts of hell who refuse to let the light of God and His love penetrate the people they hold captive. These spirits are working tirelessly to ensure that the name of Jesus is not lifted up high on top of this mountain, but God is above all powers and spirits.

This is how you know we are dealing with wicked spirits. Typically, God created man in such a way that he is able to turn away from evil and start doing good and living right once correction by the knowledge of the truth comes into the picture. For instance, if you give birth to a child and they create a habit of stealing other people’s things, once you correct that behavior and you show them the right way to go, they will stop stealing. That is the normal way to go when dealing with typical behavioral issues and even wrong thought patterns. The moment a person keeps insisting on the wrong and embraces it, and goes as far as boldly identifying themselves with that behavior, forcing the world to equally embrace it, and the world actually does, you know that you are not just dealing with people but spirits and powers. Right now, we are dealing with a generation that will tell you to your face that they do not care about what God says or thinks concerning their contrary lifestyles, unnatural sexual orientation, and gender identities. They are not slightly bothered about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The few that acknowledge and appreciate God have found a way to manipulate the scriptures to defend themselves and misrepresent some things about God.

The Lord God is interested in this generation because His love is still as perfect and sure as it has been from generation to generation. He is not willing that any man should perish for whatsoever reason. He loves human beings so much and has the greatest capacity to separate the person from their sinful acts; to love the person and to hate sin. But as long as man


continually gives himself over and over again to a sinful life, and proudly associates with it, he cannot be one with God. God will give them up to their lust as He says in Romans 1:24.

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to

dishonor their own bodies between themselves:

And guess what? The devil and his cohorts of hell will not easily give up the men and women they hold captive. You see, the devil has found the easiest way to keep humans in that fallen state; he has introduced things that quicken the flesh in ways that no other sinful acts have ever done. When the flesh is extremely alive and satisfied, it will be so hard to get to the spirit of a person; the very entity that was designed by God to receive Him and His word.

But thanks be unto God Almighty because He is raising a people that will stand effectively in the gap for those caught up in the deceit of the devil concerning their sexual orientation and gender identities. A people that will fight for their souls without condemnation until they give up their desires for God's desires. It does not matter how far one has gone because God has the power to redeem the lives of men from the hold of the devil and make all things new. This is one of the aims of this book; for men and women to arise as watchmen over these souls that the devil is trying so hard to doom. We need to arise with boldness to stand and say that anything outside natural affections and the male and female gender identification at the point of birth is a perversion from God’s truth. We need to arise with the courage to keep contending for these souls until truth prevails over them so that they may hear and understand, see and perceive, and be converted. We need to arise with so much love; the love of God that can


separate the man from the sinful acts. A love that will shine forth so brightly yet, remain standing without compromising its values.